If you’re looking for ways to make your ex miss you, it probably means that you ultimately want to get back together with him.
Sounds simple, right? That if you can figure out how to make him miss you after a breakup, the feeling alone would be strong enough to make him want to get back together with you.
Unfortunately, the reality of the situation is that it’s going to take a lot more than just learning how to make an ex miss you. If you really want to learn how to make your ex want you back and keep him for good, it takes more than just him feeling sad you’re not together anymore.
Now, I don’t want you to take what I’m saying the wrong way — making your ex miss you is a crucial first step towards learning how to make your ex want you back quickly.
In this article, I’m going to show you not only how to make your ex think about you, but exactly how to make an ex want you back, win you back, and keep him for good.
Think of it like a formula. In order to get the best results possible, you have to do the entire formula, not just parts.
If you only tried make your ex boyfriend miss you and nothing else, chances are you wouldn’t end up getting back together with him.
I’ve always been extremely skeptical of anything that doesn’t have scientific evidence or proof to back it. As a dating and relationship coach, I help a lot of women win their exes back by keeping up to date on newly published psychological studies that support methods of what does and does not work. In simpler terms: I don’t like leaving things up to chance.
Take The Quiz: Can You Get Your Ex Back Or Is He Gone Forever?
Leaving things up to chance means that you are hoping something will happen because you have no tangible evidence to give you confidence in the outcome. Leaving things up to chance means that you are relying on faith and faith alone.
Well, that’s not how I do things. All of my recommendations come from tested, proven, clinical and effective strategies that not only win your ex back, but let you keep him for good.
I wouldn’t feel right giving you information that is not scientifically proven or backed by a load of clinical evidence. I never give advice based on theories without feeling confident that it’ll work for you. That is why I am so intrigued by all the scientific literature related to reconciliation with an ex.
From all of my comparative research, I’ve noticed some common key patterns of successfully getting your ex back…
… all of which I’m going to share with you right now: not only how to get your ex to miss you, but exactly how to make your ex want you back so bad that he’ll never want to leave you again.
In fact…
You’re Starting Out Way Ahead Of The Game
What do I mean by that? I mean you’ve got a huge advantage already, and you might not even know it.
And shockingly enough, it’s very related to going through withdrawal.
What does drug withdrawal have to do with a breakup? Mentally, breakups are actually very similar to how it feels when you quit a drug an enter a withdrawal period. Drugs stimulate the pleasure center of the brain, which increases dopamine levels and contributes to general feelings of euphoria.
When you quit the drug, however, you feel a profound low. You might feel lethargic, like you have no energy and no real spring in your step. When you see your ex, look at pictures of him, are driving, or hear a song on the radio, you might end up uncontrollably crying in a ball of tears.
A general sense of sadness might make your whole body hurt when you even think of the breakup. Anything that reminds you of him will inevitably bring this sadness to the surface, and might even inspire even regret.
Chemically, you’re having the opposite reactionto the initial euphoria you experienced while in the relationship.
As I hope you are starting to see, loveis actually like an addiction
and mimics addiction patterns — a scientific theory that’s been floating around for a while.
But there are plenty of more where that came from.
Here’s another:
There Is A 90% Chance That Your Boyfriend Already Misses You
How could I be so sure of that? More on how to make your ex miss you without talking to him in a second.
First, I want to talk about something that a lot of women worry about after a breakup: that they are obsessing over the relationship too much. They worry that they’ve somehow crossed an invisible boundary and are abnormally sad about the end of the relationship. I often hear things like, “How can I try to make my ex miss me when I am this devastated?” or “I miss my ex boyfriend and want him back, but feel too much of a wreck to try.”
The truth? None of this is even remotely abnormal. In fact, it’s extremely common to feel very sad, and to fixate on the breakup after a relationship. The vast majority of people go through it.
Which means what, exactly? That your ex is almost certainly thinking about you! That’s the beauty of understanding universal human reactions to a breakup. It can give you insight into the same process he is going through. So, does your ex miss you already? If you miss him, he probably misses you too!
That being said, we don’t always know exactlywhat he is thinking. They could be good things, bad things, or both.
But either way, the fact of the matter is that he is thinking about you. If he’s thinking about you, it’s possible (and even likely) that he is even missing you.
Another point I need to stress: Is it possible to make my ex miss me if he’s in a new relationship? Well, missing thinking about your ex doesn’t magically stop overnight, even if someone enters a new relationship. Let’s reverse the scenario: let’s say you’ve found yourself a new man or rebound. Does this mean you don’t ever miss or think about your ex boyfriend? No. So, if you ever doubt how to make an ex think about you, try reversing the scenario. The same goes for him (especially if it’s a rebound relationship).
Now, let’s get back to that 90% chance of your ex already missing you I talked about earlier. How can I make that claim?
Easy: with scientific studies and cold-hard facts.
Have you ever stalked your ex’s Instagram or Facebook trying to find out whether or not he has a new girlfriend, what she looks like, or what he is generally up to? Have you ever done this with an overwhelming sense of panic mixed with inexplicable curiosity? Do you almost always end up getting more upset and frustrated by the end of your spying?
Even in my own life, I can admit that I’ve done this. I recall how I acted after a bad breakup with a girl I truly loved. I’d check her social media constantly, trying to figure out how she was doing. Why? I wanted to know what was going on with her.
You and I are not alone. In fact, one study (1) showed that 90% of people had admitted to spying on their exes through social media. What exactly does this have to do with learning how to get an ex to miss you?
Well… it means there’s a 90% chance that your ex-boyfriend is going to be secretly checking your social media, and missing you more and more each visit.

The point is…
You’ve Got A Huge Advantage Already
Even if you are broken up, in all likelihood (based on science) your ex probably still has you on his mind… often. Think about your history with other men: do exes miss you usually?
And if your ex has you on his mind often… you can use this to get an advantage, correct?
You bet. This is what is going to put you in the position of power when it comes to making your ex miss you. Because he already has you on his mind, this puts you in an excellent position where it’s not going to even be too difficult to get him to desperately miss you.
So wait… are you telling me that the answer of how to get my ex to miss me is super simple and easy? That if I want my ex to miss me then he’ll miss me, right?
Uh, well… no, not exactly.
There are many things you need to do in order to accomplish this.
But here is the main point I am trying to get across.
At the moment, your ex has you on his mind way too often. So let’s take this baseline and think about what would happen if you add an expert’s advice on top of this. Learning how to make your ex boyfriend miss you should be super easy, right?
Before we get to that and I explain the formula for making him miss you I have to give you a key understanding so that you maximize your shot of success.
The Most Important Thing That Makes or Breaks Whether Your Ex Misses You
What determines whether or not your ex-boyfriend misses you?
The nature of the time you spent with him is going to play a huge role in whether or not he wants to get back together with you. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I am not going to lie to you because I want you to truly know what’s going on (rather than give you false hope).
If the nature of the time you spent with him during your relationship was miserable and unhappy, the chances of him wanting to get back together with you are lower. On the flip side, if you had an amazing relationship, it’s more likely that he does want to get back together.
Who Broke Up With Who?
This is another huge factor when trying to assess whether he will want to get back together. This is another point I want to make before getting into the actual “formula” of how to get your ex boyfriend to miss you in order to win him back.
If youbroke up with him your shot of getting him back is higher than if he broke up with you. Why? Because people inherently want what they can’t have. If he had you and you ended the relationship, he will be left wanting more.
In particular, if you broke up with him and it was something he 100% did not want to happen… you are going to definitely have an advantage in this situation. He is going to feel like he was powerless over losing you and will want to get back together with you. It is human instinct. If something we like is taken away from us, we want it back.

Kind of like if you are on diet: you feel deprived of something you loveand enjoy. If you are staring at a piece of cake and know you can’t have it, you want it more than if you can freely eat all the cake you want. It’s an even stronger force when you’ve broken up with someone who wants to stay together with you… because the lack of cake is a self-imposed restriction, whereas someone breaking up with you when you do not want them to is not self-imposed. So if you broke up with him and he did not want you to… this is an advantage.
That is, unless he was unfaithful, betrayed you and this caused you to break up with him. If he cheated on you (or if you cheated on him) it means the relationship wasn’t headed in a good direction. Cheating means there were fundamental problems in the relationship and the quality of time you spent together probably wasn’t that great.
But even still, this plan can work. So pay attention to the formula which answers the big question: How can you make your ex come back to you? Well, it’s simple: with these four phases.
Watch The Video: Exactly How To Make Your Ex Miss You After A Breakup (Do This Now!)
How To Make Your Ex-Boyfriend Miss You
- Phase 1: Do Not Contact Him
- Phase 2: Work On Becoming Your Best Self
- Phase 3: Create Envy By Being Open To Other Men
- Phase 4: Let Him Miss You And Come Back To You
Phase 1: Don’t Contact Him
This is essential. Do you want to know what to text your ex boyfriend when you miss him and are trying to win him back? Absolutely nothing. If you are constantly texting your text, telling him how much you miss him and how much you love him… this will backfire. If you’re trying to make him miss you after a breakup, there is absolutely nothing worse than persistently trying to talk to him.
Think about it. The negative feelings and emotions at the end of a relationship overwhelm everything else, forcing the couple to break up. If you don’t give talking to each other a break after a relationship ends, then you both are constantly reminded of those ‘end of the relationship’ negative feelings and emotions.
You have to give him a chance to forget the trauma and negativity of the end of the relationship before you talk to him again, or all he’ll be able to think about is how bad he felt at the end of the relationship (and then attach all those bad feelings to you).
It’s hard to miss someone who is constantly in your face, trying to contact you. Give him room to miss you. Truly. This is so important. Without this phase, nothing will work.
You must give him room to miss you. If you are not making yourself actively available to him, he will start to want what he cannot have. People want what is out of their reach. In this case, silence is one of the best things to say to make your ex miss you and want to get back together.
I know “no contact” can be hard, especially if you have the instinct to call or text your ex. Think about the alternative: texting him that you miss him, only for him to not respond back. Leaving space for his imagination (i.e. not texting him in the first place) is exactly how to get your ex to text you first. I understand how hard it can be to control yourself when you are in an emotional state and you miss him a lot and just want to reach out. But trust me, following “no contact” is worth the benefits you will get in the long run (making it possible to get back together with him). It is absolutely essential to stop contacting him and never, ever plead with him to get back together.
If you have already done this up to this point, it’s not the best situation, but it can be fixed if you stop right now and follow this formula, which leads me to the next phase…

Phase 2: Become Your Best Self
This has subcategories with it, so let’s get started.
Make Fitness a Top Priority
Now, I want to make this very clear: I am not saying you must be a certain weight or go out of your way to be a certain way to fit some societal idea of what is right. I am not saying this. I am simply being honest about how men are going to be the most attracted to you when you are in the best shape for you. I am talking about doing the best with your unique body shape that you can. healthy is hot. Again, healthy not emaciated or unhealthy. Try to invest time in what you eat and add some light working out to your routine. You will feel and look your best.
Invest in Some New Makeup
You might as well do this in order to feel better about yourself. Go and buy a new lipstick, eyeliner or something that makes you feel sexy and attractive. It’s all about how you feel about yourself. If you take extra care in applying your makeup, you will go out and feel better. That’s what it’s all about. How do you make your ex miss you after a breakup? By both looking and feeling like your best self.
Take Care of Yourself
In general, make yourself a priority. Take care of your health, your general well-being and make sure you take the time to do this as well.
Have Fun
Are there female friends you have lost touch with? Re-unite! Go out, meet new people and be yourself. Let go of any sadness you have and distract yourself with true fun. Learn how to laugh again, to have a good time and be in the company of others who you can truly be yourself with.
Social Media Image
Putting your best foot forward includes social media. Remember we discussed how most people do stalk their exes on social media? You can use this silent stalking as an excellent way to make him yearn for you. Put up some amazingly flattering pictures looking happy and delighted with life. There are two parts to the social media part.
Step 1) Men are visual creatures. Remember how looking your best is part of this phase? Well, it spills over to this part. Post a hot picture. Do not have a profile picture of your dog or a picture of the beach. Simply post an attractive picture to make him realize what he is missing.
Step 2) Post a picture of you having a good time. Instead of him getting the comfort of knowing you are depressed without him in your life, show him you are still out and enjoying life without him needing to be in it. As I have mentioned many times in many articles, men are attracted to happy women. Not only that, he will want you more because he is going to be slightly upset at how un-upset you are. This is human instinct. He is going to want you to miss him, which will in turn make him start to miss you. Remember how having fun is part of this phase? Post a good picture of it!

Phase 3: Other Men (Create Envy)
This is an extremely risky one that I do not think is always a good idea. If you were with an extremely possessive, emotional man who would be disgusted at seeing you with another man… do not do this. This can either work very well or completely backfire and make him never want to get back together with you.
So proceed with caution and if you do decide to do this, only do it in small doses do not go overboard because I guarantee you it will backfire. I am not saying to go crazy and intentionally try to make him jealous by flirting with everyone and plastering it on social media.
What I am saying is do some things here and there that hint that you are being pursued by other men. Whether it is on Facebook or Instagram, posting a status update that shows you hanging out with another man… what is most important here is that you realize you do have options. Maybe do some casual flirting with men you meet.
This will help you see that you do not have to be so hung up on your ex only. Now, you might meet other men and realize you only want your ex back but you also might meet other men and realize there is a whole world out there full of new people to meet. This will help your vibe when you interact with your ex in the future.
He will feel that you are a woman who has choice. If you’re ever in do In fact, you do not even have to flaunt meeting new men at all. The best option is to simply do things you want and have fun, which will give you the confidence of having a choice. When he feels this vibe, he will not want to lose you to another man and instinctively want to have you back.
Questions & Answers
How to make your ex miss you over text?
It sounds like a contradiction, but the No Contact Rule (i.e. no calling, contacting, or texting point blank) is how to make your ex miss you through text. The No Contact Rule gives you the best chance of winning him back and keeping him. It lets his run wild imagination and doubt whether or not he made the right decision. It also puts you in a position of power and activates fear that he might have lost you forever.
How to make your ex boyfriend regret breaking up with you?
Break off contact. Work on self-improvement (physically and emotionally). Instigate jealousy or envy by opening yourself up to the possibility of other men. Most important: give him the time and space to let him miss you.
How to make your ex boyfriend miss you when he has a new girlfriend?
Following the No Contact Rule. Your ex has let his imagination run wild about what you could be doing to the point where he is totally preoccupied with you. Even if he’s in a rebound relationship, this is where the bubble might burst for him and he sees this new person as something that’s unrealistic (and potentially a nuisance). If curiosity has built up in your ex’s head, he’ll start to wonder if you might be with another person. Jealousy may come up.
How to make your ex want you?
I hate to harp on this, but it’s really just so effective: the No Contact Rule. Keeping about a 3-8 weeks of complete distance (no calls, no texts, no exchanges) gives both parties enough space to be objective without losing sentimental value on the relationship. What would the point be of breaking up, only to be inundated with a barrage of calls and texts asking to get back together? As hard as it is, try to think back on the time when you and your ex first started dating. So much magic and excitement came from what was unknown about each other. And also, it’s important to remember that the no contact rule is about what you do with yourself in those 4 weeks, about taking space to improve yourself and give much needed clarity and perspective.
How to make your ex fall in love with you again?
Worst-case scenario, let’s say your ex doesn’t reach out to you or refuses to talk to you. Even then, that’s still a sign he could love you because your silence has driven him to an extreme. Hate isn’t the opposite of love, but indifference is. There’s no way to make your ex fall in love with you again, but if you follow the formula in its 4 phases, you’ll have the best chance at the best possible outcome.
How to make your ex jealous?
Men really are simple creatures either motivated by sex, independent thinking, or jealousy, so I’m sure you can only imagine how effective incorporating all three into the formula can be. How to make my ex boyfriend miss me? Just give him space. How to make my ex boyfriend miss me badly? Start looking good, feeling good, and flirting with other men! How do I make my ex miss me? I flirt with other women. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t do what a man would do in this case. Get out there and let the world see you!
Phase 4: Let Him Miss You And Come Back To You
This is the simplest phase of all, but one of the hardest to do correctly.
If you’ve completed phase 1, you know that you shouldn’t be contacting him in order to concentrate on getting yourself into the best headspace and mindset that you can be in.
Also, you’re giving both you and your ex space to let the negativity of the breakup fade. That way, he remembers how good you were together without those memories being tainted by the end of the relationship.
This phase is crucial. You need to put everything that you’ve gained from the first three phases of this plan together and let him come back to you.
Once you’ve put phases 1 through 3 into action, you should be feeling a little better, working on yourself, and also having other options in your dating life.
When all that comes together, it can be tempting to reach out and contact him. After all, you’re feeling really good, so you should reach out to him, right?
While it’s good that you’re feeling better and in a better headspace, in the end it will be much more powerful if you let him reach out to you first.
If he does it, at least then it’s his idea instead of yours. It will feel to him like he’s pursuing you and trying to win you back. If you reach out to him, it might make him feel like you’re trying to manipulate him into a relationship. I know you’re probably thinking: “I don’t know how to make my ex miss me when I’m not there to see whether or not it’s working!” Which brings me to my next point …

Phase 4 is simple: sit tight, keep working on yourself, keep pursuing other options in your dating life, and let him miss you and come back to you.
Now, I want to leave you with something to think about…
How to Tell If He Misses You
- Does he randomly text you out of the blue to ask you how you are doing?
- Does he send you messages on social media and talk about nothing?
- Does he call you when he is drunk?
- Does he tell you he is thinking about you?
- Does he seem to show up at places you are at?
- Does he still talk to anyone you are close to?
If you have any questions or concerns, please write me a comment below and I would love to answer it! And please do let me know your success stories because there is nothing I love more than hearing success stories.
I hope that now you know how to make your ex miss you after your breakup. One important thing is that him missing you is just one piece of the puzzle, if you want him back and you want him to stay with you forever then you need to make him see you as “the one” – the woman he couldn’t live without. To do that you need this secret formula to get your ex back in your arms for good, so don’t wait or you might miss your chance forever: Do You Want Your Ex Back? Use This To Get Them Back…
Want to find out if you can get your ex back? Click here to take our quick (and shockingly accurate) “Can You Get Your Ex Back” Quiz right now and find out if you can ever get him back or if he’s gone for good…
Your impulse control is way down after a breakup, which can cause you to do things that sabotage your chances of getting what you truly want, which is to get your ex back. You may act crazy or needy or desperate, and this may make him feel even more sure he doesn’t want to get back together. This is not what we want here. Above all else, the no contact period is for you. It’s about giving you the space to get yourself together and to sort through your feelings. It’s about giving you a chance to get strong again on your own. About learning what you’re made of and rediscovering parts of yourself that may have gotten lost as the relationship was unraveling.
So I need to know what to do in this specific situation. My boyfriend of over a year broke up with me last week out of the blue. He told me that he loved me more than anything but the distance (we live over an hour apart) the kids we both have sick children and he is astranged from one of his and the fact that he needed to figure out who he was that he knew it just wasn’t going to work out. We had plans of getting married and building a life together. He has froze me out stopped following social media and while he hasn’t blocked my phone he won’t reply to texts either. How do I get a man back who clearly needs time to get himself together and who doesn’t follow my social media? Our relationship was great we never fought always talked thru everything he even said That he was happy with us just not the situation. Said maybe one day if our paths crossed again who knows. But for now he’s pushing me as far away as possible and I don’t think he’ll reach out to me. I have texted him twice which I will cease but I just don’t feel he will ever reach out. Please help
I was with my ex for 4 1/2 years. This was both of our first real long term relationships. We had a great connection, always laughing and communicating with each other on a daily basis. We had a lot of the same interests and never really argued, a few niggles here and there but nothing major. We always called each other soulmates and said we’d be lost without each other. We had plans of moving in together in the future.
At the time I got together with my ex a traumatic event happened in my life which I still to this day feel like I haven’t dealt with properly which I am beginning to work through now. My ex stuck with me through that, making the effort to make me happy everyday and I appreciate him for that. I know this event changed me in a way where I would lash out at him over the slightest things, not at the start of the relationship but more so up until a year ago I would let the little things bother me. I see that now.
Two weeks to the day is when we split. I had called him up to see how he was doing and to check if he’d still be coming over for the night and the next thing it seemed like he was trying to cause an argument and stated over the phone he did not want to be in a relationship anymore and that he thinks it’s all started going downhill. He kept asking me what I thought about him saying we should end it and I just didn’t really know what to say as I did not take it seriously at first, it’s the first I’ve heard him mention anything like this. His reasons for wanting to split were that he could not deal with the way I act anymore, he doesn’t want to feel closed in and he doesn’t want to deal with all the things that come with a relationship. He said he remembers how it used to be, I’m assuming he means not being in a relationship and living the single life. He has told me he has had enough and he has made his decision, it’s not going to change. He also said he has been thinking about this for 2 – 3 months. I told him that I wish he communicated how he felt as we wouldn’t be in this situation now.
I admit I text and called him a few days following the break up to try and meet up so we could talk properly, to which he has refused and told me we both just have to ‘accept it’ and then he just ignored my follow up messages. I left it a week to give him some space and contacted once again to see if he would be willing to talk and he ignored me again so I haven’t contacted since and I don’t plan to.
It’s just a lot of years and effort to throw away. He told me he loved me and cares for me and things are good when we’re okay but he just doesn’t want any of it anymore.
He recently got back in contact with his old friends who he hasn’t bothered with for a while and I see that he has made various social media accounts to get back in contact with other people. Whether this is all him feeling trapped from being in a relationship for so long and just wanting to get some space I don’t know. But I just feel like he doesn’t plan on contacting me ever again after all the years we shared together.
My boyfriend broke up with me after sending him a message that made him jealous and angry. We dated for two years and it was long distance. He blocked me on social media and every other way I could contact him. I used the no contact rule for a year and finally contacted him. It worked like magic, he called me and opened up to me why he got angry and blocked me. We decided to meet and talk and he told me he still loves me but he doesn’t want to be in any relationship right now cos he feels I wasn’t honest with him. He randomly texts me and still calls me dear, I’m confused and anytime I decide to forget about him he calls or texts me. It seems he always wants to know what’s going on in my life. I sent him a message telling him I love him after the no contact and texted back that he loves me too
My ex broke up with me 2 weeks ago tonight and I think he misses me he keeps phoning me up drunk and texting me out the blue asking how I am doing but I think he’s scared to tell me I know deep down he still cares and loves me what do I do?
I can’t even write this down without feeling a stab in my heart.
It was Tuesday night, two days ago, and I did not stop crying and begging since. Well, I have stopped talking now, 3 hours, it doesn’t seem like much but it is a small step for me.
It was a long-distance relationship, for 15 months, We met eachoter online 8 years ago, but started to date 15 months ago, when he came to meet me to my country. Our relationship, also during those 8 years, was a bit complicated, but overall, I completely fell in love with him, I have always been attached to him, but now, it is love, because I still love him, madly. He also said I was the love of his life, this was few days ago, we were together at his place too, and some days were bad due to arguments, but others (majority) felt amazing. We had an argument on Sunday, and since then, everything went down, till the point he tells me on Tuesday it is over, he cannot do this anymore, he feels trapped and overwhelmed, and that his feelings have changed, he doesn’t feel anything. All this was over text, he declined all my calls, and my attempts to create warmness were just pathetic and useless. I begged, cried non stop almost, wrote long texts and thought and thought about him also non stop. It was only 4 hours ago when he finally accepted to phone with me after I begged him, because if we would not meet ever again, he could give me that at least. Just to confirm what I was refusing to face: he doesn’t want this anymore. He was a stone, stoic, and cold. I cried, a lot. Begged, explained, promised… it was all useless We hung up and I didnt text him since, he neither. But he stills watches my stories on Instagram, even though he is not following me, and he created his account just to follow me when we started to date (he is not a social media guy). This confuses me a lot. But I don’t want to hold on anything. I want the pain to go away, and I KNOW it is going to be a hell till I feel good again. He said I was his weakness, as he is mine, and for 7 years, we could not cut contact, at some point we came back to chat or to Skype, even thoug we were in other relationships already. Of course Id love to get him back, but I don’t know till what point the No Contact will help me, because when someone doesnt want to be with you, it doesnt matter what you do. What a horrible thing; love.
Hey my ex broke up with me with a decision that she wants to stay friends as what we gained in 2 years was really precious. 3 days after breakup she texts me about how she is dating someone else and tells me that she misses me and it will be really good for her if I understand these facts. I respect and appreciated everything and let her move on. Since then it has been 8 days and she has call me once about how she misses me but is really happy with someone rn. Other than that we are in no contact zone and i have been busy with my friends going trips and having fun. I am worried that our ego has came in between as she has not contacted me for so long nor me. I miss her bad but i know i have to let everything go but i wish she could understand that we can work on our relationship and not just give up.
Great article. I’m dealing with some of these issues as well
What about if we go to school together? Should I put in extra effort to looking good? Is it okay to wish him luck if I know he has a competition? Or should I completely shut it?
It was for you, since you didn’t reply back, he felt like you didn’t miss him, and so it caused him embarrassment.
If my ex is not contacting me via text or calling, but is liking my posts on Instagram, does that mean he’s missing me and that no-contact is working?
Hello, me and my ex have been dating 2 years and we broke up on January 2. We had the no talking thing and he came back to to texting me. We still sleep together and hang out during entire weekends. When we see each other, he hugs me, wants me to hold his hand/arm in public, cuddles me and says I’m pretty and that he misses me and does think about me often. How I’m going and how I’m feeling. Now he’s talking to a new girl from work and he’s talking with her hours on end at times. She’s his type and it’s so hard to see. I still love him and the way he’s acting around me is hard and confusing. He seems so confused. That was an issue when we were about to break up ( in December). He said he was confused and didn’t know what he wanted. He still seems to be confused. I don’t know what to do anymore.
I recently broke up with my partner of 5 years. We have our ups and downs, sometimes we are fine but most of the time we argue about the smallest things. We were very comfortable with each other, i wouldn’t say our relationship was the most exciting, however he was very good to me. He would put me first and every time we argued, he would come back to me first. This time however, we argued again and I tried to resolve the issue however, I think he had reached his limit with me. I initiated the breakup the day because I was so angry, so we ignored each other for a week. I pretty much got over it and wanted things to go back to normal, so I asked him if he wanted to break up for real and he said yes. Being the stubborn and prideful person that I am, I just stayed silent and let it happened. He then moved out of my place and since then we haven’t spoken to each other. Although I was the one who initiated the breakup, it feels like he was the one who broke up with me because deep down, I did not want to break up. I guess I was just too stubborn to say otherwise. I thought that he would come back to me like he usually does but this time he did not. I ended up blocking him on everything, something I wished I didn’t do because now I want to talk to him, but can’t because my pride won’t allow me to unblock him. I did unblock him one time to contact him to tell him to pick up the rest of his things at my place. He then asked to see me one more time for ‘old time sakes’ which was heart wrenching for me because the whole time I thought maybe he would come back to me, but from that one sentence, it finally made me realise that it really was the end and he did not want to get back with me. Instead of saying how I really felt during that time (that I was no longer angry and I missed him and wanted him back) I ended up cutting all ties with him by saying that I never wanted to see him again and what’s done is done. Now I fully regret what I said because I really do want him back. Since then, he has not spoken to me and I really want to message him. My mind wants to do it but my body won’t let me. Personally, I can see why the no contact rule would work. It normally works for me, but I guess everyone has a limit and if you are going to ignore someone for so long then there is a higher chance they will take that as you not caring and will move on with their life. Although I am not going to contact him despite missing him and regretting breaking up with him, I just want to say that if you really like someone and you want them back, throw away your pride and stubbornness and just message them. Tell them how you feel. If they still love you, they will come back to you, if they don’t then they will say so. Only then will you get closure and move on with your life. After reading everyone’s experience, I would say the easiest thing for your mind and heart is just to communicate with your ex and see where you stand. Don’t be like me and hold back what you want to say because at the end of the day, it will only make you feel more regretful. Basically how I feel right now because I can’t seem to take my own advice lol.
Exactly how long does this process take ?
I haven’t been speaking to my boyfriend after the breakup for about a week now??
Hes blocked everywhere
So how much longer ?
My boyfriend of a year and I has gotten into the second fight of our relationship. Like really over the top. Drinking was involved and he said some pretty hurtful things n it became physical on my end. I then proceeded to say some hurtful things. And I know they hurt because it hurts me to even think of what I said. Four five days went by of no contact. I reached out to him via private call. He answered and it was stale. You could hear he was happy to hear my voice but you can tell he didn’t want to talk. So I presumed in asking if I could stop by to see him later. He said yea and he’ll call when he got home. I guess he never made it home because he never called lol. J/k.
So I took the initiative of stopping by before he was to leave for work the next morning, me being pressed. We kinda talked but it reverted to me acting crazy and being accused of starting the altercation. He said doesn’t want the relationship anymore and we can just be friends. I was then n am now hurt. I shed a few tears . I asked if I could have a kiss since our 1yr relationship was over n he said no. He then said I’ll kiss your cheek. I opted for it and after asked if I could kiss his cheek back. He agreed and as I reached for his cheek the damn water works shot out like a lightning vult. I then grabbed his whole face while hugn, kissn, and cryn on his cheek, he proceeded to turn and kiss me and it felt like a rebirth. I then stated to just leave and head to work while I walked away. Heeeelp
My ex broke up with me about two weeks ago out of the blue. I felt so blindsided because I thought everything was going extremely well and didn’t sense that anything was bothering him. He said he really liked me but wasn’t so sure about the future. Haven’t reached out to him at all and he hasn’t either. Idk what to think because I thought he really cared about me. I keep hoping he’ll text me to say that he made a mistake. What should I do?
If he hasn’t already texted you since your post, I would highly suggest you message him. Ask him why he broke up with you and tell him how you feel. If he really did care for you, he will explain and tell you how he also feels. If he ignores you, then there’s your answer. Don’t hope for him to text you back out of the blue because some people are so prideful and stubborn. He may just not know what he really wants, but as long as you know what you want (which is that he still cares for you and will come back to you) then just message him and ask him straight up. Don’t waste your time thinking or hoping he will make the first move. If his response is not what you was hoping for then at least that can provide you with some sort of closure and can hopefully help you to move on with your life. Don’t waste your time over thinking and hoping without doing anything about it.
My bf and I were together for almost 2 years, LDR. We broke up in December 2018, but then got back together right after New Years. Then, he forgot my birthday for the second year in a row and I flipped out. I unloaded on him that I was the one doing all of the driving, spending, planning, and that he didn’t even want a relationship with me, that he didn’t care about my life, business or a future. He is a doctor and makes it clear that he’s ‘important’…..I had had enough of always coming last and being hidden. He never introduced me to friends or family, nothing. I would love to have him back if he could only see how I felt. I simply think he’s another run of the mill commitment phobic, but, how can I see if he misses me after the no contact if we are LDR? There were many qualities about him that I loved, and I have no interest in dating anyone new. No contact has been 26 days or so now; his birthday is coming up in April, should I wish him a Happy Birthday in a few months? He is 58, I am 53. Thanks for any input.
Hey! Me and my boyfriend have been togheter for 2years now and the last month i was feeling that he stopped talking, drinking and working more. So i tried to talk to him for a week but he didnt really want to talk. So we talked about our realitionship and how i feel about him not calling me or texting me enough, compared to what i do to him. And he said that he knows that i deserve better and that he dont want to own anyone anyrhing. he said that he doesnt see a future with me, not with himself either, and the only thing he wants to do now is to work and be alone. Then we talked about our realitionship status, to remove it or not. We didnt agree on anything so the realitionship status is still there and i dont know how talk to him. I really want to try the no contact rule! But i could use some advice anyways
I told him that i didnt wanted to remove it.
Remove the status. Let him know you are strong and have options.
Trust me, it will make him rethink if he wanna lose you or not. Don’t ask him, don’t give him power.
This is a period where couples have power struggle. The person who cares less always wins!
i dated this guy for two years and 3 month he knew my parent did not like him but he stayed and i did not know what i did to him but he never trsted me in the relationship his ex always message him telling him she loves him but when i look at his phone he gets angry the last time he told people we were not serious i broke p with him and he begged them we came back together after that we started stayed a while together and i told my mum about the guy i was dating she told me to break up with him and i told him and he accepted it . then i came back to tell him i do not want to be friends with him and he knew he did not want long term with me but he keeps coming to my house and he knows i love him and i keep having sex with him when i know he will hurt me and am just trying to forget him. he does not want a relationship with me.we have being broke up for 3 month and 1 week
My ex and I have lived together for a little over 2 years and he said he wasn’t happy anymore and asked me to move out. After I moved most of my things out I still have some things to get and he knows this but hasn’t yet mentioned bringing them to me because I wud need help dye to thd me naryrs of what it is to move….that b n said…since I’ve been gone he has come to c me once and has texted to me that “its different” and a sad penitence face and texted me for other nights since skipping two nights between two of the texts…my questions is…does he miss me and regret asking me to leave or did he get cold feet from our relationship we had since I have never mentioned marriage to him at all…was he himself getting serious and thinking of that on his own?…
It has been about a month and a half since we broke up. He broke up with me. At first we were talking constantly. Then I tried to not answer him so often or atleast wait a while to answer. We have a cat together that stays with him and he wants me to see our cat. But sometimes it seems like he wants me to come over to see him too. We stopped talking for about a week and when he was drunk he called me and asked me for a ride. I agreed but I didn’t want to end up staying with him. When I dropped him off he asked for a hug. I said sure. When I hugged him he told me he missed me and wanted me to come inside and see our cat. We ended up having sex. Which I regretted as soon as it happened. We talked the next day and agreed that we shouldn’t do that again. We talked a little bit after that but I was so sad. So for myself I stopped talking to him. He messaged me a couple days later just to talk. We had a really good conversation. He called me again when he was drunk about 5 days ago. On Christmas Eve. He wanted me to come over and cuddle with him and just hang out. I was really hesitant but agreed. When I went over there we just talked and laughed. It was nice. We talked the next day basically all day. Then he had to work so we stopped. I messaved him the next day telling him to drive safe if he had to work cause it snowed. He told me he was going out but he wasn’t at work. I felt like it was weird that he told me he was going out. Especially since we aren’t together anymore. But I didn’t say anything. I just told him have a good night and drive safe. He didn’t respond. I am trying to not talk to him and just leave him be. But I want to be with him and I miss him a lot. What am I suppose to do?
Hello .. my ex and I broke up about 5 days ago . We were in a long-distance relationship for about 4 months . Everything went well and we managed to see each other a couple of time despite the distance . Everything went ok and then one day everything changed, he became closed and distance from me , he had troubles with his studies (and felt confused about his future and studies), because of the distance things became harder , I felt that I want be there for him in this difficult time but can’t ,because he is distancing from me -and I can’t be there for someone that don’t allow me to do it . Each day I became more and more cold and distance from me ,until I talk to him about it and he told me that he can’t deal with everything right now ,and he need me right now next to him in live and not through the phone . 4 days ago I spoke with him and told him that I love him a lot and want to be with and through this hard times and wish there was a way to help him , and that I understand that he need time alone to think about everything , and that it doesn’t mean I give up on him . He respond me in a cold way “thank you,I appreciate it “ no I love you ,no affection nothing . And then I offered him maybe to come visit me , I thought that was a good idea ,but he refused and said he can’t and he can’t continue togheter , the distance is to difficult for him especially now-when he needs his girlfriend by it side . The last message from him was:that it’s hard for him this break up and he feels it’s too soon and it’s not supposed to and now and like that and that I’m very important and meaningful for him , but the only thing that comfort him, is that we have so unique connection that he is sure we will have another opportunity to be togheter when the time is right . My question is what should I do ? I feel like it was a mistake that we break up , and maybe I should have stay in contact with him ?
i have brocken the number 1 rule of no contact so many times and i have ruined things by keeping on pursuing him. Our relationship ended because he started cheating and i admit i am the cause of that..What do i do now after all the wrong things i have done to push him away..do i still have a chance? I also want to know how i should go about the no contacting phase..Do i totally block him out of the blue after we have been talking?
Hello, so my ex and I broke up on weird terms. He’s very egoistic and prideful and jealous. He’s not one to show emotions and he’s not one to communicate when something bugs him. He leaves me in limbo. He’s the biggest mommas boy and I know there’s a huge disadvantage on my behalf because he lets his mom run his thoughts and controls him. He’s also the idiot that lets himself And doesn’t grow up.
How can I simply compete with that and how could I get him to see things my way?
I was with my boyfriend for one year. The last two months we spend them fighting, I was really impatient with him and I didn’t behave my best while having a fight. He broke up with me and we said we would see each other in a month to talk things out. After one week I contacted him, he was nice, we just chatted for a day. After one week I contacted him again and I ask for us to meet, he agreed, we saw each other and I wrote him a letter saying sorry and saying all the things I was going to change. He said he couldn’t do it, we said goodbye and parted ways. The next day he came to my place and said he wanted to try again, so we did for a week. In that week he was distant, uninterested and mad all the time. One day he told me he didn’t want to speak with me and wanted space, I did the opposite so the next day after that he broke up with me again, saying he didn’t feel the same way and couldn’t do it anymore. This was two weeks ago and we haven’t talked since. I want to get back back together with him. What should I do? Please advise me!
Anna, I am in the same boat. If you don’t mind me asking, how did things turn out for you?
Hello,I broke up with my boyfriend year ago ,we were together for 5 years ..I broke up with him …he was not calling he has done it once or twice n once on WhatsApp ! Last month he got married !! I don’t know how to make him miss me again I love him n I know he loves me back !! Any chance hell come back again ? I’m dying crying out my heart for him ! But i sent him only one statement after seeing his marriage photo on Facebook n he replied ! Since then I decided not to talk to him again (the no contact rule ) what else should I do ?
Hi! My ex broke up with me because of the exams I will have in next June called panellhnies and it determines what university will I study. Nevermind, he broke up with me because he could not see me as much as he wanted to during that time. Now he is commenting on one of my friends Instagram posts and asks her if they can go to the gym together etc. I feel so heartbroken and I really want to make up things with him and be together but I believe he doesn’t think about me. How can I make him want me back?
my bf and I broke up a week ago, actually he broke up with me. I can’t stop crying or thinking about him.
we’ve been together for two years, and I am very attached to him.
I am very shocked and unable of dealing with the break up.
All I am thinking about now is having him back. At the same time, I don’t want to talk to him because he hurt me so much..
I just don’t know what to do..
My boyfriend and I dated 4 months and he officially broke up with me yesterday. I begged him to stay but he wouldn’t. And he told me not to text him. Just not yet. He told me to give him some space and that we are never getting back together. The reason we fought was because he mostly makes plan with his friends and he no longer makes plan with me. We texted short texts everynight and we do see each other either at my place or his place once every two or three weeks. I told him that I want to date like other couples like going on dates and stuffs. Because when we first started dating, he took me to many dates and then during the summer, he started working and he got busy. I understand that. But during the weekend, he would spend time with his friends and he would text me and I wasn’t happy with that and I talked to him about it and he got frustrated. My ex always have problem with relationship. Like he is not really into it and before me, he said he would never date. But then when we got to know each other, he told me that he fell for me and that’s why he asked me out. But I feel like he started to change after he started working which was the begining of the summer. I don’t know if it was because he got busier or if he no longer liked me. I asked him and he said he still liked me and he just got busier. But to me, it doesn’t feel like he likes me. We no longer went on dates. He no longer being affectionate towards me. And my ex is like really emotionless. Not that he doesn’t have emotions, he is just trying not to have it. He said having emotion or feeling attached to things or people are hard. I talked to him about spending time too much with his friends and that’s how we broke up. He cried when we broke up. Is there a chance we would get back together? I really don’t know what’s going on anymore.
I think my ex still loves me. He suggested we “go on a break.” I have known him for years (before dating, we had mutual friends) and he has always had commitment issues. When we reconnected it was instantly perfect. He told me several times that he hasn’t felt like this about someone in a really long time and that being with me has changed him as a person. Our relationship was very happy and we were very much in love all throughout our time together. We are both pretty alike. We are scared of being too vulnerable and we are both kind of stubborn. It’s been almost a week since he suggested a break. I think this is all good advice written in this article but I’m just worried. I’m worried that if I don’t reach out to him, he’ll forget about me or learn to live without me. What we had was really beautiful and I don’t want it to slip away. I’m worried that he’s too stubborn to reach out to me and that even though it’s what we both want, neither of us will do it and what we have will slip away if we give it too much time. What do I do? Do I never contact him again? What if he never contacts me? I can’t bear the thought of him with someone else. I can’t bear the thought of him realizing he’s totally fine without me, meanwhile I’m still heartbroken over the end of the most real connection I’ve ever known. Please give me advice, I need it.
Its the same with me. I’m scared, we’re in the same college and we have mutual friends, i feel like if i dont talk to him, hell get used to his life without me. i want him to realize that he loves me and that he wants us to get back and be happy. its his birthday in a week, and i thought of giving him a sketch of both us and a love letter, because a letter telling him to give it another shot would probably annoy him, i dont know if i should go through with this or not. he said the breakup was because we kept fighting over the same issues. and honestly, if it was somebody else i wouldve let go, but i just know i love him and i feel like were meant to be. please help me out.
My ex broke up with me 3 months ago and he recently texted me saying that he wants us to have a future where we are not mad at each other anymore and wants us to be civil . And then he suggested we “reconnect” sometime soon before summer ends to “catch up”
I still have feelings for him and i dont know if its a good idea to see him at all because i dont want to get hurt again . I really feel like he wants to keep me around as a “friend” and i dont want to be stupid about it . What do you suggest ?
I found this and I’m intending to follow this steps. But i have one problem here. He and I are no longer friends nor following each other on social media. How would he know if I post something (my picture, for example)? Thank you
As an overview, I was in relationship for 2 years and I broke up few weeks ago. The reason of the break up was because of our jealousy. I was jealous of a particular girl and he was also keep being jealous of some friends of mine that I’m not even close with. Neither of us was cheating, but apparently he was sick of always getting into argument when it comes to our jealousy. The last thing I knew before I’m losing contact with him is that he is approaching the girl I was being jealous with. This sounds quite silly, since we actually survived bigger quarrel but this got us broken up. I really need an advise of what to do. Thank you
After 4 years my boyfriend broke up with me via text. We were friends before dating and he is my best friend. I asked if we could talk and he agreed. He texted he loved me and said we would find a time to talk the following week. I haven’t heard from him since he was checking texts (I did text as I thought we were going to talk) but has blocked me now. He still has some personal items of mine that I can’t imagine he is keeping if he doesn’t want to contact me. I am heartbroken. This happened approximately 2 months ago and I am on 19 days of no contact which is killing me. I honestly think he might be seeing someone else but I don’t know that for sure. I miss my best friend above anything else. I have never been in a state of despair as I am over this.
What if after all this, I still love him, but he doesn’t come back?
I was in a relationship for fours with my boyfriend,on the 3rd year things staterd to get ugly for us.he was cheating and i couldn’t cope at all so as i was busy with work stuff i decided to take myself out.Then when i was out i met a nice and we kept going out together,having so much fun.So now he found out that i was cheating n i did confess because i ddnt wanna live with the guilt everyday,he was so furious with me.i apologised and gave him some time to heal over,until i contacted him again and asking him if he was still okay!He invited me over which we were separated for 3 months.When i came over he was fine and we enjoyed each other,until today morning when i saw on whatsapp he posted this girl which he is involved with her.when i was with him he said he has 2 months not seeing her,so when i saw that post i feeaked out because he wrote that she is his everything and forever.so i contacted him and asked him about it and he said to me that he put it because the girl said to him she thinks she is pregnant.So now i am really confused and i don’t know what to do with this situation.Should i move on?or do i stay and fight for him?but what if the other girl is really pregnant?
My ex and I broke up 4 days ago, we were together for 9 months. In The first month of our relationship I went on a cruise and my friend asked if we were still dating. She saw him making out with his ex gf at her party. I talked to the girl and she told me they even had sex and she had his necklace and earring and he even changed her name in his phone to a guys name. I read very inappropriate messages between the two. Saying, “he got a instant b*ner when she put her tongue down his throat at the party”. He admitted that she kissed him first and that’s all it was and nothing more. He said he never cheated on me meaning he never had sex with her and how he couldn’t do that and still be with me. So 8 months go by and the majority of our relationship we spent time watching tv, playing video games, going to a few parties, but not really going out and doing actual couple things. Back to it being 4 days since we broke up, he initiated the break up because I found tinder on his phone, but it was also mutual because at times he didn’t treat me right and I constantly saw him messaging other girls not necessarily cheating and then he made a tinder account two days before we broke up because he said it was because of the possibility of us breaking up. Three days go by and he texted me at like 12:30 am saying, “you been doing okay”, but I didn’t respond and an hour later ““ the thumbs emoji because I didn’t respond. But this whole time we’ve been broken up he’s been going out to the bars staying out late at night with his friends even staying at the place he’s at till the morning. But the worst part is his friends are a major problem, was a problem in our relationship, they … mainly one friend encourages him to go out and get drunk. Maybe that’s his way of not feeling the pain and distracting himself for reality but I wish he would just grow up and mature and not always choose his friends and having to always say okay to what they want to do. If he were to say no he would get manipulated and they would beg him to come out. The last thing I said to him was I hope he takes this time to work on himself and not being in a relationship. He said he agrees and it’s time for him to be by himself and not in a relationship. For his sake I hope this is true. It seems like he goes from relationships to relationships. … Him texting me that is just throwing me off. I need some advice.
Me and my ex boyfriend were very happy together he used to treat me like a princess our relation was very passionate and intimate we were together for 10 months but we literally lived a forever in this few months we planned so much together but suddenly he said that he doesn’t like relationships he doesn’t feel for me anymore he needs space I am dependent on him and that’s toxic
He promised to stay friends and also said one of his friend that he cares a lot for me
It’s been like 9 days that we broke up and I am going mad I want him back what should I do? Please suggest me someting :)
This sounds like me Ex! I hope it’s not the same guy. LOL. My best advice is to stay strong and keep doing no contact. Narcissist take a little longer to come around as he’s still got his mind made up that YOU are going to call him. I’ve been doing NC and I’m starting to wonder if I even want him back at this point. You too may decide after some time that you are better off without him. If he doesn’t call its his loss as you seem like a dedicated women that real men would love to have and be with. I’ve started back dating because whether he calls or doesn’t call I need to make sure I’m happy. He likely misses you more than you know but is too prideful to admit it. Stay strong.
I started a relationship slow with this guy. We fell in love said we were everything to one another. He just started a new job and his ex started giving him his kids all the time. He also takes classes a couple nights a week busy schedule. He informed me his kids come first period. Anyway he was having issues getting transportation so I helped consign for a car which he’s making the payments on. This was three weeks ago.. I saw him last night because he dropped me money for the car. Which I should of never did already know. He proceeds to tell me that he doesn’t have time for a relationship yet he loves me and cares about me. From three weeks ago to talking about having kids w me to now he has no time for me. I do know his schedule and it’s crazy. So he texted me last night to check on me and I lied said I was out and he goes checking on you. I said Thanks im fine. He then tells me gn and love ya not love you like he normally does. This morning he texts me again good morning hope you have a great day taking the girls to a b day party. Keep in mind been seeing him three months haven’t met his kids. Then around noon he texts me hope you having a great day. I haven’t replied to him at all. He said last night let thing settle for him if we are both single still then we can try again. Yet he’s telling me about his day and I have a damn car payment he Will be dropping off once a week that I don’t know how to handle if I do no contact. I feel lied to and used st this point. I am doing the no contact rule but unfortunately a little hard when hes going to drop off payments to me and we have to correspond bc of the car. What do
I do
Help??? I want him
Back but tired of not being a priority but how can I be when he’s up at 4 am and doesn’t get home
Until 9:30-10 pm. … completely confused or just screwed.
My ex and I met 7 months ago one night out dancing. We had an amazing connection instantly. He told me on our second date not to fall in love with him as he was moving back home across the country. Regardless to say I never reached out to him he contacted me every day and we spent every day together for 1.5 months before he moved. In that time we got pregnant, he was the one that said ok let’s try this, after telling me before knowing this he was not ready for a relationship as they don’t work distance wise. So we were committed and then I unfortunately lost the baby which I flew to see him and he was amazing! I met his entire family and we fell in love. We were apart for 4 months and then went away on a trip which was great. When he moved back to my city he struggled with reality having to work and get up and guilt of leaving his dad who is terminally ill. He then started to get get distant stopped being intimate and short with me. When we finally talked he said he was not emotionally physically or mentally ready for a relationship. Where honestly he is depressed and not dealing with life situations of job security, financial security and family illness. He bawled his eyes out to me when ending it saying he was sorry that he loves me but he needs to remove himself from the stress of a relationship. He said I could still see his family and he still wants to be apart of my life, going for dinners, movies ect. I stopped talking to him and he texted me every day for three days. Then he gave me 4 days space before messaging me again saying he misses me but it’s only been a week and thanked me for sending his mom’s mother’s day cards. He has liked a post on my FB. He sent so many confusing mixed messages when we were braking up, kissing me telling me he loves me asking me over for sleep overs.
Do I have a chance to win him back with your strategy if he was the one that ended it and claims he’s not ready for a relationship? I feel he is intimate with my professional and financial success.
I am a guy who was recently dumped after a 7 year relationship. I deal with heavy anxiety as it is and this just took it to another level, it lead to me having severe panic attacks as well as constant nausea and vomiting. I know this article is intended for women because of the constant use of male pronouns when referring to the ‘ex’ I’m going to try these steps never the less and do my best. Thank you for taking the time to create such a well thought out article!
My boyfriend broke up with me because he thinks I love to start drama.When reality I just only told him what happened but he went to confront the girl. He blames me for her back lashing abt the situation when he didn’t have to contact her in the first place. He also wanted to be done because I usually vent to my friends and try to get guidance. My friend became angry because he mentions her everytime we argue. So she confronted him but he blames me for wt she did when all I did was tell what happened. Everybody says I’m not in the wrong and that he is I know this. We are not talking, he took me off Snapchat but still has me on Twitter, instagram, and Facebook, what could that mean? Just him wanting to see what I’m doing or not losing all of his feelings for me? He has cheated on me more than once by talking to multiple girls and received oral from 2 girls while we were together, but I forgave him and was willing to work on it with him. But he dumps me for something little? He acts like he can’t stand me now and is not talking to me or doesn’t want to see me either. Plz help!
I was with my ex for 8 months, he came on to me very quickly told me he loved me within 3 weeks (we would talk a lot, at his request) He called me all the time, texted me that he loved me like 10 times a day. Everything was good between us. He is a single father of a little girl, he has full custody of her so I know he was busy a lot that’s why I hardly called and waited for him to call me back. He would always call me back when he said he would and that made me feel secure because he was consistent. But in March I started getting a gut feeling something was wrong, he wasn’t calling me back like before, our nightly talks started diminishing and the last time we had sex it was bad. We only got to see each other on the weekends and would have our alone time every other week, so it bothered me. I asked him a couple of times if everything was ok and he would say yes but I felt him distant. One morning after not getting his 3:45am good morning text, I texted him to wake up and he replied oh sorry I forgot I was putting gas. My intuition was bugging me so bad , so I told him that I was not happy that he was changing and I didn’t know why. He said he knew we weren’t talking as much but that didn’t change his feelings for me but that he was “busy” all of a sudden he is to busy to talk to me. I knew right there that his feelings had changed for me. He told me to do whatever I wanted like if I was the only one in the relationship. So I broke it off over a text. How sad is that! I then text him later on in the day and told him that I didn’t like how things ended that we should talk and he replied “I’m sorry its not going to work out. I am not talking or seeing anyone, I apologized for everything I just need time for myself” We broke up April 6 and I’m still having a hard time. The last time I saw him I was upset at him we had an argument but he told me “I love you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I’m not a little boy I know what I want and its you” A week later we brake up and he doesn’t want me. We were planning on moving in, in June and we were actively trying to conceive baby. I feel broken and its been hard to move on. He hasn’t reached out to me after all the love he claimed to have for me. I fell in love with him and here I am broken while he has moved on with his life posting away on his Instagram. He is private but I can tell he has been actively been posting pictures. Has anyone been through something like this? I saw the red flags but I chose to ignore them, he had only been single for 2 months he lied about it, the way he came on to me so quickly acting needy wanting to talk on the phone for hours, telling me he loved me within 3 weeks of meeting each other. I’m not sure but I have a feeling he is seeing someone else that’s why he didn’t give a sh*t about our relationship at the end.
My boyfriend and I just broke up today…. At fjrst everything was going well. He found a job in the field he likes and all of a sudden he became anger and bitter towards for no reason. We were together for 10 months we have 9 month old twins together and we would fuss, fight, argue, stop speaking to each other within the relationship I love him with my whole heart. He completes me. We both didn’t want to be in a relationship but, we decided for the sake of the twins. We were just going to co parent. Now he acts as if I was a bad woman to him he made me feel like every problem we had I was the cause. He has a 13 yr old son with someone else and today he said she visited him at his place of employment. Why???? If you and her stopped loving each other and you couldn’t stand her yoy never wanted to be around her. So what changed. He only spoke to his son and only him…. All of a sudden today he thinks we should move on cause he can’t be the man I need or want him to be… It hurts but, I’m wondering were they talking behind my back or what??? He said that he rather be with her cause he deserves to be happy.. I’m extremely hurt… Pray for me.
My boyfriend broke up with me with the excuse he dosnt have time for himself & he dosnt love himself. I’ve been doing the no contact rule for 3 days now. But we have a trip coming up & we agreed to still keep the plans. But we havnt spoke since the break up. But he has been lurking on my social media (instagram ) … I want him to kiss me but don’t know how
Hii..my boyfriend broke up with me 1 week back..he says he is not ready for a relationship Right now..but I miss him like hell and I want him back..please help me..
Hey im ghenwa from lebanon. Ive been in a relation with a boy (x)for 3 years i really love him but i understand this too late
During our relation i had a friend. I went out with this friend and kissed him for many times (when my relation with said was not going well. I thought like this i can forget X or let him feel im not ok but i reallyy dont have any love for that friend)
One day i decided to forget what happened with that friend and to love said with peace but a mutual friend told X everything the moment we lived happily together
And it was a big catastroph. X was so angry he left me, he insulted and shouted. He came back to do the things he didnt do when he was with me. I cried a lot and begged him not to leave. I did all that i can do. One day he called me to talk together. When he saw me, he hugged me he was calm and lovely he sad we can fix everything together. I was sooo happyy but the next day he woke up angry again and said he cant forgive me and he is not forgetting what i did i begged him again and again but it didnt work
Now, Its been a month i cry all the time i need him but i dont know how to get him back and let him forgive me and forget
Everything helps to remember him and our 3 years
I feel like im dying inside ans he is surrounded by his friends who hate me now and encourage him to forget me
Plz i need your help
Thank you in advance
My boyfriend broke up with me 7 days ago. I asked him to not do so and that we can work things out but he said that he doesn’t think that can happen now. I cried in the middle of the convo only to hear him say that my tears aren’t doing anything to him and that he’s become heartless. So the day after I made a huge mistake and asked back for some money that I gave him to buy something for me but he had lost it. That time I obviously didn’t mind him losing that money and neither now bt I was angry and just and insulted so I ended up asking for it. He said that you’ve shown who you actually are with this and that at breaking up with you was a very right decision. Now look I’m not that person okay , I was just hurt and angry and acted instantly. I said I didn’t want it and requested him to not talk about it again for atleast the sake of our good times. He found a job (was looking for it for a long time) so I congratulated him for that to which he didn’t reply. Fast forward 2 days I asked him when he got the job ( to see if it was before or after we broke up, because we hadn’t been talking properly for a week before the brk up). He told me to get lost and called me idiot. I told him to talk properly since he wasn’t my bf anymore (sometimes hr would say things like shut up and get lost during the relationship too but I nvr said anything to him). So I said that’s it’s actually a good thing that we broke up since we weren’t happy and that we should respect that decision because all this insulting each other is really cheap. He didn’t reply to this. This happened 4 days after the break up. Now it’s been 7 days and I miss him like crazy. Other than the last month of 5.5, everything was grt. Out of these 5.5 months 3 were long distance. We did fight alot I must say but it all boiled down to us being really in love and getting things back to normal. But I guess he got tired of it and just gave up. I really want him back because I love him so much and u can’t get over the fact that we were so happy initially and just 10 days before the brk up was my b’day when he was the one to talk about our future and make me feel loved. So the question’s here. He’s coming to my city on the 15th-16th of this month. I’ll be in serious no contact with him till then and since there’s a wedding around 13th so I’m thinking to put up really hot pictures of me in my whatsapp status. So during the time of his visit to my city should I try to contact him and tell him to meet me up and discuss things out. I’ll make it clear that I’m not expecting only positive out if it but just want a discussion. Or should I extend our no contact (risky coz we’re in long distance and I don’t want him to forget me entirely). I don’t even know if he will ever come back here coz this is his last semester and now he also has a job there. Important to mention he always said things will be fine once he gets a job but I think we broke up just a day before he actually got one.
First of all, what was the reason for him breaking up with you? Because he said he became heartless, so that indicates he was hurting in some way or another during the relationship and reached a breaking point therefore afterwards. The past is the past, and the future is all that matters now and my best advice I can give to you is to give it time and space. I know you said you already did, but at this point he is most likely still dealing with the breakup in his own ways, and the worse thing you can do now is pester him even if it’s just to ask how he is or suggest meeting up. It sounds to me like this breakup was more a needing of space than an end to everything…. as some people will break up out of anger. I did the same thing with my boyfriend, I broke up with him out of anger telling him I don’t want him anymore… He never responded (it was over text) and that made me think twice. To the point where I wanted to go back to him. That’s what SPACE does, it makes people reflect on their own actions and the relationship in general. So my advice to you is to give it time and space. Show that you’re doing well, that you’re happy and that you’re doing things for yourself… and don’t let him see you sad. After some time has passed (I’d say 3-5 weeks) then you’ll have a clearer idea on what you want. But HE BROKE UP with YOU, so let him be the one to come back. Only after you’ve showed him you are fine with or without him! Good luck!
My recent ex boyfriend of a week changed his status on Facebook to single…but did not delete me. Should I delete him to miss me more or keep him there to spy on my wonderful freedom?
This is a helpful article. I was the dumpee and it’s been 3 months now and I gone through a relapse phase but now decided that I’m going off social media completely. A week ago my ex logged into my social media accounts, does this have any meaning? I’m not wanting to rekindle this relationship I just want to know he’s suffering as much as me by doing that?
I was in the same situation-my ex boyfriend did the same thing. It means he’s hurting and wants to see what you are doing. I have been there one too many times my friend!
That’s good to know someone has been in a similar situation. I just really wanted to know he was suffering too. This has confirmed that but I’m moving forward and he doesn’t deserve me!
This is so helpful! Ok, so I get Phase 1: No Contact is important. But what happens if he contacts you via text or phone call. Do you respond or do you ignore it?
Also, he broke up with me and basically said “It’s not you, it’s me, you are amazing” yet he asked to stay in contact. What does it all mean?
He basically wants to work on himself. I understand because I’ve been there before. Give him the time and space to work on himself, and that means not responding to his texts… this will make him see that he’s truly lost you and will want you even more.
Adding on from below he said I was pushing him away so I’ve now stopped contact. He says it’s to late and I will never change. He still watches my instagram stories when I post them. I’m just baffled as we both feel so strongly for one another and have been besotted with one another since day 1. Possibly he does have problems he needs to deal with also. I don’t want to lose him and he knows this. He also knows I’m not giving up on our relationship and what we had
My boyfriend broke up with me last week after being together just over a year. Said I’m to negative for him and that he was unhappy for the last 8 weeks. Prior to the break was our year anniversary and in the card he wrote ‘can’t air for many more’. He’s told me himself he can’t fault the relationship except I was negative about life. I recognise this now and have also been referrrd for CBT therapy to help with this. He came and saw me the following day to talk. Said he didn’t know what to do with me and that I needed to be less stressed and chill out more. Live for the now and not the future. We had a long cuddle I n bed it felt amazing especially after the heartache the day before. when he left and text when he got home he said I don’t want to lead you on or confuse you but I need to sorry my head out and you need to sort yourself out. Take each day as it comes. Friday came and we had a chat and he said he feels we may of got together to quick as he never intended being with me but things happened and I made him happy. He told me it was 4 weeks he had been unhappy for not 8 as initially said. He said he isn’t wanting to be with anyone atm but still needs his space and if I want to message him I can. We follow each other on social media still and fb says still in a relationship. I know he’s really stressed with not having any work atm and his mum even said that too and said she has her fingers crossed it works out for us. I’m so hurt and confused by it all. It’s now the fourth day since we last spoke and I just want to message him and call him to tell him the positive steps I’ve taken since. We have a concert in July that he says we need to sort the tickets for and I said I still wanted to go with him and said okay. Not sure what to do but everyday I want to just message or call him
My bf and I broke up like almost two weeks now, we’ve been dating for 2 years and half, he kept saying he doesn’t know what he wants, but he knows he still love and care for me, but recently was just really hard for both of us, we constantly fight over something, but then I found out after he broke up with me he’s talking to this girl who works in a same company as we do, he loved me so much I know that, we have lots of memories we shared, wonderful memories, he told me he loves me more than anyone else in his life, like he do really love me but he doesn’t know what he wants anymore, so we decided to break up. Now I have the feeling he is already dating this girl it’s so sad , I’m super hurt. At work I still see him kept looking at me but I dunno why I cannot see any emotions from him that he still wants me back? Is he in a rebound relationship? Do you think he’ll come back to me after I do the NCR? He said he wanted his feelings back , that feelings when we were still new , like feelings that he craves for me everyday. After I told him I’m not gonna contact him anymore he didn’t even try to contact me, so I am left confused. Does he still loves me? I unfriended him in every social media I have , it hurts to think he suddenly move on and talk to someone super quick while I’m here stressing myself out for over thinking
My boyfriend broke up with me a week ago. He’s 53 and divorced, I’m 57 and a widow. We were introduced by a mutual friend. On our first date the time just flew by, we got on so well. We were together for 3 months and had an amazing time together, great dates, went away for the weekend together. There were no arguments, we seemed to be a perfect match, liked doing the same things and happy together. He talked about the future, we were planning to book a holiday, he even talked about the possibility of moving in together in a couple of years. I met his children, parents, friends and he told me they thought I was a lovely. We spent a lot of time together, all weekend and 1 or 2 nights during the week and it was him doing the asking, I didn’t pressure him. I fell in love with him, he told me he loved me, I was his gorgeous girl, his soulmate, as near perfect as anyone could be. Then suddenly a week ago, he said he wanted to end it. I was completely shocked and stunned. When I asked him why he said it didn’t feel right, I was 99%, that I had brought calm and order to his life (previous girlfriend was, in his words, “a nightmare “) and he hoped he didn’t regret it. He said he’d be in touch to see how I was, that if I ever needed his help he’d be there for me. It’s only a week, he hasn’t been in touch yet. I honestly thought he was “the one” . Our mutual friend has seen him and said he was sad but not heartbroken and got no more out of him than I did. What went wrong, it seemed to be going so well? Do you think he’ll change his mind?
My bf and I broke up because he cheated and I couldn’t take the painful thoughts of him with another girl anymore. We were on and off after the breakup until we finally agreed on not talking. However, he messaged me to see how I’m doing and I didn’t answer because I see the people hes hanging out with and I do not like them at all. I always hated it when he surrounded himself with those people and I still do. But I’m in alot of pain because I really wanted him to be the one, I planned our future and everything and I know that he can still become a better person. His parents raised him right, he just always goes into the wrong influences. I dont know whether I should answer his message or not.
Move on. If someone cheats once they most likely will do it again. He doesn’t deserve you.
Hi, thank you for writing this post, it was very useful.
I’m in such limbo with what is going on, Basically me and my partner were together for nearly two years we had the best times, a few struggles. Mainly due to me, but overall we were happy and compatible. He broke up with me recently because he said it was getting too serious and he doesn’t know what he wants, he claims he needs to lose me before he realises what he had, because I made it to easy for him. He also said he wants to focus on his career and just have no one to answer to, as we are both still young it’s almost like he needs to get things out of his system, and I need to go figure myself out aswell. We left the relationship on good terms, and he said maybe we will get back together in the future, once we have both lived a while, we can catch up and see where each other are at. I’m just so terrified that he will fall in love with someone else, as I don’t know how true the things he says are true or if he just simply fell out of love with me, and don’t know if you can win someone back that doesn’t doesnt love. Any advice would Ben great thank you.
My boyfriend and I had an on and off relationship for three years. He says he s over me and he told me to get it in my head that we are never getting back together because we don’t work out. But I love him and think we could make it work. Is there a chance we could get back together? Even before when we broke up he always called or texted , this is the first time he has acted so cold towards me.
My ex and I were together for 2 and a half years and spoke for four years, we broke up nearly two years ago and I ended it as I didn’t feel it anymore but then I really regretted it months later and all that time he was struggling to get over me he said then we had a year of not talking and then he reached out on my birthday and we’ve been texting since (my birthday was December) I also saw him on a night out and we hugged and we had a laugh and catch up and then his friends asked him to come home and he said I’ll see you in a bit to them and he stayed with me and then later on we hugged and went home with our own friends, but yeah we’ve spoke everyday since December and it’s long paragraphs but only 3 times a day and they aren’t flirty they are just conversations and have a laugh but I’ve not really sensed any flirting. But what does this mean? I know he cares about me as he said this ages ago but I don’t know feelings wise how he feels? I don’t want to ask as it would potentially ruin things or could backfire but I’m not sure as I can’t read the signs?
My fiance broke up/moved out in April. We had been having some problems for awhile and I was crushed by him leaving. I was angry, and sad. I was and had been very resentful about finding out he was married a 4th time that he never told me about. (I found out from a friend 1.5 years b4 he left). When I found out the issue was never discussed. Now I do take a lot of blame for many of our problems in our relationship. I asked him not to leave but he did, After he left he then was crying and very upset. He begged for me to take him back, yet none of our problems were really talked about. Things just kept spiraling. We have continued to text daily, some days all day long.
Fast forward. In November after I wrote him a long note about my feelings and what I went thru when we split we talked in person. He finally opened up about why he didn’t tell me the truth about his 4th marriage. We continue to text and talk on the phone sometimes. We are both still angry about the past, he more than I. I am willing to let go and and forgive him but it seems now he is in that anger stage.
Like I said he texts me everyday. I’ve wanted to talk in person but that has yet to happen. He has 2 jobs and his dad has been in and out of the hospital so out meet keeps getting pushed off. I have reached out to him, offered my help in any way. I don’t know what I should do. Last week he told me he needs patience, time and understanding. So I have totally backed away and I don’t initiate the texting I let him and he continues to text me, starting with good morning, and a random hey. But there are also days we text ALL day long. I also have not pushed nor suggested meeting. Do you think there is hope to get back together? What should I do?
My ex broke up with me back in September of 2017.
He randomly texted me in the evening Merry Christmas and had small convo. He then disappears for three weeks. Christmas morning, I changed my profile pic which is flattering and all my male/females friends love. Even guys from dating websites liked that particular pict.
He and I use an app called kakaotalk; which is korean version of WhatApp/Viber.
After three weeks of disappearing, he randomly texted me, ” You still use Kakao? How many people are in your account? lol”
I waited a week to respond to his message an I replied to, “Yes, I’m still using it.”
Of course, I didn’t tell him how many people I have on my contacts because it’s none of his business.
Don’t you think it’s a strange question to ask an ex? Why would he care if I still use the app if he is the one who ended the relationship.
Is he trying to get me back in a way or just bored?
btw, before he broke up with me, he told me he doesn’t contact exes. So.. I was surprised when he texted me out of the blue.
my ex bf broke up with me last week ,and since then he has contacted me frequently asking how i am and saying we should go swimming and stuff ,Then the other time he asked me what i was doing …then i said i’m listening to music …then he got angry and said i replaced him with music.The problem is we play rugby for the same team and he offers to take me home everytime after training …..i don’t even go to him …he comes to me…I wanna know what to say to him next time we meet to make him admitt he wants me back .Help
Tell him “Look you’re the one who broke up with me” state how you feel about it. “I’m not texting you because you msde it clesr you don’t want this relationship” wait for his response. If you do want him back in your life then let him be the first to say he wants you back. And if there is enough signs he does and you do want him, then tell him. If not tell him its making you uncomfortable
My ex and I had been seeing each for a year and half, we are both people who never thought we would end up together but eventually it all happened. He dumped me yesterday using the excuse that he is not 100% in. Before this for the past month he has been on and off with the way he feels, sayin he wants me then testing himself to try not and see me for a week but then rocks up at my house when his drunk and with no invite. The next night he invited me over I brought up a question that’s had been bothering me for ages and from there it all went south and he ended it but then said he doesn’t want me to leave sad, we woke the next morning and said he made a mistake and doesn’t want to break up, and then And then as I left he through a 180 and changed his mind but sat there’s crying as he ended it but said he still loved me but it’s for the best. I love the boy dearly and want him back more than anything the way he has ended it has confused me beyound no doubt with his constant change in thought. He says he loves me then dumps me the next day. My worry with your steps is that he is a stubborn and when he makes a decision that usually how it’ll stay but then again he over thinks everything to a point that he hurts his head. My other worry Is that he has deleted me from most social media saying he can’t handling seeing me, so the only time he would see me is maybe out in town. How is meant to miss me if I’m not there to remind him of what his missing. I love this boy and I’m sure you can understand that it feels like I’m having a heart attack over here everytime I breath.
How old is he?
I’d just sit on it for a week, then text him and say are you done? Do you want to man up and be with me or do I need to stop waiting? Or if you don’t want to be as direct wait for a month. Do these things, he’s probably still checking up on you or a moment will come where he’s like damn what is she up to? Make sure your medias are filled with lots of fun stuff and pictures of you.
Long story.. before meeting my ex he said he wasn’t looking for anything serious. Once we met we clicked and after a few months we were both Grtting attached. We wound up pregnant and he totally stepped up! Wanted to be together fully and it reflected in his actions. We lost the baby but still stayed together. He even suggested trying again. Two months later he was working a lot and we were drifting. He stopped trying. We always got along wonderfully when we were together.grest chemistry, best friends. We just clicked. We slowly broke up without it even being clear to me why. He had no valid explanation other than he wasn’t ready to settle down . We were broken up a month and he would still send me random texts frequently. Last week he called me wanting to hang out but I had plans. He decided to go out in the same area I was and blew up my phone asking me where I was so he could meet up with me. I finally gave in. He sat me down and cried to me about how much he loved me, missed me.. he had a nightmare I was on a date and woke up in a complete panic. He told me how bad he wanted the baby with me and how much it screwed him up. After an emotional catch up , I went home with him. The next morning he said he wanted to get back together, that he didn’t realize what he had until he lost it.. that he has always loved me.,( he only told me this twice the entire time we dated) he probably told me 15 times though this time. He cuddled, talked and made love most the day. He asked me to come back that night ( he had to go to work) and that he wanted to make me dinner. I can’t back later.. he told me he ended things with this girl he was hanging out with, for me. He deleted his dating apps in front of me. All of this was completely his decision. We spent the night together again. Everthing was wonderful and natural. The following night he stated he didn’t wabt to rush back into it so fast…which led to him not being ready.. freaking out and completely changing his mind. Obviously im blindsided and completely heartbroken. What in the world happened?!
So I’m doing the no contact rule. I’ve made every mistake in the book of trying to get my ex back. He does not want me back. That’s what he said, he left me for the girl he cheated with me on. He finds it hard to deal with issues and prefers the easy way out. This new girl is stroking his ego and I suppose he thinks a relationship with her will be more emotionally fulfilling to him. However, he’s my best friend and while my love is fading, I still want him to come back. I’ve deleted his number from my phone but my whatsapp profile pic and about me section is open to the public so that he can see what I’ve been up to. However, should I make it private again for the sake of making myself less accessible? Do I also delete him from Facebook? What should I do with regards to being accessible but not too accessible?
I was dating this guy I was working with for slightly over a month. It went extremely fast and was very intense- lots of butterflies and passion and warm fuzzies all around. Not all of that time was completely awesome- there were times he’d commit to something and back out after the last minute with an excuse like he had no gas or money to come see me. He would also text me that he felt I didn’t really want what he wanted- a future, white picket fence, etc. I tried to explain (in person) that until we had time to develop to that level that I could say I wanted that (white picket fence) in my life in the future, but I didn’t want to say or commit immediately to something that might turn out to be a lie. We got into a fight a few days after one of those conversations and what was also after a period of time where we didn’t see much of each other aside from work- five days, actually. He couldn’t make it to my house over the weekend for the aforementioned gas/money issue when I tried to make plans, and it turned out I had plans with my best friend (and roommate- no, not a guy) and an out of town guest staying at our place for most of the rest of the week. Anyway, the argument ended when I told him that if he couldn’t respect my autonomy when it came to decisions about my health and body then he could get the f*** out. He took my word for it and told me fine, he was gone. I called and texted him throughout the next day to try and talk things out, but he ignored every attempt to contact him. I was devastated, and also a bit pissed. He texted me after I had already gone to bed later that night. I went out of town the day and didn’t respond to anything he sent me throughout the day until I got home and we proceeded to get into another argument via text. It wasn’t resolved in any kind of manner. He came into work the next day and proceeded to completely ignore that I existed, and close to the end of my shift he went to his (not mine) supervisor and proceeded to accuse a co-worker and I of sabotaging his work. I can honestly say we did no such thing- I didn’t even mention that we had been dating to anyone, let alone that we had broken up. People still knew, mostly cause he couldn’t quit talking about it. Anyway, he walked out of his shift that night. The next night he did acknowledge I existed, and I tried to respond minimally and civilly. He ended up walking out of that shift too, claiming that he was being made fun of every time he entered mine and my-co-workers primary work area. That wasn’t true either- we were joking around and laughing, but not about him at all. They fired him after that. He texted me a day or after basically deriding my character and maintaining his accusations, no matter how much I tried to claim innocence. During this whole “bad” period I had intended to attempt to talk and possibly reconcile with him, but never got a chance while defending my integrity. Another period of time passed- about a week or so, and then he called me asking for some of things back, and I agreed to return them and again attempted to try to talk things out, but he was still convinced I had more or less caused his losing his job. Another week went by, and I texted him merry christmas- responded saying he missed me and knew the breakup was his fault, but made no mention of getting back together, just said he hoped I was doing well and he didn’t want ruin my day by saying anything else. I texted back and tried to express that I wasn’t angry at him and just wanted to know what had happened. That ended with a long text by me that went unanswered until a little over a week later when he texted me asking if I wanted my things. I said yes, and my roommate and I went up to get my things, which he suddenly couldn’t find. He admitted the whole dang thing was his fault and thought I could do better than him- I told him I didn’t want to do that and that I really had just wanted to talk things out if possible. He kissed me a couple different times and the night ended on a hopeful note, though I still didn’t have my things. He texted me on my way back home that he had found my things. I called the next night after I got off work and asked if I could pick them up- he sighed and said it was last time he was gonna see me. I told him that depended, but he hung up at that point. I got my things, and he told me to have a goodnight. I left, and circled back around and asked him if he really thought I gave a s*** about the ‘stuff’- I had made no attempt to get it back and wrote it off as lost. He said he had just taken a job nearer to where I lived so he could see me more easily, and at that point I thought it prudent to mention my roommate had banned him from the house- she owns it and I pay rent, so really, it was up to her. At everything kinda dissolved after that, he said that in that case nothing could go anywhere with us, and accused me of putting myself on ‘the victims side’ of the situation bringing up the whole ordeal from work again. When I asked for clarification about what exactly he meant he said, I quote, “this is bulls***, you can’t even admit it! Goodnight.” And literally left me outside in the cold. I left after that and later texted him asking if he still wanted to be with me despite all the stuff that’s happened up to that point. No answer for a few days now- honestly, I just want to know if I should expect us to be able to work things out or not. I feel heartbroken and like I’m being played at the same time, but I’d take the chance if it were presented all the same. We had what I feel was a highly passionate connection while we were together and I was beginning to fall in love with him. What do you think the chances of getting back together are?
Ok so my relationship with my ex was amazing! eveverything was good! I’m 28 and he’s 41! we met at work and we just connected immediately! my mom died 8 months ago and ever since then we have had a strain and it’s been a little hard but he knows what I’m going through because his mom also passed 10 years ago! my ex has never been the commitment type but he was with me for 3 years! even he said I am the only girl he’s ever loved and actually cared about! But then he wanted this break with me but was still contacting me and seeing me 3 times a week atleast! But then he cheated! he strayed and he always said he would! but it was just out of no where! he still says he loves me and maybe one day we can be together but we just need space! but I don’t get it cuz he still wants to talk to me and make sure I’m doing good! this break up had been really hard on me especially since my mom just died and he was the only one there for me! please help me I don’t know how to take control of this break up! He’s holding all the cards right now and I hate it!
My ex broke up with me by phone December 30. Things were good other than minor miscommunications which got annoying but we always talked it out after. December 29 we had sex and he took me out for dinner and things were good. Then the next day after making new years plans with him he said 2018 is approaching and will be busy with work and he felt we didnr communicate great so broke up with me over the phone. I was in shock and didnt know what to say so I asked if I could call him later to talk. He said okay but it wouldnt change his mind about his decision. I never contacted him because I was hurt then he sent me a long message apologizing, wishing me the best and if I ever needed someone to talk too he would be there for me. We have been dating officially since September 2017 but in an ongoing sexual relationship as if we were dating since june 2017. We spent this past christmas together with no problems and things were great.
What do I do to get him back!?!? I know we can work on things but I dont know How to get him to understand. I keep reading not to contact himbut its so hard and I want to reply to his text explaining why we could work out but don’t know if I should. He leaves for 10 days out of country next week so I dont know if I should contact him before or after :\
I miss him so much and need him back in my life
I’ve been dating my ex for last 2 years he was a married man and I’m a single mom …we worked together and he asked me out we share each other’s feelings he told me how his marriage that is not working with his wife he has no feelings for her she does not want family she does not want kids she does not want to be intimate with him at all he asked me out and I said yes why not give it a try since then our relationship been good but yet he was living with her he tried his best to communicate with me as much as possible after 1 and 1/2 years I always try to make him move out of the house if he does not want to be with her make a decision if he is happy with her he can be with her and break up with me. every time I tell him to break up with me he cries and he says he does not want to break up with me because he is only happy with me want to be with me he needs me he promised he’s not intimate with her he’s only intimate with me. We work together we lost our job because we were in a relationship he did not care he Risked his job I risked my job to stay together even after losing the job we stayed together we still love each other the same I thought he will break up with me after losing the job but we knew the consequences when we first started dating we still did not care. Being a single mama has so much responsibility he helped me in many ways co-signing to my apartment co-signing to get me a credit card with his credit. Taking care of my child loving my child giving my child the love of a father everything he did was so perfect. We always talk about future having babies having a house we plan to meet my family we go on vacation thanks so much we seen so much as speech for future. He. agree to move out but when time came he had excuse he could not move out to which i said okay let’s be patience and he will move out. I know he cares about her he did tell me he cares about her a lot and he wants to make sure that she is okay before he moves out. Last Friday he plan to move out but when the date came he says he does not want to move out now he wants to make sure she’s okay before he moves out I was very upset I wanted to break up with him but he cried and he said he needs me he does not want to break up he just needs a little more time which I said I did cannot give no more time I have been patient for last 2 years that’s it today either he choose me or choose her. After 3 hours of arguing and crying he moved out with me. Because I wanted to break. Well on my way home he promised to always stay by my side and he loves me a lot now I don’t have to worry about anything he’s there for us . then the same night she’s been calling he text her and told her he moved out and he will file for divorce to which she said she would like to meet him once and sit down and talk like adults. He said okay he will mert the next day . He told me he will go see her I said okay could go see her. now I regret I shouldn’t have let him go. I don’t know what happened when he went to meet her in 2 hours he came back pick me up from work came home and told me he needs to talk to me and he said he’s moving back in with her he think he should give her another chance. , after begging him to stay not to do this think about it again he still did not stay he left. Next day his wife message me telling me to stay away from him and her and that she will never come back to me and my child. So I told her everything and I asked her if she was intimate with him for last 3 years cuz he told me he was never and she laughs and says that’s what he told you oh my God and then she says how could he think of having a future with you and your child if I don’t sign off the divorce paper. And he has to give me money half of his income every month. That tells me clearly that she blackmailed him emotionally whichever way to money which made him make that decision. She took his phone away from him and changed his number I called him at his work and I asked him what’s going on he needs to talk to me and give me a proper explanation to this break up and walk away he just told me not to call him it’s done between us he does not want to see me or talk to me.
I know he’s very confused when he walked out of my house he was crying I asked him are you sure you will be happy without me as you always said you were not happy without me he said he is not sure if he will be happy but he made up his mind he made his choice.
I really miss him a lot what hurts is that he broke up with me just before Christmas and we had so much planned to start a fresh new year together have a Christmas dinner together so much plans for future so much planned for New Year everything fell apart just in matter of 2 second. My heart tells me he will come back he’s a man who likes to solve his own problem without involving third party. But I can’t convince myself that he will come back my mind is still on him everything reminds me of him he left his some of his clothes at my house all the pictures all the social media.
I tried contacting him but now I see his number is changed there’s no other way I can contact him because he does not have social media I don’t know what to do.
Please give me some advice I’m completely broke
I ended a 6 month relationship when he told me he didn’t see me as his future wife. What hurt the most was that I feel like he made that decision based on a lot of miscommunication.
It’s been one month since and I miss him like crazy. I truly believe that we can make this relationship work with proper communication.
I don’t know what to do. Should I just let it go or tell him that I want to give this another try? Please help
Leave him alone. I’ve been there believe me. It hurts and sometimes you can’t help yourself but you need to let go. You deserve a man that wants to be with you. Don’t force it. Do things that make you happy. Something new. Run a marathon, take a self defence course or do something you always wanted to do. You will find a perfectly good man that loves and wants to be with you when you least expect it.
I was dating a guy for only a couple months and he knew I was moving for school. It felt like we were in a serious relationship because we got pretty close in those two months we had. I told him I wasn’t planning on moving back since he had three more years of university, and there’s no film industry up north which he understood. He told me a couple times when he graduated he was thinking of moving to Vancouver too. The last day we saw each other was when he came to Vancouver and we hangout around the city together. We both should of have talked about what was going to happen with us, but we never got around to that. I knew it would have been hard to talk about it and I would end up crying on the sky train back home which I didn’t want to do. I texted him we should keep in contact and that for Christmas when I come to visit I wanted to see him. He said that he also wanted to see me too, and we should keep in contact also. After the first month’s I felt like he was too busy to reply to me and we didn’t really have any thing much to say to each other. I got mad and blocked him on everything except for his number which I deleted because it didn’t matter since I didn’t remember it anyways. He never texted me once about me blocking him. So I’m thinking that he doesn’t really care as much as I thought. So I Facebook messaged him and told him I overreacted so that’s why I had him blocked. He said he was surprised about that and also assuming that I wasn’t planning on moving back he thought it wasn’t really a big deal. I said I guess you’re right and he never replied. I blocked him on Facebook again. Now I’m in my town visiting for Christmas and I’m wondering if I should message him to see if he wants to grab a coffee or something and maybe talk about what happened in person. At the same time I feel like I should just let it be. I don’t think I can be just friends because I still have feelings for him. So what should I do?
Leave him be. You deserve a man that wants to be in your life. If its meant to be it will happen. There may be a better man in store for you. Live your life go out, have fun, work out, invest in yourself. Don’t let a man be a source of your happiness.
SO your advices is for a girl who broke up with her boyfriend… and that is 90% chance.
But what if (as in my case) my boyfriend got cold feet and broke up with me?
I have not contacted him, but he has not once reached out to me.
I still love him. I still want to rekindle and reconcile. And the weird thing – his
family contacts me to see how I am doing – which sets me back.
What’s your advice for that? Is he still thinking about me? Or has he moved on? It has been 2 months since we broke up.
And 1 month 1/2 since we last spoke. That is a long time for me.
I was with my boyfriend for 6months I found out the whole time he was talking to other woman and he had social media accounts behind my back to do so, we had very good and bad times as well normal stuff and he made me meet his family and him and his family told me I was changing him into a better man and was giving him inspiration to make his life better I’m just so confused I showed him all of the proof I found and we had an incident like that before but this time I had all my proof I sent it in a text message because I was t with him in person and he blocked me from everything it’s been a month now and he hasn’t even contacted me to say sorry or nothing I’m just here left in the dark and so confused
Before i called his mom yesterday, we av settled it and he told me he miss me and he will do anything for me. Bv after i called he insist that there is no way that y should i call his mom that am manipulating things. I sent him long text abt relationship today and he didn’t say anything. Pls reply
Hello, gud evening thanks for ur advice. My ex told me he do not want the relationship again that i should go, later he said i should give him space, i cried and begged him for two weeks after calling and texting him with no reply, i called his mom and message some of his friends and brother to help me beg him. After calling his mom, she called him and talk to him then he got pissed off and said he doesn’t want again that i should go. Then i finally agree to let him be, but the truth is that i still miss him and i still call him and message him on facebook which he sometimes reply and sometime pick my call. After reading the step now, i want to know if i should stop calling him and texting him?
I received a Facebook message from his ex girlfriend last Sunday asking if I was his girlfriend then told me she had been sleeping with him. I confronted him and he begged me for a second chance and I gave it to him. Three days later he tells me he loves everything about our relationship and me but isn’t sure if he’s in love with me because he doesn’t know what that feels like and ended our relationship because he says he knows he’s going to hurt me again and isn’t happy with himself enough to give to a relationship. Devasted I haven’t contacted him since and yesterday after less than a three days of being broken up he unfollowed me on Instagram but he watched my story. We had an amazing connection and he said he meant everything he said to me including wanting me to be his wife and my face being the last he sees before he dies, but he’s feels like he’s not able to fully commit to me. I don’t know what is going on in his head, he’s so gentle with me but he broke my heart and I was willing to forgive him and I almost think that was the wrong move.., help
Let him go. If he’s not ready you can’t make him be with you. I know its hard to let go but you’ll be happier in the long run. Go out more, take a dance class or start jogging it really helps. Do sonething new that you always wanted to do. Life isn’t always about being in a relationship. Live your life! Don’t worry about him I’m sure you’ll find someone without even thinking.
Hi so I recently had this problem with an ex whom I’ve been on and off with and a couple days ago he asked if I was willing to be in a 3 person relationship with a “close friend” of his and it turns out he’s been talking to her behind my back and well after talking about it with him ..I decided that he should just leave me alone and not text me but he still texted that he was going to be there for me if needed to talk to him about anything ..I don’t know if I should respond to this ..or how to to respond to it …
I don’t think you should reply. Are you ok with someone else in the relationship? Are you willing to share? There are plenty of good men who are willing to only be in a relationship with you. Let him be. Watch movies, work out, read a book. Do things that you enjoy to pass the time. You will find a man that deserves you. don’t worry.
Hi, we have been living together for 10months and we both live in Australia, we had such good moments but also we had a lot of fight over stupid things. Then another case that his dad asking him to take over his company in Netherlands. He has been thinking to take it over because he saying that our relationship wasnt going that well. He cant make any decision whether he wants to fully commit in our relationship or let his dad’s company away. So eventually we have been not living together anymore for around 3weeks now. I asked him couple times to try to fix this(last time was 2 days ago) but he keep sayinn that he cant fully commit to me at the moment because he still cant make any decision,otherwise it will just make you even more hurt. Then i stop asking or send him any message. Then now he text some random message like “today i was working with him”, he sent me a pic. I dont know what should i respond? I want to make him misses me and of course i want him back. Should i respond his random message or just ignore it..?
Thank you, I really hope you can help me:)
I met the guy before I went overseas, so we only had a short period of time together. We texted daily and he gave me every indication he felt the same way I did before I went on holiday…until he said he wasn’t ready for a serious relationship because he has work, school and his family to think about.
I was devastated and while he tried to say ‘let’s be friends’, I told him that’s not fair on either of us given the way I feel and cut off contact. It’s been a week since then. Does he miss me and think of me? Is there a chance of getting him back?
I dayed someone long distance for 7 month…most amazing man I’ve met and treated me so well but the communication was not the greatest when he was around friends and family and I was non existent to his social media and have not met anyone significant to him and he would not commit to a relationship. To cut the long story short I recently ended things because of the lack of effort and commitment after 7 months which breaks my heart because I truly loved him. I’m going to try this process and see if he decides to commit I just hope I did the right thing leaving him because we never had one any issues. Ugh any advice am I doing the right thing???
Hi! I was dating this guy for nearly a year. We go to the same small college and he is in the grade above me as the same major. We are each other’s first loves. Towards the end of our relationship he treated me like a “yo-yo”. He would push me away, then show interest, have sex, show interest then push me away again. It was a vicious cycle. I put him through a lot in the beginning of our relationship so he uses that as an excuse for the poor way he began to treat me. I was so vulnerable for this guy. I told him I would to anything for him, and I would change the things about myself that he did not like. It became unhealthy. We broke up and I finally started to just focus on myself again. My happiness is no longer relying on him. It has been a week since we have officially broke up (he broke up with me three times… i felt incapable of ending it… i didn’t want to leave things until i felt wanted… we were on and off… and this third time was our “final” time). He texted me, out of the blue, this morning and said “I can’t get you off of my mind”. I normally respond, but this time I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to fall into another trap, but it is so hard to simply just ignore. What do you think is best? We love each other, but right now we are just toxic for each other. I can’t deal with being pushed away and he can’t deal with my needy response. I’m so confused on what he wants with me. He never knew when he was with me and it killed me… I know I want him but his indecisiveness has caused this relationship to crumble. It just all seems like a chase! When I give him attention, he pushes me away, but when I don’t give him attention he begs for it back. I don’t want to play a game I just want to figure things out for my own peace of mind. Please help!
Hey i have a similar situation feel free to email me maybe qe can text about it or something and help eachother
Hi, I was dating a guy for only two months. We had the most amazing time together and a great connection. On date 6 we confided in each other about our traumatic pasts. We had incredibly amazing intimacy and fantastic dates. By date #8 I could tell that he was starting to fall for me. On date #9 he freaked out and told me that he had absolutely no concerns regarding our relationship and that he had no doubt about our connection and that if we continued to see each other we would have a wonderful relationship. The fear that he was having is that I have a 5 year old son. I’m 33, he’s 31 and an attorney. He wants children, but said he is not ready to have a child in his life. I was not pushing anything and he was putting pressure onto himself. I told him that I was trying to focus on the present and that I was not ready for him to be a part of that either. I just wanted things to progress naturally. He had not even met my son. He ended things after our last date without giving us a chance. We are not in contact and it’s been a week. Is there any hope for this situation?
Hi, my ex boyfriend and i work together, he is younger than me and we were friend for 2 years, I have been supporting him during his bad marriage. I have been liking him for a while and I confessed to him and told him that I can’t be his friend any more as I need to deal with my felling to him as this is wrong feelings because he is married. Latter he got separated from his wife and contacted me 2 weeks after the separation and we became together very quickly and very intense, he initiate every thing and we were very happy he told me how much he loves me and that he wanted to have a future with me. I gave him all the attention and care he needed to help with his separation. Then after that he start to change he started to disrespect me and became secretive than he dumped me because he is not ready for a relationship but he wanted us to remain friends. Our relationship lasted 2 and half months I was upset and tearful but I didn’t react he tried to say hurtful things to me to have a reaction still I didn’t react and I didn’t get hurtful to him with any words or actions and told him that I understand what he is going through and I am willing to go back to be friends, he was grateful for this and astonished that I didn’t react crazy of hurtful to him. Afterwards he contact me via text in almost weekly basis for the following 3 weeks after the breakup checking on me and try to open conversation, also appreciating me at the office to check that i am ok. I kept it short and simple as i need my time to heel as well as i felt he is playing games to keep me hooked in case he can’t find some one alse so he would have me as a short tearm back up. I stoped all contact a week ago and started to ignore him in the office as well and tried not to run into him but in a cool way so I only smile and say hi if we are in the same place briefly. He didn’t text me at all this week, I do want him back because i do love him but not sure that i have a chance or that he even really care. I am very cool, calm and smily in the office as allways which he can see which made him a bit uneasy and he tried to get my attention. I continued taking care of myself and having fun which he can see as well. Can you please advise if you can? Many thanks, Angie.
Question is ur in a long distance relationship and ur ex has been acting shady. To get things to break up mutually between you both . And claims to stay as friends for the future … should you agree ? And if you did and you shouldn’t because you want them back . Should you be blunt and state that you don’t feel being friends right now is a option ?
We’ve been together for 7 months but I broke up with him 5 days ago, I did it before but I begged him to take me back instantly, this time I’m not gonna beg or talk to him because I know he took me for granted and I don’t want that. He didn’t even read my break up message yet.. how will I know if he misses me when he naturally doesn’t text very fast (which is the reason for our break up) and not on social media much + there is no contact between us??
He broke u with me in july . He ignored me after I did alot lf begging etc. i started to feel better do my own thing and little by little he contacted me. But They are short answers from him. No saying he misses me. No inclination that he wants to work on us again. I stay nuetral in texts bc I don’t want to seem needy but am I giving the right impression ?
We split before 4,yrs..I love him alot I am begging back of him to accept me for the past 4yrs..but no use I am really feed up with lyf..he hated me alot now ..I don’t know wt to do now
My ex (5 month relationship) broke up with me two months ago and a week later went straight to a rebound relationship. He text me out of the blue and asked me how I was and then said we should go get food. He also said that he wants to just be friends. So my question is, why the heck is he texting me to go get food when he is still dating his “rebound”?! I still have feelings for him and he knows that. Hence the reason he told me he just wants to be friends. Everybody knows you can’t be “just friends” with a guy you still have feelings for. I feel like he is playing games with me and going to get food is only going to hurt me more….knowing he doesn’t want to date me. What should I do? Not go? Or TRY to be “Just Friends”??
Omg girl, stay out of friend zone
It is going to be a year that we broke up. We are both on our early 50’s. He would hardly ever contact me for the first 8 months but for the last 3 months he has been emailing me and/or texting, he doesn’t have social media. After our break up (which he tells me it was because he couldn’t give me what I wanted) he became involved with someone totally the opposite of me, but cheated on her. He did introduce her to his family as a friend. Our text messages were at first him telling me that he would never see or talk to me again. But will continue to text me some times during the day and mostly during the evening, especially after 11 PM. Our messages have become very intimate. He asked me to come over 3 weeks ago for the first time since we broke up(he had said he would not invite me over again) with the excuse that his back hurt and that I was the only person that could help him. I stopped by (it was after 11 PM) and gave him his back massage for about an hour. I realize he was extremely turned on but we did not get intimate that night. I went home after and he asked me to please text him to let him know I was home safely, which was our routine when we were together before. I texted him the next morning to ask him how was his back feeling but he did not reply, in fact he did not text me again for 7 days. His brother passed away and I sent him my condolences and had a sympathy card for him and his family. I finally saw him again at a car wash before his brother’s funeral and he hugged me tightly when I gave him a hug with my sympathy. Last Friday he asked me to come over again after 11 PM because of his back. I did it again, I went over his place and fixed his back, only this time we were very intimate, but he refused to have intercourse, only other things. We helped each other to a release, but when I tried to go all the way he said NO, we are not doing that. Again he has not texted me back and it has been 4 days. I am so confused. I am not sure if he was using me or if he really did miss me. I have no idea if he still with the other person since I have not asked him. We were together for 2 years before breaking up, we were the best of friends and talked every day and night. He called me and texted me every day when he went away on a cruise with his friends. We enjoyed each other’s company and loved watching football games, which this girl hates any sports. I am not sure what to think. My best friends tells me he is using me, his son tells me he is confused. Please help me understand this man. I love him and I really believed he cared for me. I just don’t know what to think or if it is worth waiting a little bit longer to see if he just gets his mind straight. Thank you!
I ended it with my boyfriend a week ago Friday…I have yet to hear from him. I want to sent him a text, but dont…its a sucky feeling
Very long story, but I could really use somebody’s advice. About a month ago, my 2 year relationship ended with the love of my life. I still can’t type that without crying. We were both madly in love with each other and very passionate, and the passion went both ways. I did a poor job of leaving no doubt for him to know how much I loved him, which lead to various problems. I never ever cheated on him or went behind his back, but there were stupid lies throughout that ultimately became too much for him to deal with. He lost trust in me the past 6 months, even though I knew that in those past months were whenever I was the most trusting. But I always understood why he couldn’t. Anyway, we fought all the time and our lives were miserable, still loving each other immensely. So he decided he needs to get his life back on track and he can’t do that being with me. I begged for a few days because I was so devastated, but I turned that around. Over the past couple of weeks, I have had to see him (the whole story is explained on another thread I posted, but long story short – he has two children who I watch once a week) so I’ve seen him several times. We’ve been intimate each time except this past week. We haven’t spoken much via text message, but he seems to want to know what I’ve been up to, but then he’ll go a while without texting me. This past weekend, I was at his son’s birthday party, and things seemed to be like they used to be (another tidbit of information – he is much older than me, and our relationship has been kept private from everybody except our closest friends) so everyone at the birthday party (his mother knows so everyone besides her) does not know about us. But he would joke with me, tease me, etc. like he used to, which is what lead to our closest friends finding out about us before we decided to tell them ourselves. However, I’ve become incredibly anxious and worried about what he’s been doing. His life before me consisted of having really good friends, women included but only as friends (and I never once doubted that), and he would typically hang out at bars every other weekend, but he totally stopped that after the first few months of us being together. But a week ago, he told me how his best friend (who knows about us) was inviting him to go to some cabin over the weekend which is just a big drinking fest, but it didn’t work out so it’s at his house instead. His best friend, by the way, has twin 1 1/2 year olds and a wife (who he isn’t completely faithful to). So I know that his wife was probably there which means that other women were not.
Anyway, while at the birthday party, he was asking me what I was doing later, even though I wasn’t doing anything. He left once it ended saying he was going over to his friend’s house. I had sent him a picture of a dog I was watching that he made a joke about, but he didn’t respond all night until the next morning, which was brief and he stopped texting after the second message. He texted me today asking for his Comcast information, said thank you, then never responded once I said you’re welcome.
I am so worried he’s forgetting about me and moving on. I have felt better about myself and life in general, but the worriedness and anxiousness does not go away. I want to be with him so badly and am becoming very impatient, which isn’t good because I don’t want it to lead to a breakdown.
I know that no matter what our future holds, together or just friends, this will have been the best thing for us because we would have never been happy living and treating each other the way we were. He tells me he’ll always love me, but he’s living his life with no expectations and he thinks it’s best for us to both move on. Whenever I told him that I agreed we both need to move on from the previous relationship, he didn’t respond back to that part. (This was during a slip up last weekend that I regret.) I brought up how it upsets me that he’ll text me a few times a week and stop after a handful of texts, nd he made it clear he does NOT want to live his life on his phone. That was a big part of our problems, was that we HAD to be in contact 24/7, and it became very unhealthy. However, I still worry that because I don’t hear from him that often that he’s getting over me.
I don’t want to be told to move on from him. However I feel in relation to that is going to be a natural thing, and right now I do not want to move on from him because I want to be with him so badly. I want to continue improving myself, but I need advice on how to interpret how he’s feeling and how to handle how anxious I get about what he’s doing and why he doesn’t contact me much. Oh, and one more thing … he has said that there’s always a chance for us to get back together, and in relation to the no expectations thing, he said he’s not going to think one way or the other.
Hi my name is Tiffany. I have been with my man for over three years. The last year we fought a lot and I always found things such as him sexting other women and eventually I just broke down got depressed and felt like he was cheating on me when I didn’t know if he really was becuase he would tell me he wasn’t. I have a child with him and another on the way. We live together and he won’t break the lease. He broke up with me saying he was just tired of it and just knows how to get in my head to where I feel so hurt and upset and hate myself for doubting him when I even catch him in lies. Now I find myself still loving him and wanting him back so bad but I’m always hurt and sad becuase whenever this man does stuff that makes me happy then next he doesn’t realize how much he hurt me…im terrified he’s gunna see other woman and since I live with him and have his children it will kill me but he doesnt understand that. Since he broke up with me I have no right to say who he sees but it will make me feel like I was nothing to him! That I will feel like I’ve lost all hope of being with him. He says he loves me but not in love with me. He gives me kisses sometimes but then ttys to not give me the wrong idea. I need help and o know it’s all toxic but I don’t know what to do!! I hurt so much! With a one year old and a baby on the way I’m so emotion and can’t think. I love this man so much but I feel if he dates another woman he’s gone forever and I’ll be all alone with his children while we go back and forth for our kids to see me and him I two seperate households. And what if he fell in love with someone else and had kids with them? I’d die! I don’t know what to do…i want to be with him and I know he still does lovable things for me but I feel like it leads me on…and since we live together I can’t have no contact with him. And each time he hides his phone to text I feel like he’s already talking to other woman and just won’t tell me. Someone please help…
my boyfriend of 3 years broke up with me and he said his tired of all the fighting and his reached his breaking point. yes his years we’ve been fighting a lot and it was also wearing me out but I always told myself that I would fight for the relationship and thought all the fighting were probably tests to see how strong our relationship is. I begged him and told him I’ll do anything to make him happy and try to minimize the fighting, he wasn’t interested. its been a month since we broke up and o last spoke to him two weeks back and he said I should move on then said he needs time with no communication, he even removed all our pictures from his social media. I love him and he genuinely loved me. he told me that he has never had a gal that loved him like I did and he doubt he’ll ever find her but his not sure if he still wants to be with me, his heart wants me but his mind doesn’t. please advise
It’s been 2 weeks since he broke up with me.and he made very clear that he don’t have any feelings left for me.and even if it does it’s all negativity about me in his mind and he don’t want me in any case.he never tried contacting me.we were together since 2 and half years.its a shocking for me.i love him even after his harsh words.his reason of break up is that we argue a lot and that’s true but I asked him to give me a chance but he isn’t ready .i am not in contact with him but nothing is changing.he seems really over me.its not the 1st time that he broke up with me but whenever he did ..he always initiated contacting me and asking for a chance and when this time I asked for a chance ..he is just not ready to give me. Please tell me what to do to make him come back to me?
After 1.5 years of dating, my ex randomly broke it off by saying “he’s extremely stressed with life right now” and that he felt bad he couldn’t give me 100% right now. He felt as if he was putting me on the back burner, which I completely disagree with. It was the healthiest, most amazing and fun relationship anyone could be in. He didn’t want to ask me to wait for him because he didn’t think it was fair, and so he broke it off. I don’t know what to do. The last time we talked, about 2 weeks ago, he said he didn’t know if he wanted this break up. I’m so heart broken. I thought I was going to marry this guy, he’s amazing. What do I do now?
I feel like I wrote this myself, it’s exactly my situation. We are soooo much alike and have so much in common. He’s hit a depression and wants to end things. I don’t know what to do.
You guys are in the exact same situation as what i am in right now, we’ve been broken up a bit over a week now after being together for over a year. He was going through a tough time and struggling with mental health issues and decided that even though I was willing to stick by him and love him no matter what, that he needed to help himself before he could let anyone else help him. I was so upset but understood that when he said he needed some time to get himself right, thats what he needs. So I am giving him some space, we spoke last night to catch up but it was him initiating it and asking how I was.. I left it a day before I replied and he seemed like he genuinely cared. I hope things work out, he is seriously the loveliest, most caring, generous and funny person I know and we got along so well. I really hope that focusing on myself for a while and allowing him to do the same will be exactly what he needs.. I just hope we find our way back to each other soon as I miss him very much.
I hope your situations turned out well guys xx
My ex and I have been through a lot. Everything has been amazing since day one. We recently suffered a miscarriage but he seems fine as we very supportive. I thought this was the man I was going to marry one day. However he recently met up with his ex fiancé. They have had a toxic on again off again relationship and he was the one who broke of their engagement for good. He met with here after 8 months of no contact to retrieve some important information she had of his. The meeting turned into her saying how sorry she is and she wants him to give her another chance and you know what he did….. no surprise broke up with me to give her another chance. They are no good for each other and everyone knows it. I don’t think it will last long. Do you think your methods will work in this situation and make him realize he made the wrong decision. I want him back not because I feel I need him but because I truly do love him
This is one of the most thorough and worthwhile articles I have read on this subject and so thank you! I don’t see many responses to the posts here, so before I tell my very convoluted story, can you tell me the chances of receiving any response? Thank you.
Me and my long term boyfriend did everything together and we basically lived together.
He has a few mental health problems and a pocessive mother.
We went to America on holiday a week ago and next week he starts his last year of uni.on Tuesday he broke up with me , he said he did want to still have me in his life but needed space as his head isn’t in the right place. We texted a bit but I could tell his mum was controlling it and he asked for space again … I’m meant to help him move into uni and he hasn’t said no to it but he hasn’t messaged me at all since for a whole day, do I just give the space and hope he doesn’t forget about me ? We did so much together we where like two peas in a pod as load of people told us. He’s kept his profile pic and lots of his stuff at mine. Is there still a chance? Was it his mum’s doing of the break up and he will he change when he’s out of the house at uni ? I need help because we love each other and he did say but I’m worried he’s lying or his mum is inflicting this. I just want to text him to remind him I’m here but I’m not sure what to do. Please give some advice
When we first started seeing each other he had just gotten out of his relationship with his ex and I had trust issues that they weren’t really done. I would ask him about it and one time we got in a huge fight about it because I wanted proof that they were over. Now he uses that against me and he doesn’t like me drinking because his dad is an alcoholic. I told him I was going out with a friend gave him which friend location and everything I said I’m not drinking because I’m broke..I posted a Snapchat of two beers and he sees the Snapchat and just flips on me that I lied to him and said I wasn’t drinking but I did. I told him my friend bought the drinks but I’m sorry should have let him know. Anyways the fight turned bigger and he ended things. I told him I want to fix this because it was an honest mistake and he brings up that he’s gone through hoops to prove to me and all this. He said he’ll give it another try but isn’t ready to talk about it & just needs some space. I’m at a point do I give him his space and try to fix this or just move on.
I used to use this formula all the time with my ex… but he was a narccisist and used devalue discard almost monthly for 18 years to keep me in love with him. I used to think wow this stuff works, until I realized he only came back because I was what they call narccisistic supply. Make sure you are not in a situation like this before using these methods that absolutely work, but sometimes we should let them go and get past the pain of missing them.
am reading your discussion on how important it is to keep in touch after a long distance breakup…but it seems my boyfriend sometimes is interested in conversations and will write quite a lot, then sometimes he is one worded and/or doesn’t even reply anymore. He tells me he is here always when I need him and wishes me the best, etc, and numerous times he has asked me if we broke up if it’s possible for us to stay in contact and be friends and I said over time maybe, but that I don’t know, but now that we have broken up I miss him and it’s been one month. We are both from the same city and then we both moved to the east coast for college and stayed together a year and a half, but started falling into communication failures and distance. We have generally been very good at fixing our problems, but this summer we both were in the same city for two months, it was wonderful, then I left for a month to a different country and it started to happen again where we lost touch and communication became worse to the point where I would express my deep sadness and emotions about not being happy and all the things I felt were wrong in our relationship. He wanted to fix it and admitted he felt the same and wanted to rekindle the spark, but then the last week before I came he became distant again and then I got back and we talked, cried and broke up. We said let’s give each other a few days to think it through, but then we broke up. I regret losing him and I have followed all the steps and methods and in your videos. The ones about writing bullet points on what went wrong, his views, etc and I still feel lost, but I have come to terms with a lot of things I did wrong. He owed me money from a previous trip we went on and I was a bit rude about it and I feel it somewhat ruined the relationship after the break up, but then we started to slowly talk and I asked his opinion on something, he was kind, but stopped anwering. I’m not sure what else to do. I am now back in the city I study in and he is still home, but will be back soon, 3 hours away.
Now he told me he needs a little bit of space and doesn’t want to shut me out, but wants to eventually have something good and be friends but things we need a little space to heal and move forward.
It has been almost a month since we broke up. He broke up with me saying that he had enough of the small fight we had every month. Since our breakup , he show no emotions. He didnt try to reach out to me too. However he does constantly post on his facebook page. And it does seem to me he has already move on. Is there even chance for us to be back together again?
Hi, this is great and motivating article! Thank you! I just got a question as my ex said he don’t feel the same anymore as I do. He says love faded? Our life was difficult for starters and I was there for him always and now I feel that he stand on his feet and gained confidence back so he don’t need me. Although we decided I will move out which is hard. We lived out of know where which is isolating so I think that didn’t help. I strongly want to believe all these tips I’ll help. But it’s hard to know I must move out and just leave him there. I am having holiday now and after moving out. How long will it take to get him back? Will this really work?
Hiya basically my ex who i’ve known for 6 years, got together last year on the 3rd of October, split up in may and he got with someone else and just split up with her and came round to my house on the 17/8/2017 and he’s been round ever since out the blue and we had no contact what does it mean?
I read your article and found it useful as this was my first serious relationship and he has decided to ended by ghosting (he did however tried to end it before and pleaded to give us a chance) after texting him concerned about why he is not answering and that was a week after me not contacting him he calls me ending it anws I pleaded for him to come by tmrw so we can talk I wasn’t sure he was going thru it and I ended up going through binge drinking to the extent he came by and saw me all drunk and vunrable he left shortly (I do not remember that much) and ended calling him once and texting him a huge message about admitting what we had was real
I felt betrayed because he gave me a promise ring telling me he wants to be with me and in the beginning of the relationship he was scare I would leave him and now the tables have been turned and has already happened. I haven’t contacted him since I have been trying to keep my phone away and distract myself what I want to know is can I still salvage it ??
Hi I’m a gay female and I had a one year relationship with a girl at work but she had a bf she was only working as an internship and left 6 weeks ago since leaving she has said that she only wants to be friends and if we can’t be friends we shouldn’t speak but I don’t think ndearstand why she changed her mind so quickly she’s gone from saying I love you everyday to not wanting to talk to me at all really and when I try to talk to her she just gets angry and rude with me, I miss her everyday and gutted that she’s choosing to stay with her bf that’s she’s cheated on for a year then even try and sort things out with me I don’t know what to think or do anbout the situation I try not to txt her but it’s hard coz I miss her so much we doesn’t nearly everyday together for a year and now no contact at all she she replies if I txt but will never txt me first she says she donsnt think about me or love me anymore and only misses me as a friend after 2 weeks of being apart she said that to me I said then her feelings couldn’t of been there in the first place and she says think what you want?! I dunno what to think!
My boyfriend and I were together for almost three years. We were pretty much a power couple, he was my first boyfriend, and he was 7 years older than me. Everyone who knew him before I met him, constantly told me he is so much better and happier with me and had never seen him treating anyone like a queen like he was treating me. He was good looking and smart and he knew it. We met each other at work, he was trying to move out of his apartment because he did not like his roommates, and he wanted to go back to school. We were on a break after us talking to each other for about 3 months because he wanted to focus on himself and just pick up shifts, make money, and get out of that apartment. We were still speaking to each other, one thing lead to another, with my help, we moved him out and he got his new apartment. Few months later, when I thought we are still just friends he told me he loves me, like 3 times until I stopped pretending like I am not hearing him. We started becoming more public about our relationship. He was so kind and loving and he did every single thing he could to make me feel special. He was so respectful and considerate. He would even come help my mother with some of the manlier things around the house. However recently I quit my job, which lead to us seeing each other less, and during the summer I was out of school, and so I became very clingy and needy and constantly nagging so he would hang out with me, because I was bored when I really should’ve picked up a hobby or something. We did try to take a course together online when I told him I don’t want to do online class, and I went on a vacation with my friend for a week after being gone for a month visiting family abroad. That really upset him, he failed the first exam and ended up dropping the course which cost him a lot of money too. So just being more in debt than before, and having a nagging girlfriend who kept trying to push herself on him and became more and more protective and paid more attention to him so she would get more attention, got annoying. He kept saying that all we do is argue now, and I kept saying it is always over the same thing, I just want to see you more. Anyways, 2 weeks ago he asked for some time and space, I got mad, then resulted in a break then a break up!! All in matter of like 30 minutes because I was livid and confused. I thought everything was great. He said he feels like he is not good enough for me, I made life so easy for him he was letting go of himself and becoming lazy. Which really pissed me off because last time we took a break while he moved out he said that same thing but then 5 months later telling me he loved me he said he didnt mean any of that. I am a very very hardworking woman, type A, I even made a to do list and plan of attack for both of us every day, so I know if he was even being lazy it was because he was just being lazy and had nothing to do with me.
The last week, he got drunk two nights in a row (even with me, he only drank when he was upset), he texted me often but I was sleep, my summer class had started, and he even called me. He texts me every so often, maybe with a picture of a car he thinks we both like, and used to ask me about my class.
I know we got back together last time, and I have a feeling he will come back this time too. This year, it wouldve been our 4th birthday and christmas together, he even said no one celebrated his birthday before me, and no one wanted to decorate the house for halloween and christmas like he did. He did tell me he cares about me, but he did say that he wasnt happy with himself anymore. So I dont know. State fair is in a month and it is our tradition to go to it. We always had so much fun. its in a month and a half. I was wondering if it is okay for me to ask him to go as friends? I am going on another trip in a week to just get out of here and not let sadness come to my life. I already signed up for some fun activities and new hobbies as well to keep myself busy and learn bunch of new things I have always wanted to learn. I do love him and I care about him. I don’t want him to hate his life thinking he hasnt achieved anything and gone no where in life, but he has told me multiple times, I am the one who pushes him to do better, and I mean the past two weeks all he has done was really sitting in bed, or getting drunk … so how is that improving his life I have no clue!
I have broken up with my boyfriend since two months now,but then since he is not even texting or trying to approach. After we broke I remember after few days he called me up but I disconnected the call saying I don’t know whose speaking. Later this week mistakenly I made a call the next day he reverted me but then again I didnt answered him..what should I understand from this.i don’t know what he is upto…If he misses me? Or no
Best regards,
My ex and I were in a long distance relationship for the past 15 months. He works out of town all week so we only saw each other every weekend but talked and texted daily. The relationship was good, even talked we both wanted long term and eventually to live together until 3 months ago when he took a new job for his company. The demands of the job and long hours started changing him, which i told him that. He was becoming irritable, pulling away so I started pressing for him to just move in with me and my teen son so it would be easier on all of us. We’ll you guessed it, he finally said I love you with all my heart but I can’t give you what you want. He couldn’t live with me and didn’t think he could deal with the teenage way of life nowadays. Of course I did all the wrong things afterwards trying to convince him why we should work it out since we loved each other so much, even told him I was OK with us not living together, which I am OK with and I shouldn’t have pressured him when he already had enough pressure from the new job. He asked for his freedom even though he says he still loves me. We continue to text some for about a week after this but I still was doing all the wrong thing and my last text was I love you, to which he responded Enjoy your day. I have since stopped all contact and know there is probably no hope of him wanting me back even though I know he really loves me. I’m a strong person and realize life goes on and I’ll be fine but I love him so I’m going to try your steps and see what happens. Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated.
He broke up 6 days ago n i m contacting him bt he blocked me frm everywhere! Bt he talk to my friends n sayng them that this decision is better for us! M nt good for her! I want him back n i know he miss me alot bcoz v cnt stay widout each other! I tried to call or msg him bt he dint replied but then i told him reply once if u ever loved me he replied b safe b happy! Takecre!
I am confused will he come back to me? M missing him alot! I cry everyday! He told dat he is not happy but he is stress free leaving me! Will he come back?
What happens if they contact you during the no contact period? Do you reply or do you ignore them?
Well, I have a question… and that is, how likely is it for him to come back after randomly breaking up with me?
We had an amazing relationship, wow amazing.. we connected in ways that no one could understand. When we first met our priorities weren’t so crazy.. I met him after a tragic tragic thing happened with his father… and I met him a month after… we connected right off the bat. Throughout the months we were getting to know each other he asked me to be his girlfriend. Of course I said yes, he’s nothing like anyone I’ve ever known. Respectful, playful, honest, everything you could possibly ask for.. through the months we were dating there was no arguments, nothing, of course little things we got like upset about, but we easily talked about it and knew that it was nothing to break us, it was never serious with us to that extent ever. Now our priorities are more serious with life, we are both 20 and very Mature. Full time jobs but We both take care of the things we need to but we always made sure we made time for each other. we both don’t have social media nothing, which was why our relationship worked soooo great… His job is very busy and I randomly asked him(which I now regret) if being in a relationship was too much for him and he said sometimes yes, very randomly… and I’m still confused.. he said it’s not me, it’s him. That he needs to focus on himself and to take care of his family (he has no children) but of course his mother and sibling..and basically broke it off.. Its been a week…and I’m hurting “if we aren’t meant to be I’ll find my way back to you…” still can’t With that…
His mother and I keep in contact and still wants me to hang out with her and have dinner and says I’m invited over whenever and to pray to God that he will bring us back together…
I know it’s a lot for him to handle right now with life but i just want to know if it’s okay if I ask how he’s doing.. I don’t know I’m very confused..
This article is mostly targeted to woman. So I ask a question on man side. I have lot of difficulties to start a new relation, because this give me anxiety. My ex that I was with for 7months decided to stop the relation. I totally understand her and I’m working on myself (therapy) to try to understand why I get these anxieties. Since we broke 4 weeks ago, we regularly see at beginning because we kept some feeling. She from time to time text me that she missed me. But since couple of day she is much colder in her message and when we cross each other. Would it make sense to start “Radio Silent” now ?
Well I had a break up 3 years back wd my gf but am still loving her, can’t describe how much, I am gone mad.
She used to love me, she loved me for a period of 6 months, we were happily living together in love, then one day, she said to me its over, I’m still loving her too much, missing him too much, she doesn’t response, she neither love me nor hates me, it seems that she is in hesitation whether she should love or hate me… Plz tell me what should I do to make him love me as she used to do in past…??
If someone cheats on you, speaks poorly of you, disrespects you, or makes you feel crazy, inadequate, or unloved, they do not deserve to have your love or attention. There are so many other people and opportunities for you to find joy and happiness in this world. You portray madness when trying to put a square peg in to a circular hole and similarly you don’t need to keep hammering away at a broken relationship. Seek positive relationships instead. Good luck…
Okay .. so my ex I broke up after 2
2 years of being together he was telling me he didnt feel the same anymore .. but long story short 2 months past and I had got into a relationship with my friend but it didnt last because I told him I still love my ex and wanna be back with him.. so few days after that break up I texted my ex and told him how I felt .. he told me he dont wanna date rn maby in the future because he says I hurt him by dating other people after we broke up vut I really want him back what should I do ??
My boyfriends mother passed away 5 months ago he took it really hard.we have been together for 3 years we had planned to get married and have a baby.I came home from work one day and he said it was over. No fight because we never fight. He said he wanted to go to school and better himself but he had to do it alone. We talked in the beginning. I decided to do no contact after 4 days he texted wanting to see me for lunch. Everything went well a couple days later I asked to go to dinner. After we went to dinner I tried to put the moves on him. After being shot down he left. He texted me the next day saying he had fun. Feeling rejected I decided to go back to no contact. It’s been 9 days and nothing. However he saw a friend of mine the other night and talked about how he misses me and my son. He told her we still talk and see each other.
It been more than.four weeks i had used the ni contact rule with my ex.Last week he keep looking up on my status..but there is no any interaction between us. Do he miss me? But why does not he text or called me?
If he missed you or just wanted to talk to you he would text you or call you .. If I was you I wouldnt even stress about it
hi my ex calls me every times she is drunk can i get her back and many times she comment through facebook that she loves me but when i ask her she told me the same thing but she doesnt want to come back to me i remember two days ago we meet in club then i receive a call from my friend i went out to receive that call i didnt know she was behind my back we talk we laght but when am throung she became jelours and even slap me i dont why she slap me and we were not together please i need your help on this
Yes !! she misses you she’s not gonna tell you that unless shes drunk but im guessing she wants you to chase after you im not sure but when a person is drunk the truth comes out !!
I met this girl over fb. She is divorced with 2 kids and 32 years of age. Im 26. We talked a lot and went to video calls. We never met in person. She treated me awesome and we planned about our mariage and all. We dated for 6 weeks. Then after i pushed her out of my nonsense to her husband saying its better for her and kids to be with their dad. She refused and refused and i pushed and pushed. At the end she talked him and are now together. Now i begged and cried in front of her to come back. I tried no contact but after 2 week i couldnt resist. I texted her all that how i miss her and love her and sent her my poetry i wrote for her. After 50 texts and many days she replied. She said i cant text her at night. He husband is by the phone. And said it cant be like early anymore and cannot love someone over internet. And i like you as the person you are. And she wants to be with his husband now.i die every second for her. She said she wants the kids to be with their dad and dont want to waste all years invested and cannot start afresh a new relation. I asked her at least be my friend. She said i can be a friend. But now i stopped talking her now about 2 weeks. Did i lost her forever?. Will she come back? Do i have any chance? i loveeeee her.
Ex bf of 2 years says he does not love me anymore but wants to be civil due to our kids…we live together also…we are sleeps g in separate rooms…aftwr begging and asking for another chance, he has made up his mind that he does not want o because there is no more emotional connection….eventually, told him that I understand and respect his decision and he should do whatever makes hi. Happy and I’ll do what makes me happy…said we can keep a civil relationship for the kids and with time we can figure out moving arrangements since it’s not in our pocket budget to do so now, asked of him to just please respect me while we still live together and to keep his personal life outside our apartment…and just said we could work out a civilized friendship…. I needed to say that to get some closure….is there anyway he will, with time, miss me?
We have been together for10 yrs have 2 boys moved in and out with eachother n this time break up was bad i even said he was dead top me ….2weeks pass since ive moved out n no conyact silence from both ends he blocked me off of social media n just yesterday he created a new fb page to text me ” what can’t speak to the dead “? What do i do next i love himn want him back to keep forever … but I’m that type that is needy clingy. And responds to anything he says or does he knows he had me like that …what do i do? He thinks the worse of me and blamed me for everything he also thinks that I’m playing him for a fool but I’m none of the things he says n thinks i am help me
So we have been together for two years and then my boyfriend left me and after some time he came back and he confessed he cheated on m when together and after leaving me at that time he was still with her. But then he begged for another chance so we started talking again and I was trying to make it work until I found out about something else he had done during that time. And all the anger and hurt came rushing back and I told him we were done. And he got really emotional and he told me not to leave him and that he will change and he begged me. But I still rejected him. And he hasn’t spoken to me since then but it’s only been a day. Either way I still do love him so I don’t know if I did the right thing by pushing him away when he begged so much. Will he ever come back now ? Would he stop trying to win me back? Have i lost him?
my ex is military and he will be flying in, in about 2 weeks. he ended things all the sudden because he was in a slump and needs space. should i surprise him at the airport or would this be a bad idea?
Good luck! Let us know how it goes, similar situation myself x
Me and my ex boyfriend have been broken up for months I think maybe years yesterday he told me that he doesn’t need me or want me it’s because of a heated conversation we had and he said that the reason why he is keeping his distance from me is because of the stupid things that I do like not being honest or talking to my ex-boyfriend from the last relationship but I’m not doing that anymore now all the sudden now he says that I don’t mess with him anymore I couldn’t even go fishing with his family today and I want to know what I can do to not be in a bad mood while keeping distance from him as well and not contacting him I need help I can’t sit here day after day crying about him texting him or calling him he said he’s keeping his distance from me he completely shut me off he said he doesn’t need me or want me so I try to find things to occupy me like watch movies or play games on my phone but it still doesn’t help what should I do to make it seem like I don’t miss him but I want him to miss me but deep down inside I do miss him what do you think I should do?
I was dating a married man off and on for 5 years. The last 2 years were very deep. He gave me a ring and made moves to divorce his wife. I pushed him away by causing a lot of fights because I didn’t trust he would divorce. He finally told her he wanted to separate but I was still afraid he wasn’t going to go through with it and I would be devastated. We had a big fight and it got ugly. I of course chased him and did all the wrong things trying to salvage it. He went back to his wife. I gave up 4 months after the fight and worked on me and understanding relationships. We haven’t spoken even though he tried calling me back in January once. After getting myself in a better place and taking care of me. I feel I really want to show him I grew and would like to reconnect. So I planned a little run in after these 5 more months since no contact. He talked but he doesn’t seem to have grown and is still very hurt. He is talking to my friends about me but everything is negative or he is trying to check my motives. He tells them I haven’t changed and I am crazy even though he talked nice to me, wished me a happy birthday and he admitted he has been watching me. I paged him cause I was upset he was talking to my friends and not me. I praised him about changing me and my relationships and told him all good things but I also told him that I felt hurt and hate it when he spoke to my friends and not me. I asked him to respect me and not talk to them about us. I asked him to talk to me when he was ready since he told me he wasn’t ready to talk yet. We haven’t spoken in a week and I find out he went to 2 of my friends to tell them I am crazy and haven’t changed. That I blew up his pager that week. I said all good stuff other then asking to not talk to my friends. It wasn’t a lot but it did take several pages since the pager doesn’t allow you to text much. What is he doing? I figure I leave him alone…if I see him just smile and love him so he can see the changes. But it is very hurtful that he didn’t respect my wishes. Is he testing me?
my boyfriend broke up me because of my bad behaviour. After 2days he called me and sad sorry because of me your depressed, it all happened because of me. what should I do know???????
Hello! My ex and i broke up 6 months ago after he moved across the country for his dream job. When he left, we were meant to do long distance for 6 months and then figure out what we were going to do. We lived together and had been together for 1 year and a half.
Two weeks after he left, we were both miserable and he started being overwhelmed with how hard work was. He was working a lot and he felt he couldn’t be there for me and he had to focus on himself. I felt like we were not in the same place in our lives and we decided to break up (over the phone). We kept texting each other and updating one another about our lives and we missed each other terribly. We’ve been through some serious stuff together and we were both unhappy about where we were in our lives while we were together.
I have been trying to go no contact for quite some time now but I fail every now and then. I have deleted him from Facebook, I have deleted his contact information, I have even deleted Facebook so that I wouldn’t be tempted but somehow I found ways to reach him. I miss him terribly and he told me he needed time and space to focus on himself and we would reassess in a few months. I refuse for this relationship to be over and I feel like I haven’t moved on a tiny bit since we broke up 6 months ago. I have decided to start working out, move apartments, plan a big trip… but somehow the only person I really want to share my stories with is him. I am flying through Vancouver (where he now lives) in August and I thought I would text him for a quick coffee at the airport. I hope he will want to see me, I really do. I need some sort of closure and if not, a way to reconnect.
Hey Cecile,
I can relate to your story so much, especially this part: “I have decided to start working out, move apartments, plan a big trip… but somehow the only person I really want to share my stories with is him.”
I feel the exact same thing – I have done steps towards making myself better, yet everything that happens in my life I want to share with him.
Your post is from the beginning of this summer-how are you doing now?
I recently broke up with my boyfriend of 8 months. It was going great until about March or April. We would start bickering over little things and it started to happen not every time we went out but the majority of the time. One night after a fight he said it just wasn’t fun anymore and he thought we should take a break. Little did I know that a break meant breaking up. After three days I contacted to get some clarity on what was going on. I told him that I knew I had a lot to work on and I was willing to do it. I told him that I am fine with spending sometime apart but at some point we are going to need to come together and work on our issues. That conversation (mostly with me crying like I just lost the love of my life b/c i did) ended with him saying he just doesn’t think we are good for each other and not even considering working on it later. But he says he that it doesn’t mean that he never wants to see me again and still wants to be friend. Is my situation even salvageable? PLEASE HELP! I am willing to do whatever it takes to not just get him back but truly work things out. We talked about a life together and having kids and that is something I want with him. I know everyone says it but I know he is the person I am meant to spend my life with. I have tried other websites but I am just not financially in a place where I can just buy a step by step book.
Help! I’ve been dating a guy for about 4 months. He’s an attorney, so time together is rare but we make a point to see each other once a week, usually on the weekends and usually an overnight date. When he’s super busy, he says he at least wants to do dinner. Then one day he decided to break things off. Days after we were planning future dates. He says maybe we can get back together in the future because I’m “so perfect” but for now it’s indefinite because at this point in life, he’s too busy focusing on work to give me the attention he wants to give me even though I was totally ok with how things were going.
He says I can text him about work stuff since we work together at different companies. But I rarely see him. Is he really busy or just not that into
Me? Should I just move on or wait it out a bit? I want to get him back but don’t know if it’s worth it!
Hi, I just need some advice, couple of month ago me and my boyfriend had a big argument and he ended up texting someone else for sex and that, nothing happened but intentions was there and from then on things just got bad. After that we tried to sort things as he said he did but my trust of him had gone and I felt he was saying the right stuff but wasn’t proving anything. It has got to the point now I couldn’t take anymore of how I was feeling and called it a day for good about a week ago, since then I haven’t heard anything from him but I do miss him and all I wanted was him to show me he cared and wanted me back.. just wondered what I should do? I do love him but after everything he’s done it doesn’t make sense to me anyway
Do these strategies/tips apply for non-formal exes? What I mean by this is, for a guy whom you never officially dated but had a really amazing connection with? My personal situation was that I had “met” a guy online on a non-dating website. We got into a conversation and it quickly escalated into daily, almost constant communication. He lived in another country and doesn’t have social media – the way we met was really a fluke as it wasn’t a typical social media setting. Anyways, we connected pretty deeply really quickly. He would say things like he had never been able to have a conversation with another girl like me before, and how he could talk to me all day. His lifestyle was one where he works CONSTANTLY, and as such he never really had a real girlfriend or relationship, but despite that he was very sweet and would write me very long emails. We would talk about everything – it was mostly an intellectual/emotional connection. I have been in a long term deteriorating relationship for years now, and he knew this and still expressed that if I made the decision to leave he wanted to date me and we even talked about marriage. It was all very fast, we probably moved too fast in the things we talked about but I really think we had a real connection. Anyways I ended up making the moves to split with my current relationship, and when I told this guy he seemed happy about it. But because my situation is complicated and my partner was making things very difficult for me, and simultaneously, this other guy was having problems with work and was busier and busier, I started to get needy and anxious and would tell him too much about my problems with my partner. This guy was always very sweet and listened to me, but over the course of a few weeks I could feel him pulling back and instead of giving him space I got more needy. We had had plans to meet, but I told him I wanted him to see me when I was strong and not vulnerable. He expressed happiness that I felt this way and he was confident in my ability to be strong, but then I got more anxious again and kept pressing about meeting (he lives in another country). He said yes he wanted to meet still,but I sensed that he was saying this to make me feel better and he was feeling a little hesitant about it at the time because of how anxious I had been acting. Over the course of the following two weeks, we communicated less but he would still check in with me every few days and had mentioned it would be hard for him to meet me because there was only one day which I could do so, but he said he was doing his best. He also informed me at the time that he had had a major financial loss at work and I knew he was very stressed. The next day he told me he had booked a flight, but it was refundable and he wasn’t positive he could be on it because of work issues but he’d let me know by Friday. Well on Thursday night, I f**d everything up. I sent him a message saying I had been thinking and now probably wasn’t the best time to meet considering how much of a mess I was and all he had going on with work. I told him I was glad his tickets were refundable and that I was sure we could meet another time. Well on Friday I didn’t get a response all day, so I sent a message that night saying I hoped he didn’t take what I had said wrong, and that I was happy he had made an effort by buying tickets but that I just felt bad when he was dealing with so much. No response that day, Saturday, or Sunday. By the time Sunday rolled around I had no clue what was going on and I sent about four messages throughout the day asking if he was still coming and that I was stressed not knowing. No response. Then the day before we were supposed to meet, I sent him a long message basically flipping out – asking how could he do this, I thought he was a gentleman, and that I simply didn’t have the emotional capacity to wait for his messages anymore, but I hoped he would be happy. Then I sent another message a few hours later, admitting that I knew I had bombarded him with too many messages and mixed messages and that I knew I was all over the place, and how I wished we could have met after I was independent and after he had dated and they everything would have been magical. I also said I wished the best for him and wanted him to be happy and that I would no longer anticipate hearing from him.
Well that was about a month and a half ago. I haven’t received a response from him since the last message he had sent about booking a flight. During the time all this was going on, he also had deleted his profile/account that we had met on (and he had hundreds of followers).
I know that I was too needy, all over the place, and gave him too many mixed messages. I also know he was beyond stressed at work, not sleeping much, and he really had always been very patient and sweet to me – and that was probably the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Because we only communicated through email and weren’t connected on social accounts, (he was also a very private person, something we both shared similar views about), I have no way of knowing what’s going on his life and no way of finding out other than communicating through email.
People I have told this to have told me to just forget about him, that he wasn’t even real, but I don’t believe that and I am having a hard time just letting it go. I know we had a special connection, and there is a part of me that is still holding on and hoping there is a chance down the road for us to at least be friends, but I am afraid I completely ruined it. I was wrong for how I acted but he also did ghost and bail on me, so my question is – do I reach out to him again and acknowledge that I f**d up with my crazy behavior?? Do I try to make it right? Or do I give it more time and then try? Or do I wait for him? Part of me feels like I may never hear from him again if I don’t reach out, but the other part of me thinks that he knows that I feel horrible and I shouldn’t reach out to him because it still hasn’t been enough time.
I just don’t know if I should completely let this go, or if I should follow the advice in this article. Either way, I do need to work on myself and I need to be able to be independent and amazing – this was part of the shakiness, I am not independent and I know I need to be if I want a real relationship.
But when do I know it’s time to completely move on? How much time do I let pass? Do I go like 6 months, and then reach out and say hi how are you? The problem is, if I am constantly “waiting” for him to reach out to me, and it never happens, how the hell am I able to move on? How do I know whether to initiate something? Is it even possible he still thinks about me?
So over the long weekend my boyfriend comes down to visit me. He lives 2 hours away. he came down the saturday afternoon and everything was going great. On Monday morning, i could hear zippers zipping up downstairs at 9am. I woke up and saw him packing his clothes. he told me he wanted to get home to workout and go for a run. I asked him if he wanted anything to eat and he just said “no i want to get going.” Before he left he said goodbye to me and stared at me for the longest time. I asked him if anything was wrong, and he replied back saying “no everything is fine dont worry”. I knew something was up with the way he just looked me. He hugged me goodbye and left. When he got back home i got a phone call. He called and said he was not good and we needed to talk. He stated that “I am a beautiful girl, and the best girlfriend he has had, but he doesnt see us getting married, he doesnt see me in his future.” He has been depressed lately because of his job, but I had no clue this was going to happen. There was no signs showing a breakup since we never really had problems. We had a great weekend, and then he goes home and calls me to break up with me. It does not make sense? Anyone have any suggestions or reasons why he all of a sudden did this to me?
So me and my were long distance. Not too far away from each other tho, about 4 hours. I had just accepted a job in the city he lives in and was all set for moving down and four days later he broke up with me. We both had our fair share of emotional baggage, which i didn’t think affected our relationship that much. His ex was mentally abusive towards him and he didn’t seek any counselling after it ended and we got together 4 months later. I was worried about his behaviour that I looked at his phone to see if there was something going on but I found nothing. I admitted it to him though cause I didn’t want their to be any lies in the relationship and he didn’t seem bothered. But obviously he was. He kept it hidden for months instead of shouting at me, which I would have accepted. We both did wrong in some ways, he wasn’t good with communicating before I looked at his phone. But I do feel like this isn’t over in some way.
I forgot to add when we lived with his sister they would get into it and he would let it out on me then when we lived with his friend I would get upset and mad at him and let it out on him. When we moved in with my mom he was upset and stayed in the room all the time
So me and my ex- bf were together for over a year and half. We moved in after 5 months dating with his sister and her bf close to the end of the lease we started arguing, then we moved in with his friend and his gf. All he started to do was nap a lot and play his computer with his friend all the time. He cut down on being sexual active with me and we would get into petty arguments over stupid stuff. We only had a 6 month lease with them. Then we moved in with my mother she needed help and I know he didn’t want to but be did it because my mother needed it. Well ever since we moved in are fights became more frequent and he started to get even less sexual active with me…. It hurt and I would get mad at him all the time and we would dight all the time. Then it got worse when he completely stopped being sexual active. In not obbsessing over sex but that’s what two people do to show emotion and physical attraction. Well he barely talked to me and I had to start begging for him to even hangout with me. Are lease was almost up and we were planning on moving out together then one night I asked are we getting a place together still and he kept saying idk idk then I asked him do you still want to be with me and he said idk( I was hurt by this ) so I asked him again a yes or no answer and he pauses and quietly said no. I asked him if he could please leave and he did. Then the next day he grabbed some clothes and his computer and told me to give him time. I told him over a month ago that I loved him and he couldnt say it back he didnt say anything just that he knew I loved him.I’m so heart broken I didn’t talk to him for 4 days then finally I couldnt wait any longer to talk. We met up and talked he started getting mad and yelling at me saying how come I didnt see it or why it took so long for me to be willing to change and not get so mad all the time( I forgot to add that he’s not really emotional and doesn’t talk about him feelings a lot he keeps alot to him self) he got upset and startes to get out of my car and I grabbed his arm crying and pleading please don’t go and he said he had to. I about panicked I hopped out of my car into his and sat on his lap crying my eyes out telling him I loved him and he means so much to me he said he cares about me a lot and I was like I love you and he said I love you to for the first time ever. I said I was sorry it didnt go the way things were he said he needs time for him self. He needs to work on things alone I asked why cant we work together and he said no he has to do this by himself. I was so heart broken I sat on his lap crying telling him how much I care about him and telling him I dont want you to do this and he said he didnt want to do this but he had to. He told me we can still be friends and that we will hangout I also asked him if once in a while he would come stay the night(just lay there not do anything) and he said yes. I told him maybe its best if were friends and work back to the way we were and he said yes. He told me he has hope for is later but not right now. (I asked him if he missed me the 4 days we didn’t talk and he said yes.)He said he had to go and I grabbed him and hugged him and told him I love him so much and he was like I love you so much to. He hugged me tightly back and I asked him if he could wait till I left first and he said yes. That night I texted him told him I loved him and that I will always be here for him he replied same goes for you I hope you know that.
I havent talked to him since then and this happened saturday im so hurt and I cant stop crying. He told me give him a week before we start talking again. (How do I deal with this???)I dont know what to do I can’t stop thinking about him and I keep checking my phone for him to text me. Does he miss me? He told me hes there for me but how can I talk to him if its about us he knows how I feel and he still left in hurt so much its killing me I havent been able to eat or sleep properly…. I don’t wanna wait but I know I have to I cant get him out of my mind. His close friend told me we were around each other to much and said we just need time apart. Everyone I talk to tells me give him space he misses me and thinks we will get back together. Its so hard from one point seeing him every day talking every day to nothing at all. I want him back so bad. It hurts so much and I don’t know what to do all I can do is give him time and wait for him to talk to me again…. Please any advise or what you think will help me.
Hi.. My ex-boyfriend and I were in a LDR since end of 2014 and I cut off with him mid last year. The relationship was pretty turbulent but our feelings were passionate and intense. The reason for the ultimate disconnection was something he did. Since, I have not contacted him nor has he reached out to me – it’s almost going to be 10 months. I have been living my life – the past 6 months had me pretty preoccupied abroad even though he has been in my heart and mind. I still care about him deeply. I haven’t been productive these past few weeks as I was in the 6 months and that has me thinking even more about us. I miss him a lot. I have found myself doing what I can to know his current state via social media – his recent posts reflect sadness. What I would like to know is – is it possible for him to reach out to me after not having done so all these months, or is it unlikely? I feel like our story isn’t over and that he too still has me in his heart. I just find myself hoping that I will hear from him. He was blocked most of this time and I recently unblocked him. Answers and suggestions will be appreciated. I feel life is short, but I don’t wish to initiate any contact because rightfully he ought to reach out to me.
Because if you can get past the 66 day mark, then you will be golden. Takes 66 days to form a new habit. You will have just formed a new habit of not initiating contact with him first.
This article is great.
I’ve been in a LDR with a guy over a year. At the beginning, he was interested in me. We had fun together and our conversations was deep. After that, I was unhappy with a little bit time he spent to our relationship so that I emailed him and telling him my true feeling that I was unhappy beacause he didn’t put me in his priority. He told me he was busy with new job, it’s difficult to have space time to talk. How about this: “one of us talk when we have something new or important thing to say…”. I was angry and didn’t contact him anymore. During 8 weeks no contact with him, I miss him so much. I still have strong feeling for him. But he didn’t text, call, email me. I’m feeling bad but I don’t want to lose myself. Truly, I want to get him back but I don’t want to contact him first. What can I do, I really don’t know.
I know this is very difficult, but just continue what you are doing and do not initiate contact with him first. However, if it as already been eight weeks with him not nudging you, then he does not deserve you anyway. Or else give it a last shot and try contacting him now, and if you all get back together then switch your position. Act like you do not care how often you see him. Use reverse psychology on him.
Thanks for your advice.
More than two months no contact rule I followed, however, he didn’t initiate contact me, and I don’t try to contact him either more. I want to get him back but my though that he does not deserve, so I try to find the best way to get over him as soon as posible.
Had a break up of after about 6 years. Nothing horrible just was because of stress and no communication. He was amazing though. He broke up with me and the whole time it seemed I was the one trying to fix things. Suggest options to help us. Basically it didn’t work I was even more sad trying and him not . We kept trying a few things here and there but it didn’t work. It’s just he never suggested anything so idk maybe he really didn’t know. But we eventually ended it all 100%. I’d been trying to have fun not worry or stress and be a better me than I was. Fix things and be happy worry about me. I have met some new friends too buts it’s just friends. If I had a picture of a guys friend on social media with me is that bad? I was not trying to do anything wrong or cause any upset I was just having fun is all, it was just a goofy picture that has an inside story of how I’m ditzy. Hahaa that is all. I’m just making friends and having fun. But is that something I shouldn’t have done? If it was vice versa I’d be upset and wonder but I’d try to not assume something I don’t know unless there are more pictures of that person or it looked like they were together.
*a guys guy friend
And we also recently saw each other..my ex and we talked a bit, and I hugged him..he knows I miss him and feel the same way because after I saw him we talked a bit and I told him because I thought I should so he knows, but after that our talking ended there, he said he missed me but that was it didn’t know what else he should do.
I hadn’t seen my boyfriend in 3 weeks. It seemed he was communicating less and less so I called him and he said he would call me back. He didn’t so the next morning I sent him a text stating it seemed like he wanted to break up so I would let him go. He wrote back that he didn’t want to break up, that his feelings hadn’t changed. That work had just been extremely stressful. He asked if we could get together to talk about it and suggested a day. I wrote him back in agreement I meet and talk. He never wrote back and wouldn’t answer my call. He ghosted me and after a month I unfriended and blocked him on Facebook. I miss him and I’m sure he’s missing me. Or was I played ? What should I do? LEt him go?
As hard as it is, just ignore him. Do not initiate contact with him anymore. Give it 65 days, and see what he does.
also, yes I am pretty sure he was just testing his ego to see if you were still interested.
Me and my boyfriend Jay have been together for almost two years. In the beginning it was great, no arguing, nothing of that sort. Once we hit 10 months we started arguing really bad about little things and mostly about seeing eachother all the time, about a month after the arguing started he broke up with me, well a lot happened blah blah and then we got back together over a month after the breakup… well it’s happened again now. Now we are at our two year mark and the same thing has happened. He broke up with me last Tuesday and we have not spoke since then. He has blocked me off everything, I have no clue what is going on. I do know that he broke up with me because we were together all the time, we argued a lot, he said that I needed to ” change “. Since Tuesday I have been trying my hardest to change and improve myself to show him that I really do care about our relationship. I want to give him his space and time but i don’t know if he will ever talk to me again, how long it will take, or if he wants to be with me. We have been together a long time and I’m just so upset and confused. I don’t know if this is over for good..
I know you feel so confused, and hurt right now. As hard as it is, you need to stay focused on you. Act aloof to him. Give it 65 days. If you do not hear any word from him within 65 days, well then, chances are you will have your answer.
So me and my boyfriend live together for about a year now. We were dating for almost 3 years. He broke up with me few days ago. I’m still at his house. We haven’t talked at all but when he gets home and lays down with me in bed. He hugs me so hard and doesn’t let go until he falls asleep. That’s all we been doing after we broke up. What does it mean? Reason we broke up is because he claims he isn’t happy and that he doesn’t know who he is anymore
Same thing happened to me a few days ago. We have been on and off dating for 7 years and this last time, we were actually together for almost four solid years. He’s been having a tough time with work and we were having troubles with finances. I came home one day and he asked if I ever questioned our relationship. I knew it was coming, I googled “how to tell if your boyfriend is going to break up with you” just a few days before. I have not contacted him unless it was something about moving out (we were living together about 8 months and I’ve already moved back into my parent’s house) I have been obsessively scouring the web on ways to get your boyfriend back and it means a lot to me that other people are going through the same thing right now. If you ever need to talk, I am here.
Same thing happened to me ! We’ve been together for a year and a half , on and off and we finally broke up
So me and my boyfriend live together for about a year now. We were dating for almost 3 years. He broke up with me few days ago. I’m still at his house. We haven’t talked at all but when he gets home and lays down with me in bed. He hugs me so hard and doesn’t let go until he falls asleep. That’s all we been doing after we broke up. What does it mean?
Hey Mary, I am going through the same thing. I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost three years (three years this upcoming May), and he tore my heart into shreds because he’s not “happy” and like you said- doesn’t know who he is anymore. We are on the same boat. If you ever need someone to talk to, just reply and I will give you my email address. Good luck. Xx.
– Sarah
I was with my ex for 8 years and he broke up with me two months ago. He said he doesn’t know who he is or why his feelings for me disappeared. He already has feelings for someone else and thinks she could be the one. I feel like I wasted 8 years of my life.
Hi, I met this guy by chance in December and we fell deeply for each other all was going well, we were talking every day and seeing each other at least once a month. Then out of the blue he says it hurts too much when I leave and we should no longer see each other and be friends and see what happens when I move near him. I am out of the country at the moment but move back in 3 months time. I am devastated and as I’m now only away for a short period don’t understand it. He keep liking my Facebook as I’ve started to do th pimp up Facebook every one says to do, at first I did the emotional texts but even though it’s hard I don’t do that now. I keep getting texts from him saying sorry and also please do hate me…. I did respond to that saying I would never hate him as due to the distance I didn’t want him to think that. I just need some advice here as I feel we were the right people at the wrong time and will the no contact rule work in this situation. Thanks for your help
So this guy initiated this breakup because you were leaving the country for three months. Is that correct. I would try the no contact rule for 65 days, before it becomes a habit at 66 days. See if he initiates contact within the 65 days, and that will determine if you both were right for each other in the first place.
I’ve just broken up with him and….we still live together! How am I supposed to not stay in touch etc if we share a house? We have issues and we both need time to tackle them separately. We feel there is a chance for us to be together in the future but if we were to stay together right now, things would go very bad… So, in order to salvage the feelings and fondness we had before the problem cropped up, we’ve decided to separate. BUT we live together…!!! How can I make him miss me if we’re flatmates? :/
My ex went through depression for 10 years because his ex left him. They were only together for 6 months. We were together for 2.5 years. Had a lot of problems towards the end and pretty much dragged it out for a lot longer than we should’ve, but I didn’t think we would end things because he always talked about wanting to be with me and never gave any hint that he wanted to end things. Then out of nowhere he completely cut me out of his life. Blocked me on everything. Didn’t even break up with me. I reached out to him and demanded answers and he told me that he hated me and he never wanted to talk to me again. I have no idea what’s going on and I probably never will. It’s been almost a month and I haven’t heard from him except for one email about getting some of his stuff back. I think maybe it is possible to hate your ex because I’m pretty damn sure he hates me. He was never a good communicator and he bottled everything up. It seems as though he tried to make the relationship work for so long until his feelings went away and he couldn’t stand it any longer. He never actually said this though. He just acted on it without saying a word.
He also said that he had already moved on a week after he had done this. I don’t think someone can move on so quickly unless they really don’t like you.
No sounds like he has borderline personality disorder. Google it. He got too close to you and ouldnt handle it. Better iff without him.
My guy and I were together for a year. I broke up with him. My daughter and his niece are close friends, and he told me he didn’t want them to not be friends, because of our breakup. he informed me that if I have any car issues to not hesitate to call him. What does all of this mean.
He is still trying to see if there is any hope that you will initiate connect again with him.
My ex broke up with me beacuse of silly reasons because she was afraid that I might hurt her in the future(she’s very sensitive). I tried many things to get her back and she always said no which made me frustrated. Therefore I said to her that I don’t want to watch your face anymore. We haven’t talked since then. But sometimes she looks at me when I’m not looking and I can tell she still loves me. Is there any way that we can get back together.
P.S. She also had some trust issues due to her previous relationship.
My and I dated for two and a half months. Hi ex girlfriend of 7 years never stopped texting him. He just wouldn’t tell me. I was going through a lot with my two teenage kids at the time. But I helped him out a lot. We had some good times. His parents and friends love me. The ex girlfriend has put him out of her parents house several times. He and I would still have sex once in a while. He told me, he knows I love him, although am the one who told him lets breakup. The girlfriend takes his phone, to know if we’ve been in touch with each other. She would even text me saying he does not want me.
Hey there my ex broke up with me a 2 days ago and he said that he still wanted me in his life because he loved me but didn’t feel like there was anything there anymore. Now we had a little fight and he didn’t text me for two days and only texted me because I texted him. His response was that he wanted to break up and we talked about it in person and came to a conclusion together even though it was obvious I didn’t want to break up inket him go because that’s what he needed. We texted a bit before I went to hangout with some friends after we got done breaking up and I changed my relationship status to single but he hasn’t. He hasn’t even changed his profile pic of us? And I know he’s online all the time I can see it so what’s up does he just not care all that much about what it says am I over thinking it a little too much?
hi, Thanks so much for your post…
I just broke up with my bf, I am from Asian and he is from Germany, I met him online, he is 8 years older than me , I am 29, I had been dating him for 2 months, but we had kinda 4 breakups already, always for the same issue…I doubt his love to me and he didnt have enough time for me , mainly he didn’t text me much, and did’t reply my text well either, it took him hours to reply my text and he a lot of times ignore what I said if i was saying some expressions or complaints…
While every time I tried to break up with him , he would response and tried to explain and convince me to stay with him , I DO like him , so i went to him almost very soon after we broke up through text, but the last time , i told him I didnt love him anymore, as I didnt want him to convince me again and i would go back again ..I felt very suffering and even angry, and insecure when he didnt response my texts or he didnt sent me text in the morning and before he sleeps….I would cry for hours and I couldn’t sleep well either, and I COULD NOT concentrate on my study either ( last year of PhD, time and focus is very important to me)
I think I was spoiled by my ex ex , who 100% put me in the center of his life, phone was 24 hours open for me , but I broke up with him many many times, while, finally I broke up with him because we had been in different countries for more than 3 years…
But I guess I still like my ex, and I MISS him, while honestly I am more peaceful than when I WAS being with him, I do wanna be with him and marry him , he is a handsome, sweet, smart and successfully man. we already talked about marriage stuffs, we agreed we were both looking for life partner before we dated. And am also worried that he is actually annoyed by me saying breaking up so much and doesn’t wanna with him, and or he just wants the advantages of having a girlfriends, while we haven’t slept with each other…
My questions are:
1. Should I try to be with him again ? or I just need to move on to date more guys and find what I like? I am not loving him to the degree that I have to be with him, even 1 week ago, i thought I love him more that i do now..
2. If i get back to be with him again, there is high chance we will break up again, as he cannot fulfill my expectations, as i am actually needy sometimes.
3. If I wanna be with him again, what should I do to let him feel i wont break up with him easily , let him put more efforts on me ? when I should tell him that I wanna be with him again, as he still says he loves me… I deleted his Facebook, what’s up stuffs to stop myself contacting him..
Ex texted me to say merry Christmas Day before Christmas and I ignored. Texted me few weeks later to ask about her daughter who spent night but I ignored(wasn’t an emergency). Then day before Valentine’s Day, email me saying she may have cancer, I lost it and contacted and talked for little while. What do I do now. Been month
I need help it’s been about 2 weeks since we broke up noone cheated on anyone.
He got mad over something stupid and he broke the car window. And blamed me and ever since it’s been messed up he says he never wNts to be w me and he told someone that he feels like he wants to shoot himself aNd that I am controlling I don’t mean to come off like that he has sat and sun off thats a ll the time for my kid and I to spend time w him. What do I do he tells my kid their is nothing to do about it plz I can’t loose him
Who initiated the break up. You, or him.
So it was never an official relationship. But we had been dating regularly for about a month. Quite a lot of phone/ text contact. The vibe was easy, flirty, and really quite open and emotional too. He was so comfortable with me. He shared so much of himself and his thoughts and his feelings. We both agreed that we would just take it slow and easy and see how things develop. Then one night I stayed over, and we had sex, but it was really awkward. Just before he got really upset with me and told me that he thought I was a tease and making him feel desperate and needy. I was just being playful and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to sleep with him that night. Actually I didnt really. But he got mad and told me that he thought I was playing games and somehow I panicked and slept with him. But it was not good. Anyway, I felt depressed the next day, and told him about it. (MISTAKE) which i redeemed later and after a few days things were ok again. But he wouldn’t call me as frquently and he stopped being warm when he did contact me. He used to call me princess and sweetheart. All that stopped. So I got nervous. He would call me once a week to say he was super busy and didn’t have time to meet (this is true because of his job) but I thought he was making excuses not to see me. And I kept asking him. And then I asked him one night and it turned into an argument that went on till 2am and the next day he sent me a text to say that it was his last text to me for a while and that we shoudl just be friends and get a peaceful closure on things. So I called and agreed and said yes, but I also reminded him that it wasn’t like we were a couple anyway, and that we were just friends anyway. And I mentioned that I might be moving away really soon ( i had a job interview which required me to relocate, incidentally I didnt get it,but at the time I hadnt told anyone) so he said that he didn’t know and he asked me twice to let him know how it went. That was three weeks ago and I havent’ been in touch. I didnt call him on his birthday, and i havent told him about my interview. But I miss him everyday. Im working on becoming my best self. BUt I really want to be close to him. I miss him. Do I have a chance, or has he lost the attraction for me?
I broke up the day before valantine day he wasn’t affectionate and he pushed me away he was with his ex four years she cheated on him twice he met me six month into his break up we talked about me not beinga rebound got into a relationship then he was seeing his step daughters who wanted him to get back with his ex we were having problems because he was pulling away and he said he was still raw over his ex s of I said let’s have some space I was really raw I have gave him chances for him to go back I’d she who he wants inmin love with him and tempted to msg him as I haven’t heard from him it’s nearly a month we were together 6 months
I need help. I absolutely love this blog because it gives me hope. My situation I feel is a tad more delicate. My (ex) and I were dating for about 2 years prior and though we had our ups and downs we always came out of them. I moved away due to (life) but I planned on coming back for him. In the process of living somewhere else I lost myself and I dropped off the face of the earth to and for him. I mean it, I stopped talking, calling, texting you name it. He would call and I would just ignore. I never actually “broke up with him”. 6 months went by and I gave him a ring, decided to contact him, I didn’t think it was that terrible at the time as we always got over things and although he reached out back to me I could tell things were different. He as more distant and recently told me it aaa because I had hurt him and he is nervous about my intentions now. I have done the routine spill out my heart to him, swear up and down I would never make this mistake again as I often have done this before just to people because well I’m not perfect and obviously an idiot dealing with issues the wrong way. Anyway, I don’t want to loose this guy. He means so much to me, I feel like if we fixed things we would make it out even stronger. What do I do in this scenario? We’ve talked and he’s told me he doesn’t know what he wants at the moment because I left for so long he got used to me not being around and now that I’m back it’s going to take time getting used too. He’s also said he’s not sure of his feelings about me but he also doesn’t want to just say goodbye because he’s not sure if that is what he wants as well. He wants me to take it day by day and just see how things play out. He is at least honest and says he knows it’s not fair to me so if I wanted to walk away he would understand. I don’t want to walk away. I want to get him back. I’m not sure of the outcome and I’m really freaking scared. Some outside advice please. From anyone. Thoughts?
Signed, SadGal
As hard as it is, just take it day by day. For at least 65 days try and act consistent with what you said. And let him do most of the initiating during those 65 days.
Love your blog!! My boyfriend and I recently broke up after our vegas trip which we took for new years everything was so amazing up until the day before we left… then all hell broke loose he told me once we get home to go grab all my stuff from his house never contact him ever again to just leave him alone because he wants to start the new year single and just focus on him self…we’ve had many break ups before but I know deep down he has a very soft heart and has a super soft spot for me only knowing this because I was the only women who ever took so much care of him and gave him so much attention and love and spoiled him…first!! When we landed he was happy the same day we landed was my birthday…and I had got and huge cold within the 2 day time frame so once we landed I drove him home and no everything was fine laughing talking normal when I dropped him off he came to my window and kissed my hand and said feel better and walked away….so I drove off went home….the next day I was super sick with a cold still he came over with a bag of my stuff…an box of tissues….and a birthday cake which made me cry then sang me happy birthday by my bed and let me blow out the candles…we shared a peice and then he went home but just before he left i said i have the body wash and conditioner you can take it home and he replied but your never coming over again you keep it…couple days later I wasn’t feeling the greatest almost fainted in the shower so i called him and asked him to take me to emergency he did….everything was okay at the hospital in was told when in got my room to remove everything but panties and wear the gown….so I did and asked him to tie the back of the gown for me when he stood up I was turned so he stood behind me and I felt that he had a hard on so if started to laugh….after the whole hospital situation I thought we were okay….so I started asking him on the way home why can’t we be together after skinny focus together and things escalated and when I left the car we were in a huge fight he told me don’t call me text me leave me alone for good I don’t need drama or stress that’s afterskingndll you are….so I’d left it’s been a week almost since we talked and yesterday he sent me a msg asking how I was feeling and if i had been eating…so i replied felling much better and I eat when I remember because of my job…. he said I still love you I said love you to and then at night he had called me so is picked up he said is miss you do you miss me? I said yeah kept it very neutral today he called me but is didn’t answer so is sent him a text saying call u in 45 getting a facial done he replied it’s ok I just had a question…so I replied what’s up he never answered so when I was done I tried calling back twice he never answered so I sent a msg and said can’t answer now? ? So later on I had fell asleep and woke up around 8 with a horrible bad dream so ih sent him a text because that’s what I always used to do or call him….and said had a bad dream thought id text you don’t mind this msg….he replied maybe 10 minutes after saying it’s ok I love you….so I replied love you to…then he replied 10 minutes later saying miss me? And that’s when I stopped msging him…is did want to give him the satisfaction of saying yes I do….so he sent another msg saying ok….then another after saying….want to come over tonight chill and watch a movie? As bad as I wanted to say yes I didn’t. …and now I need help in want him back but he’s so rude and mean sometimes…. when he gets into his moods….but I love him when he’s not in any bad moods and he can be the most amazing person ever!!! What do I do!!! Please help!!
Well I’m here cause just last night my boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me..he cheated on me in the past and just kelp denies that he did..it was a dark cloud hanging over our relationship every since then ..cause I couldn’t trust him no more..I was quite about it ..then last Wednesday he told me im going to a female friend house to put up her tree and some other stuff ill be back in a couple days! I couldn’t believe it..who puts up a tree 3 days before Christmas? I didn’t her from him for 8 days then last night he called and Tex me he was done with me cause I didn’t trust him!
I have taken things like phone books and my photos i also returned hers…. Bt i still love so much
I had my girl friend who break up with me yesterday… After realising her actions towards me of ignoring me not ansaring mi phone and doing those things which made me small showing people that im nthing to her! then i made a clear question of whether we continue with ur journey or we stop for enternity?? Her respond was we have to stop and i love her so much but due to pressure, the things i bought for her i have taken them even the 1s i borrowed her… My heart is still wondering of what happened to myself… Haek
My bf and I dated for about 4 months when we first met I actually didn’t want to be with him and he wouldn’t leave me alone eventually he got me and I became dependent on him for my happiness I was also depressed so I kept throwing myself on him to make him want me more so naturally he lost feelings for me and 2 days ago finally told me how he likes me but only enough to be friends and worse he felt we weren’t going anywhere and felt he will never fall in love with me and of course I was sobbing on the phone asking all these questions he said we can be friends he’s a guy who’s like a brick wall trying to get him to feel a certain way for you on purpose is impossible even tho he is like this and feel this way is it possible to get him back??
Me and my boyfriend were together for a year and five months we got on great then he started uni and he had lots of girls posting on his wall then he asked if he could go to another girls house… Then dumped me over text two days later he’s not blocked me but he’s deleted me of everything help!
Me and my boyfriend were together for about a year and promised each other the world to each other. Our connection was so strong and nothing stopped us from separating for a while especially since our families come from different cultures and religions. As time went by, we started having problems because of the family issue and he came to terms that it is risky to continue the relationship when we are unsure of the future. I have been doing no contact and it has been two weeks. He still had me on social media and everything. I even posted a few pictures of myself and sporting activities which I know he could see. Once I posted something about a concert that was near his place, he saw it and decided to unfollow me. He still has me on facebook, but I have no idea if that’ll last. He hasn’t reached out once to me since I started no contact. I don’t know what I should do.
I believe people should stop with the mind games. !!! Who cares anyway who wins a stupid power struggle.
It’s your happiness and your life .. react and be yourself .. if calling him/her immediately is what you want to do .. then do it.
Trying to follow a set of rules “out of your character” will drive the person away. Not make them miss you or want you back any more or less. It’s usually the power games that two people who love each other and good for each other play during difficult times that creates the biggest mistrust and ruins relationships.
Then what the other person does or does not do with this is their choice .. but if it works or not .. you will never have regrets .. you will know you where honest with yourself and the other person.
My boy friend broke up with me I was needy and upset but calmed down he went out of state to work. It when he came back in town he stayed with me and we had sex it was rumored that he may be trying to date other women but when I asked him and said no problem be truthful he denies having any involvement with any one else . In 2 weeks I’m flying up to stay with him for a long weekend he seems excited but made I made a comment that I would not have sex with him if he was dating other women and that I had feelings for him and was not his friend . He in return said that he didn’t want to date anybody I’m assuming that includes me but then acted jealous when I made a comment about an actor on tv and expressed how i didn’t let him covey his feelings in our relationship. I love him and would like to rekindle things what do you think
So my ex girlfriend broke up with me and she was in a new relationship about a week after she wanted to meet for vacation. She posted on Facebook the new relationship they exchanged I love yous on there so they must of had some friendship before. I was last out to visit long distance relationship in May and then June. June started out I love you first few days then ended up giving ring back after we were both a distant from each other. She grabbed my leg rubbed back of neck on drive to airport so she Was struggling with it or testing me. She contacted me a few times after saying she missed me was a mistake to let me go or she did it so I didn’t have to leave my family. Then 3 days after she wanted to vacation together, she said forget it, was emotional pms and little hung over. Then 7 days later new post on new bf.
love this tips, thank you, really need this right now!
he tells our friends how much he misses me and wants to see me..im just not sure im ready yet..but maybe i should really try so i can be sure of my feelings
i didn’t want to look pathetic and so i just worked on moving on right after the sad breakup..now i feel like i wanna do all these and i hope it’s not too late
same to me..I’ve broke up 2 years ago after 6 years been together. I was so sad that time but I dont want to look so pathetic. Even myself know how pathetic am I.Haha. Now I still love him secretly and I don’t know either the feeling will disappear one day or not.I want to do all this but thinking of he never care about her ex before me at all so must be he do the same to me.not care at all.I’ve secretly stalk him after breakup 2 years ago 2 times thats making me hurt like hell and i stop.Now I dont know where and how he is.
love love love this post! im gonna keep this in mind, thanks!
some of these i haven’t really tried, im gonna pin this post so i could use them
these are really sensible tips and will sure help women out there.
awesome!! ill try these for sure! thx!
take care of yourself – this is the best thing you can do, not for him but for you.
we’ve been together for 2 years & i could say we were happy & enjoyed many things together. i hope i can still be w/ him
i would do all of these..haha
do the things you love, things that you enjoy the most esp those you didnt get to do when you were with him. happiness will be so evident and will make him really think about you and your relationship.
We were a great couple. We have four children. We were very good friends and were married for 19 years. At some point I was diagnosed with depression. He became distant, We stopped having sex and after two years he said he wanted to move out, but work on our marriage. We went to therapy but it was not working. He filed for divorce but was saying we will get closer and maybe marry again. We saw each other all the time, went to dates, etc. I trusted him and was sure that we would fix our problems. He was saying, even if we won’t get married again, we always would be together, grow old together and so on. He was maintaining that he was not thinking about anybody. Then, after final papers of divorce arrived, he said he met somebody a month before and wanted to be with her. I was devastated and suspect that he started an affair a long time ago, but don’t know for sure. He wanted to stay friend, but I am not in contact with him unless about things related to kids. He pretty immediately started telling people that his new girlfriend, who is 20 years younger than him and is pretty ugly, will move in with him. When people ask him what he likes about her, he says she is a good manager (at work) and has a good CV. Can this be really that serious?
whatever the outcome may be, its best that you make yourself better. do it for yourself, not for him or anybody else.
definitely do NOT contact him! this makes or breaks it..ive tried it & it worked
yup, youre right..its important to understand what really happened in your relationship.
i’ll forward this to my bff, she is in real need of these stuff :)
i think i’m gonna have to try these tips. thanks!
i let him know im having so much fun and doing a lot better
well..i jst try to let him i know im moving on, having fun..and make sure he sees it
yes, be the best version of urself..whatever happens, its a win-win 4 u
i always try to make him feel jealous by posting on social media & stuff..haha
i usually make him jealous but in just a subtle way and it always works! ;)
i didnt contact him on purpose since the breakup..hope its working sumhow
im definitely gonna try this formula :)
social media is such a big platform now & i definitly use it as my stage esp in this times & it works all the time
ill put this in mind..luv d ideas u shared
ooohh..i gotta need this! haha
we both had some bad times but i think what’s imp is that there are far more good times spent together..i hope theres still a chance we can fix things
good thing i came up reading this post! thx
My fiancé & I had a rough yr because of my work injuries.He stood by me all the way. Once I was awarded $ monthly due to injuries, he shut down. We have a great life, we have enough$ for what we need& want plus we are BFFs. We each make our own way& we know are future will b even better.I was shocked when he asked me for a break 1wk after he acted weird when I tried to get him2open back up2me. Its been 3wks now& in that time we have talked, cried, had sex, laughed and he told me he still loved me& missed me. He texts&calls me daily& says our time together was good&we are a good team. He made a decision to leave me and after several talks about why&what went wrong& lots of different stories from him, he told me “the truth” because I had said none of this makes sense. His ex is rich&she wants him back. Thats what he says now. I know he did go someplace& did things he would normally not do. So it kind of makes sense.He said she still loves him, he went to see if there was something still there amd says he would b a fool not to make it work with her because he can change his life, not just his circumstances. He dumped her 13yrs ago because she was too fat& now with$ and time she isn’t. So for his kids& family he has to make this work. Yet he wont let me go, he has my things all around him, I have keys and access to everything just like before. He says he isn’t with anyone now and I need to let him go. Part of me gets that I am older& how Cuz i threatened to 1 when he told me what was goin on ..not that i would..but he told Mann and they thicker than thick these days.and so he saying he goin to be with her..he wont have to hustle anymore etc..and i think he and Mann looking for house 2 rent together..cuz Mann b at his crib all the time nowcan I compete with $, security&youth..part of me thinks he is lying to just give him space to do what he wants and keep me waiting. What should I do.