Does he like you back? Or not? How can you tell if he’s not interested? What are the exact signs he doesn’t like me?
You may be panicking and thinking, “I like him but he doesn’t like me!” or “Why doesn’t he like me!?”
There’s nothing worse than not knowing whether a guy likes you or not. The struggle of trying to tell if he’s not interested can be excruciating.
This feeling isn’t exclusive to women, though. I used to fixate on whether women liked me or not. I would literally drive myself crazy sometimes (this is awkward to admit, but I’m doing it to help you… because I think it’s valuable to share my own experiences if it means shedding light on the great thing that’s at work here.)
And if you’re wondering, does my ex still like me, it’s even worse.
Or one of the most painful scenarios: you’re in a relationship and you’re worried he’s slipping away… and that he might not even be interested in you. There is an impending feeling of doom, and you can sense he doesn’t like you anymore. If that’s what you’re worried about, you should take our quiz here and find out if he’s really losing interest in you.
The bottom line is: men and women both wonder whether the person they like feels the same about them. It’s normal to feel anxious and to worry. That’s why I am writing this article—to tell you the truth about what signs mean a guy does not like you.
The good thing is, there are a few key signs that a guy is not interested that are almost 100% accurate. If you can spot these signs you can be sure he’s doesn’t like you.
Take The Quiz: Does He Like You?

First, I want to tell you a story about a girl I met in high school. It was freshman year and we were in the same English class. I was already nervous about even being in high school, but seeing her almost instantly magnified my nerves. It was wonderful, and at the same time, it felt absolutely gut-wrenching. I liked her, and I wanted to know if she liked me… but I kept telling myself there was absolutely no way she would go for me.
She would either think I dress goofy…
Or she would think I was dumb…
Or she would not even want to talk to me.
I came up with dozens of reasons why she could never possibly like me.
That paranoid feeling that I could never be liked was terrible… Eventually I mustered up the courage to talk to her. She wound up being an amazing girl who I still talk to this day. We never actually pursued a relationship, and sometimes I wonder what it might be like, but after getting to know her I realize I’m happier with her as a friend.
The point is, it would have been a hell of a lot easier if I just had some guidebook that gave me the signs to tell me that she liked me or not. I agonized over it and fixated on it endlessly. I didn’t have an answer that gave me any kind of true indication of how she felt… so as I remember what all this felt like I want to give you the most clear, surefire signs to know if a guy doesn’t like you so you don’t have to go through this.
(And before we start – I’m going to be blunt at some points – not because I’m trying to be mean but because I want you to help you… and sometimes the most helpful thing is to be really clear.)
So here we go…
I’m going to give you the top ten signs first, and then afterwards give you the rest of the tell tale signs that a guy is losing interest in you.
Here are 10 Signs He Doesn’t Like You:
The Top Ten Signs He Doesn’t Like You
1. He’s Not Around You And Makes No Effort To Be Around You
This is the single most important sign.
When a guy wants something – he’s going to go after it. He’s not going to sit back twiddling his thumbs.
It’s pretty straight forward. If you feel he doesn’t like you, that he’s never around, and that he doesn’t pay attention to you, he most likely isn’t interested.
It seems like he’s avoiding you
So if he’s not spending time with you, hanging around, and making excuses to hang out with you it’s not looking good. It is one of the biggest signs that someone doesn’t like you, if not the biggest in my opinion.
Guys aren’t stupid. If he wants you, he knows that he has to spend time with you and be around you in order to get closer to you.
So if he’s not hanging around, or hanging out with you, or even showing up in your life – he’s not trying to go after you… which means he doesn’t like you.
2. He Doesn’t Really Listen When You Talk And Doesn’t Remember What You Tell Him
People remember things that are important to them. One of the biggest signs he isn’t interested is the amount of attention he gives you.
I couldn’t tell you a single word of my trigonometry textbook from 11th grade math class – because it wasn’t important to me.
But I can tell you exactly where I was and what I was doing the first time a girl ever told me she loved me (Cindy Rosen, listening to Bruce Springsteen… funnily enough – also in 11th grade.)
The truth is – most of our days are forgettable. They’re not good, they’re not bad, they just kind of happen, and then fall by the wayside.
Your brain knows this. Since it has a limited capacity for memory (unless you’ve got an amazing photographic memory), your brain is going to edit out the parts it thinks aren’t important, while remembering the parts that are. That’s why you remember an amazing make-out session from a few years ago in detail, but can’t remember what you had for lunch last week.
That’s actually a nice trick to discover what people are really interested in deep down. Because your subconscious is controlling what you remember and don’t remember, you can get a good feel for what’s important to someone deep down in their subconscious by paying attention to what they remember and don’t remember.
Simply put: if your subconscious decides something is important, you’re going to remember it.
And if he likes you, his subconscious is 100% going to know about it – and it’s going to automatically make him remember the things you say.
If he’s not listening to you or remembering the things you say, it means you’re not important to him. Can you remember the last time you liked a guy and he wasn’t important to you (at least right then)? Didn’t think so…
He’s not giving you his attention
Obviously, if he’s trying to learn how to juggle 3 flaming chainsaws when you tell him your favorite color – he might not remember.
But 99% of the time, if he likes you, he’s going to listen to you, and remember the things you tell him.
When we like someone it’s natural to want to learn more about them, to have something common to talk about, and to try to look more appealing by taking up their interests.

3. He Doesn’t Care About Your Relationships With Other Men Even In The Slightest
If he doesn’t seem jealous of other guys talking to you that’s one of the major signs he doesn’t like you anymore. Jealousy is a subconscious emotion in relationships that can’t be held back. When you really like a girl it’s almost impossible not to feel threatened by other possible suitors.
If you’re being constantly hit on by other men, and he doesn’t even flinch, this is an especially bad sign that he is not interested.
Let’s play pretend.
You say to him, “I saw my friend Steve last night.”
Do his ears perk up? Does his tone of voice change? Most importantly: does he ask, “Who’s Steve?”
If he’s into you – he’s gonna care about the other guys you’re hanging out with. And unless he’s the suavest man on the planet – he’s going to reveal he cares (even if he just makes a joke) about what you did with “Steve.”
Guys are hardwired to pick up on competition. It’s what we’ve evolved to do.
That’s why if you can’t get a guy to care about something, the best way to get him hooked is to make it into a competition.
He doesn’t care about doing the dishes? Bet him that you can clean the dishes faster than he can.
Point is, if there’s one thing that guys love, it’s a competition. And they’re able to sniff one out from a mile away.
So if he’s interested in you, he’s going to be hypersensitive to the idea that anyone else is interested in you… and is in direct competition with him.
Obviously, he’s not going to say something incredibly romantic because you mentioned another guy, but if he likes you, he’s definitely going to have some sort of reaction.
And if you mention another potential suitor, only to get no reaction from him – it means that you’re not grabbing the attention of even his competitive side… which is a huge sign that he’s not interested.
4. He Treats You The Same As He Treats Everyone Else – No Difference
This one is simple. When a guy is into you – he feels differently about you than other people. It should always feel as if you are getting treated differently than others.
When he feels different, he acts different. Simple, right?
If that doesn’t sound simple – think about it this way.
Let’s say you’re out with your friends. You’re laughing, you’re having a good time, you’re relaxed and comfortable… and then your boss shows up.
All of a sudden, the whole dynamic is probably going to change for you (unless you have the coolest boss in the world).
You’re going to reign yourself in, watch what you’re saying way more, and in general become way less relaxed.
Why? Because you care about what your boss thinks about you! You don’t want to make a mistake or lower your status in your boss’s eyes, so you act differently than normal.
It’s the same with a guy who likes you. He’s not afraid that you’re going to fire him (unless you’re his boss, which is a whole different can of worms), but he’s definitely going to care what you think of him, which is going to make him act differently.
Just like you want to know how to be cute around him, to make him like you.
If he likes you, it’s gonna show. He’ll act differently around you than other people. Unless he’s a world famous actor or a hardened spy… in which case, good luck.

5. He’s Not Really Curious About Your Life
Every single time I’ve been interested in a woman – I’ve wanted to know more about her.
Why? Read the sentence! I’m interested in her.
And I’m talking really interested – not “Let’s go back to my place and have some fun,” interested.
If a guy is interested, he’s going to want to know more about you. What makes you tick, what you like, what you don’t like, everything.
He’s going to want clues about what you’re really about – both so that he can get to know you better and also so that he can make himself more attractive to you.
And all that starts with getting to know you, which starts with being curious about your life.
If he likes you, he’ll be interested in you. He’ll want to know more about you – and he’ll care when you tell him about yourself.
One of the biggest signs that he is actually paying attention to you is that he’s mirroring you.
If someone does the opposite of what your doing, and hates what you like, it’s a good way to tell if someone doesn’t like you.
People will subconsciously start to do and like the things that their love interest likes, not the opposite. For instance, if you like a certain band, and all of the sudden he starts liking them too all of the sudden, it’s a good sign he likes you. One of the biggest signs he isn’t interested is that he shows no regard for anything you like.
Now granted, it’s not unusual for a guy to have different tastes than you in some regards, so it’s not a red alert if he happens to not like something you like. If it seems like a recurring pattern, though, then that’s when to pay attention.
Mirroring even shows up in body language. When you’re talking with him, does his body language seem to match (or mirror) yours? Or does it seem like it’s the opposite of yours (such as him being turned away from him as you’re turned towards him). These body language signs of him not mirroring you can be a clue that he doesn’t like you.
This is a sign that I see all the time in relationships that are headed for trouble. If he’s not curious about your life anymore, it’s a strong sign he’s losing interest. Take our Is He Losing Interest Quiz right now to see whether he’s losing interest in you (and find out exactly what you should do to stop it).
6. He Openly Mentions Other Women He’s Interested In / He’s In A Serious Relationship
ok – let’s start out here – if he’s talking about someone else that he’s seriously interested in, not just throwing a woman’s name out there to see how you react… it means that he’s not interested.
It’s virtually the same as him flat out saying he doesn’t like you
If he’s seriously interested in someone else, and telling you about it, he’s not trying to make you jealous. He’s giving you a blatant signal that he’s not interested in dating you.
Both men and women are allowed to be interested in multiple people at the same time – no double standards here.
But if he’s talking to you about the other women he’s seriously interested in…
Well, answer me this question – would you ever do that with a guy you really liked?
Didn’t think so.
And if he’s already in a serious relationship, that’s a huge strike against him being interested in you.
Of course, he might be sending you signals just for his own thrill, but that’s pretty unlikely…
In fact, it’s way more likely that if he’s in a serious relationship with someone, he’s not looking to date anyone else… which really hurt your chances with him.
7. He Never Contacts You First
If he likes you, he’s going to want to see you. He’s going to want to be around you. And he’s going to want to talk to you.
That urge you feel in your stomach to be around a guy you like – men feel that too. And if he feels that urge, he’s going to be reaching out to you to see you again.
If he’s not calling, or texting, or making plans to be with you, then he doesn’t feel that urge.
He’s ghosting on you.

8. He’s a super flirty/friendly guy
This ties back into sign #4 – if he’s a super flirty guy and he flirts with you – he’s not really treating you differently. He’s treating you the same as he treats everyone else.
He might make you feel really special – compliment you, make you laugh, call you pet names…
But if he does that with every girl he meets… he’s not treating you any differently, is he?
Some guys, just like girls, can make the mistake of being too friendly. It’s not anyone’s fault, it’s just their personality. So if his uncommonly friendly treatment is the same to you as the clerk in the grocery store it’s a big sign a guy doesn’t like you.
9. He’s Always Busy / He Doesn’t Put In Any Extra Effort
This is about priorities.
There are some guys out there that are really busy – and that’s ok. All good relationships are between two people that each have a full life. And if he’s too busy to see you as much as you’d like him to – it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about you.
But if he’s too busy to see you at all – it means you’re not even on his list of priorities. And even the busiest guy on the planet will make time to see you – as long as you’re a priority for him.
So it comes down to the question – are you among his priorities or not?
If you are – great. If you’re not… instead of following all these books and crazy things that tell you to try to change him and make him come around and chase after you…
You should be dropping him and spending your time with a guy who does make you his priority.
Think about it this way – let’s pretend you’re the boss of a company. One of your employees loves his job – he shows up every day, puts in 100% effort, doesn’t stop working until he’s totally satisfied with his project, and never stops trying to learn more and get better at his job.
Another employee is the opposite – it’s clear he doesn’t want to be there. All he does is try to finish his work as quickly as possible and put in as little thought and effort as possible to get it done. He doesn’t go the extra mile, he doesn’t check for mistakes, and he spends most of his time goofing off.
Now, you can spend all your time and effort and energy trying to turn a bad employee into a good employee…
Or you could fire his ass and find yourself a good employee – one who loves being there.

10. The Truth: It Will Be obvious That He Likes You
Look – guys aren’t subtle.
This is all about your gut instinct. Honestly – what do you really think in your gut about him.
Do you really think he likes you?
If it feels like he’s basically telling you he doesn’t like you in every way possible he probably doesn’t.
Listen to your gut – whether you get a sinking feeling or an excited, butterfly feeling will tell you everything you need to know.
OK – so those are the signs. Chances are, you probably got your answer from one or more of the signs above.
And before you jump down my throat with, “Oh but one time this guy didn’t call me for 3 years and it turned out he was a secret agent working deep undercover but really he liked me the whole time!” – I’m not talking about the crazy outlier cases here.
There are obviously more signs that a guy shows when he’s not interested, these are just the ten biggest ones.
Other signs could be:
11. He never talks to you about anything serious or romantic. The conversation tends to be bland, and it feels like you’re more like his sister than a love interest.
12. He doesn’t make any sacrifices for you. What a man is willing to drop, or do for a woman is a big indicator of how interested he is.
13. When he helps you it’s only because it’s absolutely necessary, not because he’s choosing to.
14. He doesn’t attend events that you set up, or that have to do with you. He’ll make an excuse to not come if you’re throwing a party.
15. He never buys you anything, or offers you financial help, even when you’re in a bad situation.
16. He’s not interested in your friends or family. Your social life and likes are totally non-important to him.
17. His body language will be closed, and guarded. He will rarely smile around you, if ever.
18. When you’re gone or not around, it doesn’t seem to affect his mood.
19. He’s not worried about your safety. For example, if you are getting mugged, and he runs away, or does nothing, that’s a very bad sign he doesn’t like you anymore.
20. He dresses like a slob when he’s around you, and never seems like he’s trying to impress you or make himself look good for you.
21. He avoids being around you while at social functions.
22. If he lends something to you, like a sweater on a cold night, then demands it back from you immediately.
23. You are always the one starting the conversation, not the other way around.
24. He rarely makes eye contact, and when he does, it’s only for a short period of time. He’ll look away quickly if you do.
25. He never makes physical contact with you.
26. He never laughs or smiles around you.
27. He keeps his distance from you socially and physically. It seems as if he’s trying to keep your relationship on the surface level.
28. He never congratulates you on your success. He has little enthusiasm for positive things happening in your life.
29. When you change your style, or get a new haircut, he doesn’t seem to notice at all.
30. He likes the opposite of what you do. He tends to do the opposite of what you’re doing.
31. He spends more time with other girls than you.
32. He asks you about other girls you know.
33. He never calls or texts you.
If he’s giving you 4 or more of the signs, especially any in the top ten – it’s a pretty safe bet that he doesn’t like you.
Signs he doesn’t like you through text?
The biggest sign he doesn’t like you through text is not anything he says through text, it’s that he doesn’t text at all. If he’s taking a while to respond, or just straight up ghosts on you, he probably isn’t interested. The second biggest sign is texts that seem short and unemotional. If you give him a well thought out message and he responds “ok” it’s a sign he doesn’t like you.
How to get over a guy who doesn’t like you back?
The best way to get over a guy is to focus on yourself and do things that make you happy. Don’t focus on him, focus on trying to be the person that you’d want to live your life with. Make a life that is amazing no matter who you are with, a man should never be your only route to a happy life.
What do you do when your crush doesn’t like you?
If your crush doesn’t like you don’t freak out, do the opposite. Calm down and focus forward in your life on things that are going to make you better and happier. The stronger you are the more attractive you become.
How do you know if a guy is interested in you?
The best way to tell is by the amount of attention he gives you. If he is never calling you, and never talking to you it’s a bad sign. If he seems like he’s distant, he probably is.
How do you know if a guy likes you but is scared?
The most obvious way to tell is if he’s nervous. An attractive woman can be extremely intimidating to a man. Another major way to tell is his body language and speech. He may exhibit a different posture, or even have a hard time speaking. A guy can act pretty awkward when he’s interested.
How to tell if a guy doesn’t like you?
If he avoids you and never speaks with you it’s a bad sign, especially If you’re going up and talking to him frequently and he still seems uninterested, he probably is. He won’t seem happy around you, and it won’t seem as if he’s following you around. If you have a gut feeling that a guy doesn’t like you, it’s probably right.
If you want to know the signs that a guy does like you, you can go here for my thoughts on the subject.
A Very Important Warning…
Take The Quiz: Does He Like You?
In summary…
The Top Signs He Doesn’t Like You
- He’s not around you and makes no effort to be around you.
- He doesn’t really listen when you talk and doesn’t remember what you tell him.
- He doesn’t care about your relationships with other men even in the slightest.
- He treats you the same as he treats everyone else – no difference.
- He’s not really curious about your life.
- He openly mentions other women he’s interested in / he’s in a serious relationship.
- He never contacts you first.
- He’s a super friendly/super flirty guy in general.
- He’s always busy / he doesn’t put in any extra effort.
- He never talks to you about anything serious or romantic. The conversation tends to be bland, and it feels like you’re more like his sister than a love interest.
- He doesn’t make any sacrifices for you. What a man is willing to drop, or do for a woman is a big indicator of how interested he is.
- When he helps you it’s only because it’s absolutely necessary, not because he’s choosing to.
- He doesn’t attend events that you set up, or that have to do with you. He’ll make an excuse to not come if you’re throwing a party.
- He never buys you anything, or offers you financial help, even when you’re in a bad situation.
- He’s not interested in your friends or family. Your social life and likes are totally non-important to him.
- His body language will be closed, and guarded. He will rarely smile around you, if ever.
- When you’re gone or not around, it doesn’t seem to affect his mood.
- He’s not worried about your safety. For example, if you are getting mugged, and he runs away, or does nothing, that’s a very bad sign he doesn’t like you anymore.
- He dresses like a slob when he’s around you, and never seems like he’s trying to impress you or make himself look good for you.
- He avoids being around you while at social functions.
- If he lends something to you, like a sweater on a cold night, then demands it back from you immediately.
- You are always the one starting the conversation, not the other way around.
- He rarely makes eye contact, and when he does, it’s only for a short period of time. He’ll look away quickly if you do.
- He never makes physical contact with you.
- He never laughs or smiles around you.
- He keeps his distance from you socially and physically. It seems as if he’s trying to keep your relationship on the surface level.
- He never congratulates you on your success. He has little enthusiasm for positive things happening in your life.
- When you change your style, or get a new haircut, he doesn’t seem to notice at all.
- He likes the opposite of what you do. He tends to do the opposite of what you’re doing.
- He spends more time with other girls than you.
- He asks you about other girls you know.
- He never calls or texts you.
- The truth is it will be obvious that he likes you.
I have a guy who I like and claim he likes me something he gives me attitude and something attention he tells what I do wrong but sometimes he doesn’t,he likes me respecting he doesn’t really chat with me or ask about my day ,he hardly calls me but calls me whenever he needs me,but he guide me to right part but one thing is he only calls me whenever he needs something. Does he like me
All is well
When you feel like there’s no hope ladies, don’t feel bad! I was pregnant by a guy that I was only seeing casually and had been lied to, cheated on, used,kicked out while pregnant with our 2nd baby….and a 8 month old (he moved ex in and I had no clue til we got back together AFTER cheating drug addict ex moved out)! Never even knew people lied and were that shady until I met him! I could go on ( a list of atleast 80/100 terrible things he did to me), but its pretty sad and embarrassing….I loved him, don’t know why, but I needed slapped in the head lol. Can’t even say he was sweet to me or helpful…..I know how bad it hurts when you love someone and they want anyone else…..we will all find someone who deserves us one day.
It’s sad I like him a lot and I’ve been trying as much as I can to get his attention, at first he acted like he cares but no he doesn’t care, we could be together but he’ll always keep distance away from me, he never seems to be bothered about my welfare he has never asked me about my family or anything about me, he only come close to me when he feels like, anything I do doesn’t interest him, I feel so lonely even when m with him it hurts so much I just wish I could stay without him but I just can’t, I pray I should get over with all this someday
Hey guys there is a guy who saw me first and got awestruck and kept looking at me with his mouth open and I was like really and the he never cared about his environment and used to stare at me for good 5 min and I stared back at him and he is a very friendly guy but never initiated conversation but used to stare at me make eye contact made me laugh at his jokes and suddenly when I started looking back he kind of avoids me but still stares at me and kind of keeps a serious face if I talk to other boys he is my senior doctor of age 25 iam his junior doctor of 23 I work under him he has a gf for past 6 years but I kind of texted that I like him and he called my frnd and said I dont have any interest I never looked at her I never spoke to her and my frnd texted back that iam really not interested too and he got angry and said really doent she said she likes me I know and said ok what should I do about it when I used to work with him he was very caring when current goes off he come with atorch he helps me understand the subject during my injections now he says he dosent what should I take from this
I meet this guy and later I started to have feelings for him. But I always told myself that he’ll never like a girl like me. We used to hardly see each other and I would try my best to make up excuses just to see him. But I felt like I was putting in alot of affect but in return getting zero. I’m too afraid of any relationships now because I’m afraid of being rejected.
I recently started seeing a guy and we hit it off great and things have been good up until last Wednesday. I don’t know what in the hell happened, but our phone call ended like it usually does and then the next thing I know it, he’s totally blocked me and have no idea why. I have thought about what might’ve have happened and it could be something I said, but don’t know for sure. Yes I’ve called and texted and that’s when I realized what he did. Now he’s supposed to be in town in the next week or so and whether he likes it or not, I’m pretty sure he’s expecting me to ask like WTF? So how do I approach the situation? I won’t be rude and demand that he talk to me. I’ll ask nice if I we can talk but I have this funny feeling he’s gonna say no. How does someone just drop off like that and not give any reason? What’s bugging me the most is not knowing what happened and if I made the mistake is like to know what it is and try and fix it somehow.
Anyone have any suggestions on ways I can approach this without making the situation worse?
Well I’m quite a dummy! It was clear all along. My boyfriend of 7 months was a fat 18/33 on this scale. Not sure how you can tell someone you love them and be so uninterested at the same time. Which is probably why he just dumped me.
A girl told me that my crush who I was texting is a player i asked hjm about it on snapchat and he unfreinded me . The next day I asked him why he unfreinded me. And he said he didn’t want to talk to me. He then blocked me. A month later he keeps adding and unadding me on snapchat whenever I add him then he unaddeds me when he opens my snaps. Then he stopped after 2 months now he is doing it again ive already apologized to him but he wont say anything . What does he want from me ?
So I have a crush on a boy. So my best girl friend talk to him and he talks to her about me and he saying that I want to date her. But my girl friend tells me what he said. Whenever I text him I’m always the one who start texting him. Then he blocked me on iMessage and on Snapchat. So I don’t know what to do. He also stares at me and copy’s me whenever I flip my hair he did the same thing. I feel like he playing with me and my girl. I’m upset that he hasn’t talked to me yet or saying anything to me.
Um….. he MAY be nervous OR
He very well knows he is good looking and many girls crush on her and all that stuff…..BUT….if your gut says that he is playing with you orif you feel so, it is better to move on!
He’s not that into you. He’s not ready for anything and waiting around for him to be will only hurt you.
Hi. Well he doesnt want to see me, tbh were almost in a relationship for two years and we havrnt seen each other yet (though he used to stalk me bfre) we never dated, we never kiss yet, not even sex. We never do things like that… And hes always making excuses and hes always getting mad if im asking him to go out with me. He lied to me, hes always making excuses.making up stories.. Idk anymore.
Actually i sometimes think that he likes me because wherever i go he just follows me i mean to say that wherever i go he just comes behind me nd keeps on stairing me…i dont understand because he doesnt talks to me ….but he blushes when he sees me
I recently moved into a hall and he lives just next door. He never once initiated a conversation with me. The only conversation we ever had was in the elevator and that was because there was a third person. He bonds very well with most of the boys and some girls in my floor but does not talk to me. However, I do catch him looking into my room every time he walks pass and we do make small eye contacts whenever we see one another. But all in all, he does not show any signs of being even interested in becoming friends :( Should I just give up?
So true.
I was really out of my mind when I kept on texting him if everythings okay between us.He never replied.I got so messed up that now I have deleted all the chat history and blocked him too but every time I unlock my cell I unblock him trying to figure out if he has texted me some…But every time I think about our conversation it upsets me.I was in my fantasy in my own world of how he use to flatter me but I know it was all fake he was fake and TIME is only the healing.I know somewhere in the world there is somebody eagerly waiting as I am for him.
Does anyone else have it bad for someone they know is out of their league? :(
This helped. There is a guy that I like, and I want to know whether or not to stop liking him. I know now that he doesn’t like me.
I think these signs helped me alot. There is this guy m crushing on and its bad,he is a neighbour one day he gave me a lift to work and on the way we talked about a lot of things but he didnt ask for my number but he is super nice with me he even offered me help said whenever i need to go the shops he can take me but m really scared that he will find out i like hinnand maybe he doesnt like me an i be so dissapointed so m just scared to ask for help even when i need it and i think i will ignore him till my feelings for him are xompletely gone
So I met this guy yesterday. I’ve only talked to him once and I think he’s really cute and nice and funny. I’ve seen him look over at me a few times when I’ve been hanging around my friend and they are actually friends and she used to like him but he didn’t like her I don’t think. And now she’s got a different boyfriend. Maybe he’s jealous of her that she’s got a different boyfriend? I can’t tell if he’s looking at me or her. Please help quickly.
My boyfriend says to me he loves me.. He wants to marry me. .. But he doesn’t talk to me… Even not give a single msg in a whole day… I’m so worried about our relationship… I love him alot.. . I can’t live without him.. . I’m not happy with his this kind of behaviour.. I want his attention. .. I’m totally confused what to do now… plz tell me is he really loves me now…??
Here’s the best advice anyone can give you: ASK HIM!
I did ask my boyfriend of five years if he loves me and he always says “I told you already how I feel about you ” and he’s got an attitude about it. He always gets mad if I am crying because he won’t talk to me like I matter
After 5 years, the relationship needs to go to another level. Heck, even after 1 year it needs to go to a next level. For girls, you don’t have as much time to feel around like guys do. Guys, especially in high school—think that they can all be friends and they can talk to all the girls….over time usually after high school, college age—they start to pair off. There has to be a clear indicator that it’s not just all these guys and girls “hanging out” anymore. The girl has to pin one–make it clear your his/he’s yours—or move on.
You just have to spend more time with him. You can see if he is texting other girls . If he is, ask him if he loves you. Don’t hesitate to ask him. But he isn’t worth your time, you know what to do.
So well I really like my best friend but he’s the half shy half flirty kind so I never knew what he really thought about me. But lately he asked me to support him in his finals for a competition and the joke among his friends was they’ld all bring their crushes and propose together if they won, I don’t really what to think now tbh…help?
He added me on insta and fb and he’s always asking what time the games are and saying I’ll be there. I messaged him on insta asking when his football practice was and he responded immediately
Yes, my point exactly!
So I told a guy that I like him, and he said “I respect that”. It was kinda confusing because I didn’t exactly know what he meant. I’m still not sure if he likes me. I just wanted to know if there’s anyway I can know for sure if there’s still a chance or if I can make him like me and how long I should take to move on. I really like him.
I guess he means he respects your feelings but doesnt feel the same or isnt interested in knowing i.e., doesnt care. And if he hasnt said or done anything so far he most likely doesnt like you. Go trap another fish in the net, gurl! (if u havent already)
Your article helped me enough to get a clear vision about him.I don’t know how to thank you.These information gave me a huge insight and will certainly make a great difference in my career as well as personal life and also i realize what is more important to me.
I met a guy on a dating app, and our relationship started off weird. I don’t know whether to kick him to the curb or be more patient. He liked me first on the app. I liked him in return. The site connected us. I message first. He doesn’t say anything. 6 days go past, and I had forgotten all about him. He replies to my message. We talk for a few minutes. I ask a question. No answer. I’m baffled, but I was like whatever. The site closed the chat with the possibility of reopening. I didn’t reopen the chat, but the guy did, to my surprise. I waited for him to say something. Nothing. For 5 days. I was bored one night and I just wrote in Hi. He answered me and asked if he could give me his number. I said sure. We chatted for a day, and he’s back to his disappearing ways again. What is this? If he’s not interested in me, what is the point of this game?
If a guy starres at you everyday and he tries to impress you and he often makes eye contact with you you and he has a girlfriend and he accept your requests on social media and he doesn’t reply your messages when you send him but he has a girlfriend does it mean he likes you?
-My guy doesn’t respect me and he like to do things to piss me off we’ve been together for four years now and there’s is this other guy I like and he wants to settle down with me…How do I walk away from him?
I don’t understand he is always playfully teasing me but he shows some of these signs I still think he likes me though. Am I wrong?
so I have been Chating with this guy for like 10months….we never met…. thn we decided to meet… aftee we did I couldn’t helping thinking that he didn’t like what he saw… when we were Chating he was like I enjoyed being with you but I felt like he is acting differently.. he used to be opened and all and respond my texts asap mara he started talking time after we met… I questioned him.. told him his acting differently the person that m used to will confuse me mara he kept saying m insecured and his trying to give me that reassurance …he always told me how he sees a future nami mara after we met the were no talks about us….idk.. M confused as hell
There’s this guy i really like. We met last year at a theater summer workshop. We became friends,.. I didnt realize i like him until the prod week of our professional show we started working on 2 months after our workshop ended. I thought he had feelings for me too cause of these silly signs: he usually needs me. he comes to me for help.. he asks me to fix his lapel on his hair, he was choking he asked for my water only (which i didnt have it then) but never asked our other friends who were sitting next to me, he asked me to fix his costume, carry his food, asks me if im okay, looks out for me if i have already preset my props , etc….
I told him right after our cast party, i sent him a message, but it was just a casual “i have a crush on you!” kinda thing. and he only said he was flattered… tho i thought he would say the same thing :( and he said we will talk about it some time but never happened.
i dont really know now. we’re still friends. but my feelings for him is really getting stronger and it’s driving me crazy that i dont know what he really feels. it’s breaking my heart..
I think maybe if he liked you he would have told you straight up after you told him. Instead, he put it off and hasn’t mentioned it since this could be a sign he’s really not into you. Maybe he put it off cause he was in a rush and needed to take a longer time to tell you he also liked you. If you have his number ask him about the topic through a text or call. Or if you see him often then you can ask him then. If he doesn’t like you just remember there are other fish in the sea and you had a lot of confidence to tell him you liked him (I would never do that). I hope i helped.
I have seen a guy at a funeral. he is my friend’s cousin. he is a shy guy though he is a personal trainer at a gum. I was serving tea and coffee at the men’s side according to our culture.
every time I go and serve men including him, he lift up his eyelids to have a look at me stealthily. I have noticed it but did not make him feel this. at the end of the funeral, he was next to his uncle and both thanked me with a smile for doing this big service. he was lifting up his eyes to talk to me as they were looking down.
I am not sure of this way of looking whether he is fond of me or by nature this is how he talks to people? this is the first time I see him. I was advised he is not married but may be in the past he was married then is divorced the reason that made him act that way?
this happened at the end of November and till now I have not seen him again.
do u think he is not interested or may be his past experience (if any) is stopping him from.taking any step? do I gave to start conversation with him via FB?
please advise me.
R. G.
My boyfriend and I had been together for months now, every seems OK, but i feel way down inside that something is just not right but i cant get my hands on it.
To a point he really show most of the signs that he is really into me, but sometime its like he just don’t care about me. I am a bit confused.
what do i do?
I feel you ..
actually I don’t know how to say, mmm my friend introduced me to his boyfriend so the boyfriend has a cousin, whom I came to like. but he wasn’t in to me and I left the situation at hand and I moved on since its like he never liked me. I met different men and there was no success in any of them. after one year since we are close with the my friend and her boyfriend so we met again with him. and actually we talked for like two days continuously and I was waiting for him to be mute as always. because when we meet he remembers I do exist, but now he is calling me several times knowing my way about and he has been taking me to dinner and back then sometimes he looses my contacts and he forgets. so he got my contacts again when my friend with his boyfriend went to the his office and he kinda remembered me and he actually asked for my contacts since he’s phone was like not good it was loosing contacts lol, he called me and I was shocked why is this dude calling me.. lol I picked up the phone and he told me we meet and it’s that we are good friends.
what I don’t understand is when we go out together he never utters a word how he feels about me and I get confused, he never calls me to tell me how he misses me and I wonder what am I doing with this guy, no mutual feeling and if I was to date another person I see no harm coz I have never heard from him he’s intention towards me. I wonder if he is interested with me.
He do tease me sometimes but do make me laugh and play together or talk to each other but last we used to do pretend as if we in love when others start to talk but i was falling for him and this year i cant cause he also does touche other sexy and booty girls, does he loves me or not
So here’s my issue… I’ve been talking to this guy for almost 2 months… We’ve had lunch once. He owns his own company. He travels almost weekly… and I’ve asked him to hang out multiple times… but hes always busy playing catch up. He tells me he likes me… and he is a super genuine guy…but when does he have time for me? He calls and texts me every day to let me know hes thinking about me…. He is literally everything I have looked for in a man… What do I do?!?
I had noticed a guy who kept looking my way so with the help of friends I decided to go on a see if really he is into me.Reality took it’s turn when we shared a text and all he said was he does not wana give me the wrong impression…worse feeling ever!since we work together he still smiles to greet whenever we pass on by…most awkward moment tho…life can be full of pretenses…
Srsly… Well it all depends or circumstances. I find at least half of you “signs”invalid in my situation. Well it seams girl I like cares nothing about me, and we are working together. And actually she is working directly with the boss so I could get in trouble really fast and easy. So I fight back any thoughts about romance and that means:
1) Not being around her as not to act weirdly. (Easy as she doesn’t come where I am)
2) Avoid speaking with her or pretends I don’t care remember/know/hear what she says even thought I do. (Its easy she actually doesn’t say anything)
3) I do my best to to show any jealously about other guys getting her attention.
4) Hmm this one’s true… I have srsly huge difficulties acting “normally” anything near her. I think she even commented quite loud that I’m acting strange.
5) Hell I’m curious about her life but that would be sure suicide and she doesn’t tell anything by herself.
6) Well I may actually mention other women as disguise.
7 and 9) Never ever… Well You can do that stuff when you are getting over unrequited love.
The bottom line is that all what is written here is valid if the GUY actually understands that you have feelings for him! If he thinks that you DO NOT CARE and the situation is such that risking and going for it would result bad things (workplace crush and so on) he may do everything in his power to force himself to forge you. And then he may actually act exactly like he doesn’t care.
So for some shy girl reading this:
a) at least show some subtle hints that he can go for it and has some chance.
b) not every man doesn’t understand women’s “No”. Some actually respect it. Especially if they LOVE you. So if you show him you want nothing with him for example avoid him, do not talk with him, run away from him, he may pick a hing between lines that you dislike/hate him or saw his low and want nothing to do with it. So be a little bit careful with what you do.
Me too.
Well,not just four.but most of it actually. Therefore he doesnt like be back. Slaps reality.
I broke up with him because he changed. He started talking to other girls and he’s never done that before. He put everything into our relationship when we dated and then I don’t know what happened. I thought he just lost feelings for me. But know he says he wants me back, but he doesn’t want to see me because “It’ll be awkward.” and I know he ignores me sometimes. I know I deserve better, but we dated for awhile and I really liked him. I don’t know what to do.
Worst article I ever read. None of these are actually any sign that a guy doesn’t like you. Get your facts straight
Hey there… Could you share what you believe would be the correct information? I’m curious what you think was incorrect or should have been different.
I just broke up with my boyfriend and am currently seeing someone who fits all of these yet he makes constant effort to always write me back even when he’s traveling and he always pays, makes effort to seems etc. And my ex boyfriend who loved me dearly never made me his priority but that never meant he didn’t love me.
I meant makes effort to see me*
OK, can you clarify something: You said that your ex loves you and that you broke up? What happened there?
Most girls instinctively know a guy is (still) interested. My guess is she isn’t interested anymore. If that’s the case… why not give other girls a chance?? Regards
Good article, thank you. The man i liked liked another woman better so yeah. I guess she is just the woman that looks like his dream woman. And I… am left with my room for a great guy to come!
I need advice on what to do. I recently contacted my old lover from 20 years ago. We were so crazy and passionate with each other. But we mutually went our separate ways for years. But every time I contacted him Wed meet for lunch and just talk and talk. I saw him 4 months ago and we had an amazing night together, like we used to. He said he’d call or text and he did twice only said hi once and how r u once. That’s it. Now no matter what I say I can’t get him to answer my calls or texts. I was thinking of stopping over at his house. I’m just ending my 20 year marriage and I know he’s afraid of my husband. Is that it or does he not like me anymore? He seemed that he was still head over heels in love when I saw him. When he didn’t reply I’d texted him kind of a lot. Is that why did I come on to strong
I have been with a guy for 2 months. At first I just simply wanted to hook up but then we had a great date and we spent 2 nights together without having sex, only cuddled (lol). After that he said he likes me a lot and I feel that he likes me too. But then he moved to another city which is only 2 hours away from mine. We wanted to keep it casual by seeing each other once or twice a month without commitment. But then he kept cancelling on me anytime we planned to meet and I got frustrated. I told him I just wanted to see him and have sex (cause I’m so attracted to him physically) and he can do whatever he wants with other girls. So he decided to see me and said he even likes me more so let’s do it again once or twice a month, I agreed but I doubt he could do that. As expected, he kept cancelling on me 2 more times but he had his reason. He is a language teacher and has unfixed schedule, but I got so angry and I told him let’s not plan to meet again. He went completely silent since then.
I’m feeling like he’s playing around with me, not believe that he likes me at all and I do not care very much cause I just want to get on bed with him. I texted him twice but he didn’t answer.
Anybody experienced this case and can tell me what he wants cause I would like to know too. He doesn’t really want to simply hook up with me, seems to like me but sometimes he seems to be up to something else.
Okay I’m pretty confused this guy I have a crush on we work together and I feel like he is into me, but he isn’t making any moves. We casually text (yes I usually text him), and we’ve talked about hanging out before. And whenever we see each other well talk alot. Plus we have these “moments”. So idek know what to think. Is he too nervous to hang out or is he not into me the way I feel he is?
I sort of have an issue with my boyfriend , he said he is not sure if he can still keep on loving me because he can’t see or touch me and we are into this long distance relationship thingy…He doesn’t call or text me anymore…Pls what do I do..??..I really love him
Leave him as a friend he’s not worth it I’ve always ended the friendship promptly once a guy who I like doesn’t feel the same he doesn’t deserve you
Why I’m I even reading this! It is so obvious he doesn’t like me! Why I still love him? Cause I’m stupid and I just can’t forget him! I think is more the furstration you feel, like, what is wrong with me? I don’t deserve to be loved?
That is utterly ridiculous; firstly you need to see your worth… if you don’t see how valuable a person you are how can you expect anyone else to? secondly, if he doesn’t like you then hes really not worth your time or energy.
It is not you with the problem. Don’t try to please someone who wouldn’t not go out of their way to please you. He really isn’t worth it!
My boyfriend recently broke up with me, partly because he has a lot of family problems, as well as his struggle in his college classes and his busy schedule with his fraternity. He said that there is still a possibility that we will get back together, and that he just doesnt have time for a romantic relationship right now. He feels bad that I put more effort than he does, and that he can’t say that he loves me. He won’t tell me that he will only think of me as a friend, and that it is definite that we will never get back together. He also said that he treated me like one of his guy friends, not like a girlfriend. But other people outside of the relationship, and myslef personally think that he liked me more than just a friend, and that he did things that friends wouldn’t do for one another. He still wants to be friends no matter what, and comforts me when I need him in relations to the breakup. We also ended up cuddling one night. Did he really not have feelings for me, or did he lose feelings for me? Is it because he just has too much pressure on him right now? I understand that some believe that if someone truly loved you theyd stick with you no matter what, but I also see a perspective from where if there is too much on someones plate they would want to push people away and take off some of those pressures on their plate.
if a guy does really like u he will try to impress u anyhow.
But if he’s too busy to see you at ALL – it means
you’re not even on his list of priorities. And even
the busiest guy on the planet will make time to
see you – as long as you’re a priority for him.
I think affection is not a stupid thing it happens naturally whither a boy likes a girl or not but the serious thing is that whosoever does love will try to stay closer always…
Anyone wanting to fall in love, find love or even avoid love for some personal reason read this..
I fell in love with this boy who I literally worshiped! In my eyes he was my mr. Perfect, you know them ones when you can’t find nothing wrong with him, you’re trying too, but nope he’s 100!!!
I gave him my all, yet as time went on he became very possessive and controlling, so much to a point where I wasn’t allowed to go out, wear certain outfits, basically be me.. Girls/boys I had only realised I was being controlled when I had realised I had only 2 friends left. The amount of people I cut off just to consume enough love from the person to last me through the day:night was in itself a nightmare!! I was craving his attention, this bad boy had given me attention! This great, handsome some- what messed up boy calling me his girl was apparently enough for me in this life.. No! You can’t be blind towards mental/physical abuse just because of love. Love can turn you crazy, make you fiend for this person, make you do unthinkable things.
Can anyone tell me if he likes me or not?
– he’s looking at me alot and go wherever i go. But when his friends ask him that he like me or not. He always say ‘I DON’T KNOW’ ??
Well I herd that he used an example of me being his GF but I did this just to be sure and yea….. He’s still interested……
No not a broken heart. Only broken expectations. Perhaps working on yourself may help
Walk away thats just mind games
Well, he didn’t make a priority for a few months or so, but now I am again, so he really was busy. Other than that, he likes me. That was the only one. I guess I don’t have to worry although those few months were tough. It’s not like we’re long distance either!
you know what cheyanne I agree with you so much, I feel what you are feeling right now!!!!!!!!!!
So, I’m looking at this and I’m super confused by life. There is this guy that has apparently told multiple people that he likes me, but every single one of the things that is listed as he doesn’t like you apply. I’ve had two people tell me that he talks about me to them. My friends say it is because he is shy, but you would think he’d at least text me every once and a while. Should I just assume he doesn’t like me and not try to put anything into it or what?
i hate people and guys on this planet i learned that you will have a broken heart over and over again
the guy i like only does 3 of these i dont know if he likes me or not i wish that he did i think that i found my true love today i asked my best friend to give him a note for me and act like that it was from her she said that it was from me and now he’s talking about it all the time it realy upset me a lot ill never forget it im about to give up on trying to get him because it seems nothing works
I feel you, this is almost the same situation I’m in.
but the boy so cute and a adorable and ha some but he Doesn’t no anything
There is a guy that Showed so many sighns of liking me this whole year, and then my fiends told his friends that I like him. I asked him about and he lied and said his friends never told him about it. Now he is acting weird and I am not sure if I should ask if he lied or just ignore him?
There’s a Guy that avoided your gaze and smile at others and frowns at you but when he talks to you he stammers
first of all im an egyptian so this might sound stupid..there is this guy whom i like and honestly he showed lot of signs that he likes me for example he made likes on every photo i post on instagram …and this eye contact thing happened alot and i notice that..and when we talk i talk to him as a friend as im treating him like everyone else but you know the eye language says more..he looks to me way differently than others but he doesnt hate me..we played talked hanged out but with company but this day i found out he made unfollow to me on instagram though he liked my pictures and what bothers me he is following people he doesnt even know..i mean if he hates me why would he like my photos?!!!..please help me what shall i do ..
Year your right with everything that u said
It might be hard to admit, but sometimes this is the case. You will just have to deal with it like anything else that is not positive in your life.
I normally am not that weird about him texting me first, but after how many months, you would think that he is waking every morning with the thought of me.
In my case, I always been straight up with a girl. If I do not like her, for whatever the reason is, I tell her. Its the more adult thing to do.
If I had to make a list of reasons that I guy didn’t like me, ALL of these would be included. Very easy to tell, just have to keep your eyes open.
I am wondering if I am dealing with this right now. My b/f has been getting back to me, but sometimes taking up to 1 full day to reply. Should I really be thinking that there is something else going on? I mean, we have only been dating for a few months, should I assume we are exclusive?
Yeah, I would agree that if you are seeing any of these signs, there is a good chance it is time to move on.
I hate having to be the first one to text. However, I do get the hint after a couple of times that maybe he just does not want to talk to me.
Ohh, these are sort of harsh, but they are realistic that is for sure. These are good warning signs for those that are caught up in “puppy” love.
Reality is sometimes harsh and that is OK. It is better to know ahead of time, compared to knowing a little too late.
I have been hanging around a guy that I like for a few months now. Nothing serious just when we are all out and about with friends, but I am not sure if he shares the same feelings because we only see each other with friends, what do I do?
LOL, I would say these are pretty straight forward, right?
Yes. If you cannot see the writing on the wall with signs like this, I am not sure anyone can help you!
LOL, yeah I would say this is quite obvious. If you cannot get it figured out after seeing signs like this, there isn’t anyone that can help you!
My boyfriend never texts me first and it was really bothering me recently. Now I read it on here and I do not know what to think. Am I doomed to be with this guy?
Not at all. Each relationship is different, but I would keep an eye on him!
LOL. These are signs alright. I am going to add another one to it. How about “He never even calls you back after a night in the sack together”? :/
Sorry to hear that! I hope you feel better soon and find a man that does not treat you like trash.
These are pretty good indicators. However, before you jump off the deep end and assume he doesn’t based on these, you should just come right out and ask.
I think this is happening to me. My b/f is never around anymore and rarely gets back to me within the same day when I call OR text. I hate this. If he is not interested, he can just tell me.
LOL, I would say these are a pretty good start to him not liking you. All of these can be stopped with a simple question. Talk to your man, find out what he is feeling. That is better than any speculation.
I wondered about this! Talking to me like I am a “guy” friend. I have a b/f that has been doing this and I started to get the feeling that we were more friends than anything else. Like, he doesn’t really like me the way I like him. Sad, I think.
Very good list of things woman should keep an eye out for. Sometimes the signs are coming from a level of immaturity, but you should be able to figure that out right away.
These are pretty obvious, too. If you are seeing these signs, just do yourself a favor and get away. There is nothing you can do at this point and you will just make a fool of yourself trying to get him to feel otherwise.
When I thought about this for the first time, I was not sure that they were very good signs. Then I was in a bad relationship that included some of these and it is now quite bothersome for me.
Great post! These are quite obvious in my opinion and should be noted as soon as possible to avoid any situation that lasts longer than it should!
It would suck to be on the receiving end of these signs, but they are true! If the guy does not like you, there is very little that you can to change that.
Yes it does suck. This happened to me last summer and I will never be blind to things like this again!
It is sad, but these are very true. I have a bad habit of not believing it until it is too late. That makes dating and things like that very difficult for me.
If you see signs like these and still think he likes YOU, there is another issue.
You are right. There is another issue, maybe more than one and it should be addressed as soon as possible.
I would say that if I had to hear about other girls from a guy that supposedly likes me, that would be a deal breaker!