How to Know If a Guy Likes You

How to Know If a Guy Likes You

Let’s face it, dating these days is really hard. 30 years ago there was no misinterpreting text messages, there was no online dating which could provide endless options.

Thus, having a bulletproof system to know when you are dating a guy that likes you vs. one who is simply wasting your time is an essential tool to keep your active dating life moving and headed towards something meaningful.

Want to find out right now if he likes you?

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So I am going to make it extremely simple.

If the Guy is Doing the Following He Likes You:

1. Making Future Plans with You

Ex: Wedding three months from now or Weekend Getaway
Future plans means he is expecting to still be with you when that event comes up. Yes, it is an even better sign if the future plan is a very long time from now.

2. Wants to meet your friends/family


3. Wants you to meet his friends/family

If the guy is just looking for sex, he doesn’t need to build a relationship with your friends and family. The guy just looking for sex wants the easiest exit possible if things end poorly. He certainly doesn’t want to hear from your friends or the angry sister, and get an earful about how he is an asshole.

(Small caveat, guys who just want sex are not assholes. Guys who pretend to want a relationship to get sex are assholes.)

4. Getting a hold of you within 48 hours of your date to schedule another date

Most men, when they really like someone are not going to be dumb enough to keep you on the market or wait to schedule dates. They know they like you and are going to pursue you. They are not going to play games or wait to schedule dates. Waiting is too risky. Great women are being pursued by way too many men, if you snooze, some other guy is being proactive and take your date.

Please use the tools above and I promise you will never ever sleep with men that are not 100% into you.

Step 2, you got a guy that likes you. How do you determine if you are exclusive? Click here to find out.

P.S. Still not sure whether he really likes you? Get a definitive answer by taking our “Does He Like You” Quiz right now!

Click here to take our quick (and shockingly accurate) “Does He Like You” Quiz right now and find out if he likes you…

Take The Quiz: Does He Like You?

In summary…

How To Know If A Guy Likes You

  1. He makes future plans with you
  2. He wants to meet your friends and family
  3. He wants you to meet his friends and family
  4. He calls within 2 days to make another date

how to know if a guy likes you is the only place that gives busy successful women no nonsense advice on how to get and keep a man. No fluff articles here!

It was founded by dating and relationship coach, Mike Goldstein, who is the main contributor to the dating blog section of the site.

41 comments… add one
  • swana April 1, 2017, 4:21 am


  • Bubbles January 10, 2017, 3:24 am

    A guy was all over me after we met randomly and we exchanged numbers. I wasn’t that much into him. He was consistently texting me, saying things like he wishes me to be by his side, wants to know what I’m wearing every day(which creeps me out and I asked him to stop eventually), and we always wanted to meet up after that first time(Oct ’16) but it’s either he’s busy or I am. Towards the end of 2016, we were still talking about each other’s interests of how he loves cooking and I love cars but he hasn’t ask me out yet so right now there’re a couple of questions before I decide to move on or ask him out instead:

    1) He has stop texting me completely now but I’m not sure if he’s given up(as I did not return his miss-you texts, caring texts with equal fervor as I did not feel the same then about him). But I was along the line that we should know each other better and he’s stopped now.

    So now, I’m not sure if I should revive the conversation or just be as cold and leave it. Any advice?

    • Mike Goldstein - Your EZ Dating Coach June 5, 2017, 12:16 am

      Hi Bubbles,

      I would suggest saying something like this, “Hey, how was your weekend? I was wondering if you would like to grab a drink sometime?” If he says yes, “ask him what day works for him?” Boom, you got a date. If he doesn’t want to go on a date, then move onto the next person.

      I would suggest going on dates and seeing if there is compatibility and eventually chemistry. Fyi: Multiple scientific studies have proven you can’t build true emotional connection with anyone over text. Thus, don’t spend too much time texting and just setup in person meetings so you can build a connection. I hope that helps.

  • Chacha January 5, 2017, 12:16 am

    Someone came up to me just to state at me. I ignored him the entire time waiting to see if he’ll talk to me but didn’t . Oh well, next!!!

  • cynah November 25, 2016, 5:19 am

    I met this guy in August, he asked for my numbers and I gave him.we started to watsapp same day but the problem is that he said he wants to take me out….. I told him the truth that I’m seeing someone but didn’t say the status the relationship was in,he started to comment negatively on me and asked when am I getting married then he never talked to me ever since.
    then in November he wattsapped again to ask if I’m taking care of my self,and never chat or call. Im afraid to call or watssapp him cause he might give me a negative respond and I have fallen for him

  • Shirley August 18, 2016, 10:12 pm

    I been dating my boy friend for 17 months he been there for me when I had a stroke but he calls every day we go sat nite s but he not said he loves me

  • Robyn Creech August 14, 2016, 8:40 pm

    Hey there I need major help asap see I like this guy in my youth group but idk if he likes me I noticed him staring at me a couple times but idk cause he had sunglasses on and the time he didn’t it looked like he was starting off into space and he always moves away from me with in 5mins no mater who’s around if I’m around him he slowly goes to the other side of the room we don’t really talk to each other and I don’t really pay attention a lot but the problem is I’m graduating out of my youth group soon what do I do help!

    • Mike Goldstein - Your EZ Dating Coach June 5, 2017, 12:21 am


      Got talk to him! Say, “hi, how are you?” Anything, really.

      Then proceed to get to know each other. See if you have any similarities, anything in common. Right now, all you know is that you are both sexually attracted to each other. The next step is to see if there is an emotional connection.

      You may talk to him and realize you have nothing in common, so go for it!

  • Krish February 10, 2016, 1:56 am

    I’m in my mid 30’s and I’m crushing hard on this guy that I see on my way to work. I don’t see him all the time but when I do I get butterflies in my stomach. I can’t even look at him when he is on the same bus as me!!! Thing is I have seen him look my way a few times but I am not sure if it is because I am a familiar face or I can only assume (which is so not right) what I hope he is!!! haha

  • Krish February 10, 2016, 1:52 am

    I’m in my mid 30’s and I’m crushing hard on this guy that I see on my way to work. I don’t see him all the time but when I do I get butterflies in my stomach. Thing is I can’t even look at him when he is on the same bus as me!!! Thing is I have seen him look my way a few times but I am not sure if it is because I am a familiar face or I can only assume (which is so not right) what I hope he is!!! haha

  • Lora Hudson November 9, 2015, 9:49 am

    I will tell you one thing, it would be nice to bring a guy home that is actually interested in me, for me.

  • Josephine Martin November 8, 2015, 12:12 pm

    The entire “exclusive” thing has always bothered me. Who decides when that is the case or that you are both on the same wave length when it comes to that?

  • Louella Kent November 7, 2015, 9:59 am

    I think if a guy really likes me, he will come and talk to me. Is that too much to ask?

    • Kimberly Hill November 9, 2015, 9:58 am

      Not at all, I wish the same thing would happen. Too bad that does not ALWAYS happen and you are left to take the bull by the horns.

  • Alice May November 6, 2015, 9:50 am

    Since I am in my 30’s and mostly focused on my career, I think that getting in touch with a dating coach is the best thing I can do. Thanks!

  • Ruth Gomez November 5, 2015, 8:59 am

    I like this guy from accounting, BUT I am not sure he even knows who I am. Is there a way that I can find out without seeming too creepy?

  • Tammy Novak November 4, 2015, 2:39 pm

    Figuring things out like this is much harder these days than it used to be. Back in the day, when a boy liked you, he punched you in the arm, or made fun of your hair :)

  • Frances Mattos November 1, 2015, 5:47 pm

    This is awesome. Even though I am a man reading this, I can see where the tips are going and I think they are right on.

  • Marie Ewell November 1, 2015, 5:36 pm

    Very good tips! I like that they are easy signs that you can keep open to. Its the subtle hints that I cannot get my hands around.

    • Kaitlyn Pinson November 4, 2015, 2:55 pm

      I usually start to over analyze the subtle hints and that just makes it much worse.

  • James Leeds October 31, 2015, 9:20 am

    As a guy, I can agree with this post. There are signs that are always there. All you have to do is catch them and notice them and you are in the gold!

    • Rosie Freeman November 7, 2015, 9:49 am

      True. If you are going to miss the signs, than you are not looking hard enough at something that you claim you really want.

  • Dianne Rees October 31, 2015, 8:55 am

    I have never been confident enough to talk directly to a guy that I liked. It has been a thorn in my side long enough. Time to get some coaching!

    • Donald Johnson November 1, 2015, 5:57 pm

      Well, I have dealt with woman like this. You just have to take it slow and breath. I have noticed that breathing part is one thing that is not being done by those that are freaking out they are talking to a guy :)

  • Sharon Silva October 30, 2015, 3:04 pm

    LOL, I would agree that if the guy is stalking you quickly for another date he might actually like you :)

  • Cindy Olsen October 29, 2015, 9:23 am

    If a man is making plans for ME WITH ME, then I can buy that. If I am making the suggestion and he just goes off that, I am not sure that is what it means.

    • Jacqueline Hust November 5, 2015, 9:10 am

      This is a good point. If you are always making the plans, then he is not putting his time in.

  • Karen Salter October 23, 2015, 10:39 am

    Simple, if he is making fun of you or nudging you in the arm, he likes you right? :)

    • Lori Sanchez October 30, 2015, 3:14 pm

      LOL, yeah that might have worked back in 5th grade, but I am not sure you are going to see that too much these days.

  • Mike Goldstein October 22, 2015, 9:55 pm

    As the author of this article and a professional dating coach, depending on your personality and the relationship you have with the guy, I absolutely love the idea of just asking the guy “if he likes you?” I believe the right guy for you will hopefully appreciate your confidence and having the ability to have open lines of communication.

    Has that method worked for you?

    • Wilma Thaxton October 24, 2015, 9:16 am

      I know that is HAS worked for me, BUT not all the time. It seems that it would have to be a certain type of guy that didn’t think I was weird for coming right out.

  • Hazel Bonilla October 22, 2015, 2:44 pm

    I wish it was just as easy as asking the guy. What can’t it be that easy?

    • Patricia McAdams0 October 24, 2015, 9:03 am

      Things that are worth doing, are not supposed to be easy.

      • Lori McKinney October 31, 2015, 9:08 am

        I like that saying. It makes perfect sense!

  • Maria Taylor October 22, 2015, 2:34 pm

    Men that truly want to be with me will make an effort to contact me as soon as they can within a day after a date. I know sometimes woman do not want to be bothered right away, but for me, that is the key!

  • Staci Littlejohn October 21, 2015, 10:52 pm

    I just come right out and ask him. Is that too forward?

    • Mary Coleman October 23, 2015, 10:51 am

      LOL, I do not think so. That is what I would do!

    • Lillian Handley October 29, 2015, 9:33 am

      I do not think it is either. Sometimes it is the best way to get an honest response.

    • Consuelo Varela November 8, 2015, 12:21 pm

      Nope :) I bet you get some nice reactions as well.

  • Nannie Hawley October 21, 2015, 10:39 pm

    I agree these days have a lot of miscommunication that end up ruining things faster than they should. If people could just speak face to face these days, things would be better.

    • Janet Hill November 6, 2015, 10:01 am

      Miscommunication is not good for ANY relationship.

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